The night fall

I do not own Wow.

"You must concentrate on your shadow." Said Resa with her sharp tone. "Your shadow is you in the form nobody cares for. It hides from the world which is what a rouge does best."

"If I hide from the world does that mean I also must hide from my family?" I asked.

"No, rouges do need some allies but don't trust all who you meet Abbyis." Resa said staring into the corn fields afar from us.

When I saw the sun setting over the corn fields I knew that I had to get home as soon as I could. Mother would be setting the table soon and by the time I got back to Elwynn Forest it would be dark.

"Thank you again Resa, I must get home before my mother figures out I was here again." I said with a kind smile.

"I will be here tomorrow Abbyis that is if there is a tomorrow." Resa said this with sorrow in her voice and tears pooling in her eyes.

With this I ran home as fast as I could. We lived near Northshire Abby in a little farm house. I was just passing Goldshire when I heard it. The horn was being blown from Stormwind; this horn meant that there was an attack from the Horde. With this knowledge I ran even faster to my home hoping that the Horde was not close. My feet were nimble and it quardinated well with the rest of my body.

I ran though the front door and locked it up with a chair in front. My mother grabbed me and pulled me into the kitchen, I knew what this was about.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She screamed.

"I was just hanging out in the forest." I said in a cool and collected tone.

"Don't you dare lie to me. I know you were with the sleaze bag rouge!" She accused and was right.

"She is not a sleaze bag, she is my friend and a hero!" I said in a defensive tone.

"Mother, we have larger problems right now then my choice of class, the Horde is coming to raid the homes and Stormwind. We must prepare and get to safety." I said this while casually glancing out the window. What I saw was horrible, people were crying and Horde were raiding each house with all the force they had. I knew ours would be hit soon enough.

"Kids come over here now, we need to go!" My mother screamed at my brother and sister. She grabbed a pack and filled it with pouches of water and enough bread to last us a few days. We gathered around the front door, as I was taking the chair away from the door, I jumped back. There was someone on the other side of the door hitting it as hard as they could.

The battering-ram was hitting the house so hard that every smack made my heart skip two beats. I huddled around my family for closure and to give them closure as well. You could see the panic and fear in my mother's eyes. Her eyes were usually a greenish brown, but tonight they were grey like the death that would plague us.

"Abbyis go into your bedroom closet and lock the door take your sister and brother with you, QUICKLY!" My mother whispered in a panic tone.

"What about you?" My ten year old sister Alana said with the same desperation in her voice that we all had in our minds.

I knew what my mother would say. She always said the same thing and would until the day that she would die. I knew my mother better then anyone in the house hold. We shared our secrets and doubts and anything else that came to mind.

"I will be fine sweetheart, but I need you to be brave and take care of Kyle and please obey your sister."

My mother smiled and then kissed each one of us. I ran my brother and sister to my room and locked the closet door behind me. We still heard the thumping at the door, and then we heard a crash though our living room window. Our mother screamed and we heard grunts and loud noises that seemed to be echoing from the kitchen. My sister and brother were scared and sobbing into the sleeve of my jacket. I too was sobbing, but tried to hide it for my sibling's sake. I heard foot steps coming from the corridor and told my siblings to hush. My bedroom door opened with a small creek as it always did. My mother told my father dozens of times to fix it, but he never did. He most certainly wouldn't now either.

I knew that they would look under my bed, and then the closet. I had to think fast, but what would I do? There was no secret passage way or hidden wall. The shelves in the closet were high up, but you could see what was on them. Think Abbyis, THINK! Then it came to me, the attic. I had a special cut out in my ceiling, above the top shelf, that lead to the attic. I told Alana and Kyle to be quiet, and hoisted them up to the top shelf. All the while we were doing this the knob on the door was being shook left and right. I knew that I would not make it up, but I knew as long as they were safe I would be ok. I told Alana and Kyle to go up and I would be there soon enough. They cried and said I would end up like mother, but I knew different and in there hearts they knew different too.

The knob on the closet door was going to break into dozens of pieces any second, all the Horde on the other side needed to do was hit it with his weapon. It was just in the nick of time when I put the part of my ceiling back into place so it would appear as though my siblings were non-existent. Finally the moronic creature sprung the door open and peered inside, only to be baffled when there was no one in there. I just had to hope that he would not bump into me or else my stealth would be broken. The Horde I saw was an Orc, with a pony tail high up. He was covered with blood and had an outsized axe on his back. Behind him was a troll, but she was female. She was a hunter and had a large bear next to her, his razor sharp teeth bearing all the flesh that had been ripped from a body here or a body there. The troll had her hair also in a high top pony tail, her tusks were small and she had a gleam to her, one that only comes out of satisfaction mainly from a kill. I heard more grunts and words in a language I did not know, when I heard the foot steps being carried away to my front door. Then there was silence, a total calm. This was the first calm of the night, and for a second I felt a relief come over me, a feeling that had not come in a long time.