Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.

She shuddered in her desolate shelter, wild emerald green eyes staring forth as franctically her pupils searched for those who would wish to do her harm; animalistic thoughts ran through her head as she thought only of survival, pale arms wrapping about her legs as she drew her knees up to her chest. Strands of hair fell infront of her wild eyes, the once beautiful healthy locks knotted, strands matted to her forehead and back of her neck, yet no move was made to remove the obstacle that blocked her view. The child-like form took in harsh, rapid breaths as she trembled with fear, fingernails digging into her own skin as her eyes closed, her teeth biting sharply the flesh on her kneecaps.

It was how she knew she was still alive, still feeling, through pain.

Nothing else told her. All her emotions were tied to that small sensation of pain that pulsed through her legs and kneecaps at the abuse, and the girl let a sigh of mock relief leave her lips. Relief was something she could never know again, or at least she didn't think she could ever know it again. How could she? Too much fear, too many emotions, too much pain and deafeat and betrayal to know relief, to know the feeling of being loved and wanted and cared about. It was all too much for her to handle.

Why did it have to happen to her? She had been fragile before, but now she was nothing but a glass ball; if someone were to drop her, she'd shatter into a million pieces. Composure was an unknown word to her now. She knew only fear, pain, betrayal, hate, defeat. Nothing more. All her thoughts were focused now on one thing, and one thing only: survival. Her animalistic instincts had kicked in when she'd fled from her captors, fled from their taunts and their abuse, their way of using her, tossing her to the side, then using her again. It had all become too much, and out of fear she had left herself and fallen back on her instincts only. Nothing else mattered to her but surviving. She was wrenched from her thoughts as the sound of a door opening warned her of new arrivals and she curled herself tighter, trying to hide from whoever had come to harm her. Footsteps drew closer, and emerald green eyes lifted to see his face. He seemed surprised to see her here, and she noticed the worry that settled in his eyes; he could act as worried about her as he wanted, but she knew better than to trust the false hope he was trying to feed her.

Suddenly he reached forward to touch her, and the girl drew back in fear, a hiss leaving her throat, warning him to stay back, to keep his hands to himself. That only seemed to worry him more; he said something, something that she heard but couldn't decipher in her mind. And then he was reaching for her again, though slower than before. Still, hisses of warning left her lips as she glared up at his face, baring her teeth angrily as if that would frighten him away. Without any hesitation he reached forward and snatched her around the waist.

Her fist slammed against the side of his head, though he didn't let her go. Violently she began to thrash, using any means of fighting as she could: biting, clawing, kicking, punching, tearing his hair from the roots. Anything to force him to release her. Another blow to the head and his grip loosened enough that she pulled free, pressing herself against the wall and sliding down it, holding her head in her hands, tearing at her own hair to reassure herself that she was still alive, still existed in this world.

Again he spoke, and this time she was able to understand what he had said to her. But she didn't care; fear and the thought of surviving filled her as she opened her eyes to see him standing nearby, and as he made another attempt to touch her she shied away and growled in warning, trembling with fear as he disregarded the warning and touched her hair, running his fingers through the matted locks. Again he spoke, the same phrase as before.

"Sakura, what happened to you?"

Sorry for how short this chapter is. It's more an "Introduce the basic plot" chapter. Dx Anyways, critique is appreciated.