I told you I would write it eventually!! Yep, here I am, the prologue (no, not the first chapter. I always have to have a prolgoue!)for my new story. I hope enjoy!!

WARNING: This story is darker than y other stories, with disturbing images (no, it doesn't matter if you can really see them!)and may seem very unrealistic. Just a warning people, and don't flame me telling me I didn't. Actually, don't flame me at all.

I really hope I do this well. This is kinda different for me. Constructive criticism welcome, but like I said, no flames.

Just What The Doctor Ordered



A hollow giggle sounded through the white, empty halls of the hospital.

She couldn't run for long. There was no one else around to help her anymore.

Katie sat in the closet, squished between the cleaning supplies and the hundreds of papers that threatened to fall off the file cabinet. But she payed no mind to that.

She was worried about the psychopath that roamed the hospital, looking for her. It scared her to death, she had never been in such a position, and never thought she would...ever. But yet, here she was, breathing hard, her heart beating rapidly, trying not to make a sound but knew somehow she'd find her.

She couldn't believe it had happened. This girl was a real live crazy person. It was unreal, but she had long crossed the line that separated sanity, and well, insanity. After all the years of working at the hospital, never had one of her outbreaks been this bad. She had that clear look of hysteria in her eyes, the one that made her shiver and want to leave the room. When she had first come here, she had heard stories of all her therapists and doctors simply giving up, some advising her parents to send her off to a solitary prison like hospital, obviously to rot there. It was a horrible thought, of course, but now she realized why they thought that in the first place.

There was a large crash and she knew she was getting near.

Katie winced and a tear escaped her eye. She had desperately tried to help her during her stay, but what if this was the end? Nobody would be able to help her now, and she wanted to puke at the image of what the demented girl had done to everybody else in the hospital.

But what else was there to do when you're locked up in a tiny white hospital room, with nothing but your horrible and murderous thoughts?

Think about how to act on them.

There was a sudden movement near her, very close. Too close. Katie bit back a gasp and moved her head slightly trying to look past the filing cabinets.

Nothing was there. That she could see, at least. She worked on trying to calm herself down a bit to think of a plan to get out of there. She didn't want to end up like Mark, or Jan...or George. She almost let out a sob, but she ended up choking instead while trying to hold it back.

Mark had been the hospital security guy, or at least one of them. She had gotten to know him pretty well, he was a nice guy. She had last seen him walking out the back door of the hospital when he was leaving when his shift was over. Later that night Jan found him dead in his car. He had never made it home.

Jan and George died in the boiler room. They were, of course, supposed to be working, but instead they decided to take a dip in the mini hot tub downstairs. And while they weren't paying attention (too wrapped up in themselves, maybe) after she had managed to escape from Katie and the security cameras view, she turned the water temperature way up. 250 degrees higher, to be exact.

At least the water muffled the screams. Katie buried her face in her hands. She had been spending too much time with her. Is this just the start of a copycat Sam Manson?

A slight movement again. She was just being paranoid.

There it was again.

And again. What the hell?!

Katie looked up instinctively, and screamed.

And the last thing she saw was the hundreds of boxes of papers falling upon her.


"Miss Psychopath strikes again," Sasha took another drink of her coffee as she read the first page of the paper. "Four people found dead at New Jersey hospital, one in his own car, two in the boiler room, and one in a downstairs closet, who had her neck broken. That is one demented creature..."

Nikki winced and shivered slightly. "...Are you sure she's coming here?" She asked nervously.

Sasha nodded. "Positive. Funny how her parents go to an upperclass clinic in New Jersey to a tiny little hospital in Amity Park." She mused.

"She won't...kill us, will she?" Nikki asked.

"Psh, How should I know? We better hope not. But I guess we have no way to tell...," Sasha said slyly.

Nikki whimpered slightly.

"Oh gosh Nikki, I'm just kidding! Take it easy for once!" Sasha laughed.

"We could say the same for you Sasha," A new, male voice chimed.

"Shut up, Danny," Sasha retorted.

Nikki snorted.

A whoosh was heard as the sliding doors opened in front of the Nurse's Station. Three doctors stepped in, all fairly old, looking very wise in their prim suits. A black-haired teenager followed them in, looking around cautiously.

One of the doctors stepped up and said two words that started it all, "Samantha Manson."


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