When Life Isn't Like it Should Be

Haley James was getting ready for her first day at Tree Hill High. Haley had just moved there with her mom from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

A little over a year ago Haley got pregnant, but the father decided he didn't want to be part of the baby's life. She now has a six month old daughter, Madison Grace. Haley moved to Tree Hill so she could get a fresh start without being judged.

As she was trying to fix her make-up she could hear Madison crying in her room. "Mom, can you get Madison?" Haley yelled down the hall to her mom's room. "I'm trying to get ready."

"Yes," her mom said and went into Madison's room. Finally, Haley was ready to go. She grabbed her backpack, Madison, and Madison's diaper bag, so she could drop her off at daycare on her way to school.

After, she dropped Madison off at daycare; she headed to her first day of junior year at Tree Hill High. A year she would never forget.

When Haley finally got to school she went straight to the office to get her schedule.

"Haley James," said Principal Turner. "This is Brooke Davis. She will be showing you around today," he said pointing to a pretty girl with perfect brown hair and green eyes. Mr. Turner left the room and the two girls were left alone.

"So, what's you first class?" Brooke wondered. She was trying to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Umm, English with Mr. McKenzie," Haley answered.

"Me too. I'll show you where it is," Brooke suggested. "Follow me." Brooke took off down the hall and it seemed like she was the most popular girl in school. Everyone they passed either waved or smiled or something.

"So, where'd you move from?" Brooke wondered while they were sitting in English waiting for class to start.

"Umm, I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin," Haley said. As soon as she said that a girl with blonde curls walked through the door and sat down next to Brooke.

"Hey P. Sawyer," said Brooke. "This is Haley she's knew."

"Hey Haley I'm Peyton," she said as she put out her hand for Haley to shake it.

"Hey Peyton," Haley said and shook her hand.

After, sitting in class for half a day it was finally time for lunch. Brooke asked Haley to sit at her table.

Haley, Brooke, and Peyton were sitting at the table when Brooke's boyfriend, Lucas Scott, came and sat with them.

"Hey babe," Brooke said to Lucas.

"Hey Pretty Girl," he said back and they softly kissed on the lips. "Who's this?" Lucas asked as he sat down.

"I'm Haley," she answered. "I'm new here."

"Nice to meet you Haley. I'm Lucas," he explained.

"So, Haley, Peyton and I are going shopping after school. Want to come?" Brooke asked.

"I would but I really need to find a job," Haley answered. She needed to find a job because her mom's salary would not cover everything for her and Madison.

"My mom has a café and she is always telling me we need extra help," Lucas said. "Why don't you come check it out after school?"

"Sounds great," Haley said.

After, school was over Haley drove over to Karen's Café. Lucas was already there when she got there.

"Hey mom this is Haley. The one I was telling you about," Lucas said.

"Nice to meet you Haley. I'm Karen," she said and she shook Haley's hand. "So you need a job?"

"Badly," Haley admitted.

"Can you start now?" Karen wondered.

"So, you mean I have the job?" Haley asked.

"Yea," Karen answered. "You can start by getting that table," Karen said and pointed to a table in the corner of the room. She handed Haley the papers to write the orders on.

Haley had been working for about half an hour before her cell phone rang.

"Hello," Haley answered.

"Haley Bub," Haley's mom said into the other end of the phone. "Madison has a fever, so I had to pick her up from daycare. But I have to go to work now. You have to come home and watch her."

"Mom, I just started my new job," Haley complained.

"I'm sorry Hales. Just tell her you have to go she will understand," her mom assured her.

"Fine," Haley gave in and hung up the phone. "Mrs. Roe, I hate to do this but I've got to go."

"Is everything alright?" Karen asked.

"Yea, it's just a family emergency," Haley explained.

"Ok," Karen said. "I will call you soon and see what times will be convenient for you to work."

"Sounds great," Haley said as she walked out the door and into her car. Then she drove home.

While, she was driving home she realized she hadn't told anyone about Madison. It's not that she was ashamed of her, it's just that she didn't want people to judge her based on Madison. She knew people at school would call her a slut, even though she had never been a slut. She didn't need all that judging. She decided to tell someone when they had really become her friend and wouldn't judge her. Plus, it was nice to be a teenager again, instead of a mom.