Echoes of the Past

The night air was calm and soothing as a slight cool fall breeze pushed delicately on the blinds covering an open window chilling the room comfortably. Light from a nearby lamp post slivered its way into the room sending patterns dancing upon the far wall. There was heavy breathing from the sleeping figure bound under a mountain of covers. Peacefully lying upon his side, the fresh night air wafting in through his nostrils the young man was a picture of relaxation. Every once in a while his body would shift slightly trying to find a more comfortable position on his lumpy old matrices.

Suddenly rending though the calm came a horrid electronic bleating jarring the poor boy from his serenity. His whole body bolted upright stunned at the sudden change of events. An unsteady body weaved in uneven circle as if pushed by the unseen breeze. Again the reverberation echoed inside of his head.

With a sudden lurch Ron Stoppable grabbed blindly in an attempt to stop the horrid sound before the entire house was woken. Pressing the object to his ear he was rewarded with a warble of unhappy noise and an angered slap to one of his oversized ears. As his eyes gradually focused his view was of a small pink creature glaring back at him. A tiny blue sleeping cap slumped down from the creatures head and its arms were crossed angrily about its chest. Rufus was clearly not happy about being awoken so violently.

"Sorry buddy." Ron apologized as the phone tore once more through the calm. This time Ron lunged grasping the phone in both hands from the nearby side table tumbling out from under the covers he landed with a thump upon the floor.

"Hello." He mumbled wearily.

"I'm sorry to waken you Ron but I just had to know." Smiling slightly Ron looked up from his prone position. The clock read 3:15 in the morning and he would not need to be up for school for another couple of hours. But since it was his beloved girlfriend he would gladly listen.

"When Shego attacked did she hurt you badly?" She continued with obvious worry in her voice.

Ron lay there dumbfounded upon the floor. His pajama bottoms were all askew and the covers torn from the bed tangling about his legs, he wasn't entirely sure what Kim was going on about. "Ah…Kim. Shego's been in prison since we stopped them from taking over the world with those Diablo kiddy toy's.

"But…I…I don't…understand." Kim stammered "I saw her holding you in her flaming claws…she…she was laughing…and then she was beside me…and I remember you kissing me." It went quiet for several moments. "It was all a dream again wasn't it?"

"I'm sorry KP." It wasn't really an apology for he had nothing to be sorry for but he was upset if only because she was.

There was a heavy sigh from the other end of the line "I'm sorry I woke you up." Her voice seemed broken and tired beyond what it should normally be.

"It's alright KP. It's not like I haven't done it to you before." He tried to joke but it didn't work. "Kim I really missed you!" Ron had begun ringing the edge of his comforter quite tightly. This was his first admission that he really did care about and love his long time best friend.

He could almost see her smile ever so slightly on the other end of the line "I missed you too."

"I'll come by tomorrow to visit and bring your books with me."

"Thanks. I look forward to it. Love you!"

Ron smiled to himself as he heard the click of the phone. Leaning back with his head resting on the mattress his hair falling backwards he thought to himself that this love thing was complicated. What did people with normal lives do in normal situations, he had never experienced one.


Beautiful warm sunlight streamed through the massive glass and steel front lobby of the Middleton Memorial Hospital. It was a glorious fall day the air was crisp but not cold enough for a heavy jacket. A slight breeze blew the scattered leaves about the parking lot. The lobby was the largest open area inside the hospital; it had been designed that way, it's purpose was to give an airy feeling to those who first entered. The paint was fairly new and of a light yellow colour that added to and reflected the light allowing it to enter every nook and cranny giving a warm friendly atmosphere.

Inside the heat had been turned on to ensure people could work without the use of a sweeter. Long rubber matting had been laid about the floor to absorb the wet from booted feet. The one side opened up onto the gift shop incase someone visiting a loved one wished to convey their dearest some little trinket or at least something to keep them occupied during their stay. The other had a small coffee shop; an area where the hospital made the majority of its money. Before each of these side alcoves many plants both large and small added life to an others wise depressing area, after all nobody really desires to be in a hospital.

Just slightly off to one side was the information desk it was of a dark grey colour with wooden top. Behind sat an attendant, a computer off to one side. At the very end were the elevators; between the pair of stainless steel doors a massive set of instructions about what was located on each floor. The bell on one of the elevators chimed merrily and the large doors slid open letting off a gaggle of persons.

Dr. Possible exited from the small room; she was pleased as punch and just couldn't contain it. With a mighty heave she began to exit the small room and with every click of her best heals moved her closer to the sliding doors. To one side was most likely to become her future son-in-law. He hadn't stopped beaming for days. It had been some time since she'd seen him smile but for the past several days he'd been positively aglow.

On Mrs. Possible's other flank were her twin sons and while they may not be as overjoyed as she was they were still pleased about the arrival of this day. The only one in a foul mood was her daughter and she sat in a snit being pushed in a wheel chair by her mother. Kimberly Ann grumbled and complained the whole time about being wheeled out of the hospital, she could walk just fine. But they say nobody walks out of the hospital.

It was only a few short paces before the glass doors slide open and released them out into the autumn day and freedom. As Kim sat hunched over in the chair arms crossed about her chest, naked mole rat pointing the way, she could see her father waiting patiently at the passenger side of the minivan.

Several volunteer Sunshine spreaders were in the hall and watched as she was wheeled out the door, some even waving in recognition. At the open car door Kim's father fussed over her trying to help her into the vehicle. Rising from her seat Kim swatted the helping hands away "I'm not lame, I can do things for myself." And deposited herself into the passenger seat letting someone else close the door before fastening the safety belt tightly across her body.

Mrs. Possible watched happily as the others of her family piled themselves into the minivan while she stood upon the walkway watching the action. As the automobile pulled slowly away she could see Kim was still partially annoyed but not unhappy to be away. At least the others in the car waved as it pulled out of the driveway.

As the vehicle passed around the corner and out of sight Dr. Possible realized that, that was her car and she had no way home. Hanging her orange topped head in embarrassment she let it shake slightly, later she would have to call her husband and have him come pick her up after work.


The afternoon sunlight streamed in through the massive bay windows that opened up along the one wall of Kim Possible's bedroom. The sunbeams glinted off everything in the room bringing new life into what had been a inert space just a few short days ago. In the center of the room was the small single bed with scarlet comforter and matching pillow case. Above was a large stuffed bear and beside that a slightly deflated basketball. The space itself had a newly moved in feel owing to the fact that its main occupant had been gone far too long and now needed to reacquaint and repossess the area.

Ron Stoppable sat on the chair before the computer desk. He was turned so his arms rested upon the back of the chair, his chin propped upon the cross in his arms. His eyes and mouth showed a happiness that had been unknown for far too long and were now a little goofy. A sigh lingered in his vocal cords.

His bondigity girlfriend twisted back leaning upon one arm "You know you've been doing that a lot today."

Kim had been sprawled cross the width of the bed a mass of text books before her; there was much homework for her to get caught up on. She was somewhat thankful that Ron had spent almost all Friday running around to all her classes ensuring she got what was necessary for her to catch up; exams were not all that far away.

Ron snapped out of his daze. He had been mesmerized just watching the little movements of his beloved lady friend. Her caves as they lifted skyward, the way her toes curled as she came to an understanding of her homework. Her lovely derriere every time she shifted her body and the million other little things that made Kim Possible, Kim Possible. "I'm just glad to see you alive. That's all." He said rather sheepishly. After so long staring at her shell of a body her every little movement was wondrous.

"I wasn't really dead you know."

"Well its just…well…" He couldn't really find the words to convey what he really wished to tell her after all he was scared to death of saying I love you. "You were there but you weren't really there. You just lay there. We couldn't do anything together."

"Such as?" she asked eyebrow raised slightly.

"I couldn't take you out to Bueno Nacho. Out on missions…"

"You were out on missions?" alarmed.

"…or just to hold you." Ron hadn't realized he'd been interrupted. "Ya Wade and I went out on a couple of minor ones." Ron brightened up slightly. "And we survived Dementor quite well thank you." Then he went all moopy again. "But it wasn't the same without you."

"Well I missed you too." Stating as she blew him a little kiss which he happily caught.

Kim fell backwards onto the bed stretching her whole body outwards. "I am glad to be back and I'm stoked for action. I've been in that hospital to long and I want to get back to being myself. Back to school on Monday and I'm kicking Bonnie out as cheer captain. I will be back in charge!" Kim's smile was huge as she waggled her finger at her consort.

Ron wouldn't meet her gaze, he was looking at the ground as he scratched the back of his neck. "Um…." A nervous laugh caught in his throat "Bonnie's not captain."

Kim's eyes shot open wide "Bonnie's not captain?" She went thoughtful for a moment. "Whoa who could be captain?" Kim thought down the list of girls. "No it wouldn't be Tera. Not the leader type. Jessica maybe…but not likely." All the while that Kim thought Ron never once looked her in the eye and his fingers knotted in his lap as he shook his head whenever she looked at him with a name.

Kim ended her train of thought. "I don't get it that's all the girls…there's nobody else…but I mean who could it be? A new girl? I hope they didn't try to replace me!"


Echoes bounced back and forth throughout the empty confines of the man made cavern. This brightly lit space was commonly known as the Middleton High gymnasium, the place where many sporting activities occurred during the school year. But today the area between those walls was virtually barren. Very few people were in the gym let alone the school at this time of day. Classes were completed and the majority of the students long since parted ways with these hallowed halls.

Those few that remained were there with a purpose. They had very little time and much to do. Regionals were but a short period away and the peep squad such as it was still did not have an award winning cheer choreographed.

The majority of those half dozen people in the room were female and of those most were sitting upon the first two rows of bleacher seats that had been pulled away from the wall. Some of those girls were chatting amongst themselves occasionally putting their two cents worth in and once in a while coming up with something useful. Of those girls off to the side all showed some form of injury, from the simplest wrapped appendage to the more complex cast with crunches and one had problems looking downward due to a brace around her neck.

The lone male of this group squatted on the hard dirty tile floor, its pattern designed for any and all indoor sports. His gaze was fixed downward and opposite watching intently at a young blonde woman scrawling notes and scribbled simple thumbnail pictures on pieces of paper. She was kneeling rather uncomfortably on the floor her knees spread wide with her face inches from the flooring.

Ron Stoppable watched as the girl shifted her body into strange and unusual positions as she made notes. He had come up with some original ideas at the beginning of the brainstorming session but after his initial whirl of thoughts his mind had petered out and the other girls had begun to fling ideas forth and now Tera lay upon the floor trying her darnedest to keep up with the flow.

From his vantage point leaning almost overtop of her he could smell her perfume as it wafted upwards into his nostrils. At this point in the day it was surprising that the scent was as strong as it was. Ron had instantly loved the odor the moment he had been introduced to it last year after Tara had kissed him as reward for saving the cheer squad from Gill, a mutant muck monster intent on mutating them all. He had even gone to great lengths to find the name so as to acquire it for Kim. Unfortunately even the smallest of bottles had been well beyond his financial means.

As he watched Tera writhe upon the floor he longed for his girlfriend. Missing their intimate contact, but then again who was he kidding he missed the feeling of her holding his hand and smiling at him. Every time Tera moved her body would twitch slightly in her low slung jeans, it was quite the sight to behold. In his own mind Ron moped reminding himself that Kim would get better, she would awaken soon and the world would be back to normal.

Tera straightened up "Ok people I think we have enough ideas for now." Ron was still looking down as she rose up in her loose fitting blouse. He hadn't remembered it with that many buttons undone when they had begun. Tara's was well endowed to say the least, it was rumoured that her chest would round a corner several minutes before the rest of her did.

Ron bit down on his knuckle trying hard to think or how beautiful Kim Possible was and the times they had enjoyed together and those they would in the future. He had once really like Tara and in some ways still did and with her before him and Kim unconscious it was getting very difficult to concentrate.

Tara reached forward and gave his hand a good hard squeeze all the while flashing him a winning smile. "Ron's idea of using monkey kung fu while Hope and I do flips and tumbles around the outside seems to be the best so far." There didn't seem to be any disagreement on the outer perimeter. "But I think we need to come up with what sort of gymnastics we should do."

The main double doors that connected the gym to the school banged open with a ruthless kick and all eyes turned towards the commotion. Bonnie had just entered the hall sideways. Bonnie was a member of the squad but that didn't mean that Ron wanted to deal with her now or for that matter ever.

Bonnie had been one of the more damaged girls injured in the little incident several weeks ago. Ron didn't really pity her much, she had been a thorn in both Kim and his side since their first days in high school and at this point any sympathy was lost. Bonnie had broken her collar bone and a cast had been applied. That wasn't so much a problem but every time he viewed her Rufus would start whistling "I'm a little tea pot" in his ear.

The plaster went from her fingertips down the length of her arm, across her shoulder and down on side of her body. Aluminum struts sprouted out from her side holding up her one arm in place by keeping her whole side immobilized and allowing the bone to heal.

"Hi everybody." She chimed in. "How's that girlfriend of your Stoppable?" her smile full of venom. The barb had stuck home and what pleasure Ron might have been having at cheer practice was gone. Now his spirits sank and all he wished to do was slink away and spend time staring at Kimberly.

"Bonnie that was cruel you know how that hurts him!" Tara snapped back giving Bonnie the eye. Turning towards Ron she leaned over and gave his hand a gentle squeeze, flashing a warm smile. "She'll be fine Ron we all know it." A slight smile cracked Ron's lips.

"What ever." Bonnie stated waving her other hand dismissively. "Next week I get this thing off and I'll be back on the squad."

"Are you insane, you won't be healed yet!" one of the girls cried out her one arm in a sling.

"I'll be fine, it's no big deal."

"Not likely you like the rest of us should be out until at least the new semester." The girls were now riled up, all were displeased at being off the squad but most were taking the doctors orders to heart. Others were still sore that her ideas that had gotten them into their present state.

"Oh come on you need a captain for the regionals."

"You look like a tea pot, there's no way you'll have your muscles back by then!"

"Ya after I get this thing off" stated Crystal shifter her whole body so her braced head could take in the scene "I gotta go to physiotherapy."

"Most of us will be lucky if we can do anything more than yell and waggle our pom poms."

Tara smiled; there was a hint of malevolence in her eyes. "Why don't we ask are acting captain." She stated resting her delicate hand just on the inside of Ron's thigh.


"But there's nobody else on the squad that's all the girls the only other person left." Sherlock Holmes once stated that if you eliminate the impossible what you are left with, regardless of how obscure, is the truth. And the answer was not looking Kim in the eye but staring at floor.

Her whole body went limp sagging under the weight of this newfound wisdom. Eyes widening into saucers, mouth dropping so far the filling in Kim's teeth were visible. For several heart beats she could say nothing, what had happened that was so drastic that Ron was now captain of the squad. This was well beyond her of imagination.

"What…what…happened?" she stammered.

"Well there was a little incident." He began to look upward through the tips of his eyes and trying to work the puppy dog pout routine as best he could in hopes of forgiveness.

"Little Incident…Little Incident doesn't begin to explain it!" Kim was practically screaming at her boyfriend. "What happened?"

"You remember that cheer Bonnie came up with before you…you um…" Ron couldn't finish, not only did he not like to think about Kim being in coma but wasn't comfortable about her being upset either.

"No not really, everything's a little fuzzy before the accident."

Ron continued. "Well Bonnie came up with this cheer and well you wouldn't let her try it out. So after you were gone she pushed the girls into it and well…there was the incident..." his voice trailed off.

Kim cupped her face into her hands shaking her head this was not what she wished to hear. "Ron!" she really needed him to get to the point.

"Some girls were hurt…a little."

"How bad?"

"Well Bonnie broke her collar bone" Kim winced but wasn't really sorry. "Marcella pulled her groin muscle." Ron continued "Jessica has cracked ribs, Liz got a minor concussion and wrist problems and well Crystal had one of those collar things around her neck." Ron finally spat out quickly.

Kim was stunned, as she counted down on her fingers what was left "That leaves only Hope and Tara. How can I have a cheer squad with only two girls?" Kim was close to tears, all that hard work put into making an award winning squad wiped out in a matter of moments.


Ron stood in the center of the floor waiting. He was wearing an old mad dog outfit, sans the head and holding a long stick upright in his hands. If one went with the Ti Shing Pek Quaw then he was centering himself, another train of thought was that he was procrastinating, something he was very good at. Off to one side he could hear the two girls muttering between themselves.

"She's gonna kill you when she wakes up!"

"What are you talking about?" responded Tara

"You know what I'm talking about. You know what she's like." There was a certain degree of anxiety in Hope's voice.

"I'm only trying to be friendly."

"Oh ya sure you are." Hope gave her friend one of those looks that said who are you fooling.

"It won't be that bad." Tara stated trying to reassure her friend.

"She gets upset when he hangs out with Felix too much. Any girl is doomed! You remember that Japanese girl Ron was with?"

"No I never saw her."

"A while back he came in with this pretty Japanese girl on his arm and after they left she had her computer geek track them down and rumour has it she went out and got rid of the girl." Hope slashed her finger cross her throat all the while making a nasty sound. "She also sabotaged all his other relationships."

"She wouldn't do that to him. Would she? I mean she wouldn't kill someone to keep him close by."

"She's always been very possessive and she was very possessive of him when they go back."

"What about Zita?" Tara countered hoping to head off what seemed to be the inevitable end to the conversation, one which she could not win.

"Ya look how long that lasted and Zita didn't know the two's history or she never would of bothered. Besides why didn't you ask him before?" Hope's body cocked forward hands on hips her eyebrow raised up. There was an inaudible murmur and he could glimpse Tara staring at the floor. "That's right you were scared of her. Ya see her round house some goon out a window and ya think if I get to close to him she'll do that to me"

"No way she'd do that."

"I'm just say'n she knows all the moves and she gets real jealous."

"Like I said I'm just trying to be nice. Of course who's to say if things don't go that way." Tara gave a little crooked little smile.

"I'm not standin' anywhere near you when she gets back."

"Wait I think he can hear us."

Ron lurched back, certain they were talking about him and Kim but he could scarcely believe Kim would sabotage his past relations and he knew Yori was still living. He had to get the stick moving and not let the girls know he was listening. It was just like at the ninja school he told himself and the stick began to twirl.

Faster and faster moving it in multiple patterns spin, thrust, parry, turn, dodge. And as he stopped a cool draft touched his exposed flesh. Yep it was just like the school, his pants were on one end of the poll and his shirt on the other. As Ron stood annoyed in his blue and white poke-a-dotted boxers he could hear the girls giggling behind.


"Technically it's not your cheer squad right now." Kim looked up surprised "You need to show the Captain" emphasis was place on the captain "a doctor's note to prove that you are healthy enough to be allowed back on the team. We don't wish to cause further damage to already tender spots." Ron finished off waggling his finger at her.

Kim glared at him "Fine I'll just get my mom to sign something."

"As was pointed out in the past your mom is a surgeon not a doctor." Kim balled her fists trying to avoid the desire to throttle her boyfriend.

Reprieve came from a voice calling from the base of the stairs. "Alright you two lunch is ready." It was Kim's mother and her point was obvious.

Ron rose picked Rufus up from the nearby computer and made ready to head downstairs. A voice called out from the bed behind. "I'm weak and need to be carried down." Kim held her arms outward and displaying the ultimate universal weapon the puppy dog pout.

Ron shoulders sagged slightly, he knew she was playing him but what was he to do. Besides he had never been able to resist the puppy dog pout, it always snagged him. Heading over to where his best girl was sitting upright, arms outstretched and knees slightly raised she wished to give him no option about throwing her over his shoulder and hauling her downstairs like a sack of potatoes.

Ron slid his arms underneath his woman and carefully lifted her upward while sliding her against his middle. Kim intern wrapped her arms about his neck as pulled herself in close, her head resting against his shoulder. "Watch the stairs." Her only statement and Ron staggered down the stairs to the kitchen and hopefully a warm meal.


Mrs. Possible was putting the finishing touches on her clean up after making lunch for her only two children presently at home. Ron was not her biological child but he had been in attendance through so much of the later part of her life that Ron could be connected to her at least emotionally. Added to that was the fact that in all likelihood he and her daughter would be married in the near future just cemented the fact of him being part of her family.

Today it was a cool fall day and she was not present at work so the business suit was at the cleaners and dress was casual. A nice pair of jeans was snug up on the lower half of her body, a lovely v-necked sweater of purple, her favorite colour for clothing, stretched across her top and of coarse heels to finish off the ensemble.

She was beginning to wonder what was taking the two so long to arrive when the sound of chairs grinding cross her tiled kitchen floor announced the arrival of the teens. Mrs. P was slightly amazed as she turned around to view Ron as he gently placed her child down upon one of the seats and wondered if anything more had befallen her baby girl.

What she did notice was her Kimmy Cub looking a wee bit frazzled, although she was still week from her long slumber the two did not seem to be related. "Ron would you be a dear and go downstairs to the freezer and get out the large roast. I'd like to use it for dinner."

A vacant look was sketched upon his face. "Um Ok Dr. P." he shrugged as she watched him saunter off through the door leading down to the basement.

"Are you ok Kimmy?" her voice full of tenderness

Kim's head just went thud as it crashed down upon the table top hair splaying all about. "Did you know Ron was captain of the cheer squad?" her voice was muffled by her face pressing against the table top.

Leaning against the counter smile upon her face mom replied "Yes I did."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kim had raised her head slightly an almost pleading look upon her face.

"I didn't think that was my responsibility." The smile grew a slight bit larger and one eyebrow rose higher on her forehead.

Kim's arms flew out from her sides her fingers clawing for answers. "What happened? Everything's all screwed up. This wasn't supposed to happen"

"Well I could get you the accident report on the incident but I don't think you need any of the technical stuff but needless to say the day must have been pretty exciting for the school staff." Mrs. Possible could see her daughter's glare through the mass of hair that covered her face.

She was interrupted by a call from the basement. "Mrs. P I can't see any roast in the freezer."

"Keep looking Ron, I think it's underneath the baskets." She called out. "I thought you would be happy for your boyfriend." The emphasis was placed on the last word "After all he did a very good job leading the team during the regionals."

Kim's head smacked into the table once more "Noooo…I forgot about the regionals!" she cried.


Ron's nerves were shot, his heart was pounding so hard it threatened to explode from his chest. From the corner of the stage behind a light blue curtains he stared out at the throngs that sat cordially in the stands. The Upperton Collegiate secondary school had attempted to outdo itself this year and really decorate the gym for the cheer finals.

A backdrop had been set up, behind which was a staging area for the next cheer squad, his. The light blue curtain covered over the girls change room doors and the mess created by numerous cheerleaders and all the equipment needed for their presentation, mostly makeup.

The gym was full, he had no idea how many people there were present but there were so many they all seemed to blend into one giant mass of humanity. Worst of all just beyond the floor matting was a long table covered in a white cloth behind which sat the judges.

Ron had been in front of crowds before but that had been different. He had been the Mad Dog performing death defying antics for the amusement of the crowds. And since his face was covered nobody really knew who was behind the mouth foaming antics. If something went wrong it was alright because it was just some idiot in a mask, that and it could just be part of the show. Now he and his team, such as it was, was before a committee for all to see and since Kim and Co. had won last year he had to maintain a certain standard.

Of coarse that was another one of his worries, Kim. What was she going to think when she woke up and found him in charge of her team? He had no doubt that she would be upset about missing the cheer off but the fact that he was leading the squad was most likely going to send her over the top and blame him for everything especially if he lost big time. Ron never liked it when she was annoyed with him.

"Ok Ron we're up next." Hope called out to him, snapping him out of his daze.

He watched as the two girls faced each other, both had their eyes closed fists tightened near their chests. Both were decked out in the standard Middleton High cheer costumes. Purple sleeveless crop tops with red trim about the neck; the skirt was short and purple with red trim along the top and base with yellow slicing up from the bottom. Ron saw them bounce up and down in place very quickly psyching themselves up for the contest. At the end of their spring they let out a holler "We can do this. We can do anything." The two girl's faces came together with a strong quick kiss on each others cheeks finished off with another holler.

Finished they moved towards Ron and moved in for a group hug. Both Hope and Tara looked him in his rather melancholy eyes. "We're gonna' do this right Ron!" stated Hope positively.

"Ya we're ready!" Tara beamed.

Much to Ron's surprise Hope leaned forward and kissed him quickly on the lips like she had done moments ago with Tara. With a reinforcing strong squeeze she broke contact. Tara was next he could feel her chest flatten up against his body her arms wrapped about the back of his neck pulling him towards her. Her perfume carried upon the breeze entered his nostrils as she boldly kissed with more passion than had Hope. He tried to think of Kim, it wasn't the same but it had been so long since he had any real physical contact.

He never knew why he never broke off the kiss that seemed on for an eternity but he didn't. Tara was the one who ended the contact. "For luck!" was all she whispered.

Off to the side one of the organizers called to them informing them that they were on next and to be ready in two minutes.

Rufus emerged from his pocket clambering up the length of Ron as the group placed their hand together and hollered "GOOOO MAD DOGS!!!"


Ron was on the wrong side of the curtain now, the audience and judges before him. Letting out his breath slowly, he knew the routine and could do it, maybe not with his eyes closed but he knew what to do. The group had practiced many times and the moves now came instinctively. He could do it, the team would win and he would become the hero and Kim would be proud.

Still the wait was killing him it was taking an eternity for his bit to begin. Time had slowed to a crawl leaving him alone on the matting, just him and a naked mole rat hidden in a hip pocket. From one side he could see Tara standing waiting for her cue to enter from the one side. Noticing that he had glanced in her direction she smiled coyly and gave a little wave with her fingers finishing with a thumbs up.

Quickly he spun around to face the audience and judges, this couldn't be happening. He was sure of it now Tara was making advances towards him, flirting with him. Oh why did this have to happen now, no girl had made passes at him like this not even Kim and she was his girlfriend. Why couldn't she be awake right now this would not be happening if she were here, why was he was being tempted so? He could really use a cuddle from his Kimmy.

Finally the song opened. The strings of the guitar rang through the load speakers Bump ba bump bump. Straightening up a little taller he prepared himself for what he must do. The cue finally came about and he was off. With a running start Ron launched himself into the air and opening the routine with several leaps and flips just like the mad dog used to do ending with a solid thud upon the mat.

That was the signal for the girls to enter, one from either side of the stage. Before entering Hope threw a long heavy stick of bamboo high into the air before she joined Tara in cart wheeling across the stage towards Ron. Catching the stick one handed near the base he swept the stick about in a circle near the floor, just in time for the girls to arrive but just missing the second each landed. The rod continued to spin as Ron brought it upward spiraling it at chest height.

Before the staff could connect with flesh the girl's back flipped up and over landing on their hands and continued to flip over back onto their feet. Ron only concentrated on what he needed to do, Rufus was out front doing something theatrical but Ron ignored him he had other things to worry about.

Clutching the bamboo to his chest he leapt high into the air somersaulting through the air landing into one of the few monkey kung-fu moves he knew. The stick moved in a swirling motion just a blur, the girls neatly dodging and twisting to the rhythmic beat of the music. Finally Ron stopped moving, his back towards the audience the poll wedged upon his shoulder, his legs firmly planted upon the ground.

His girls grasped the rod and pushed themselves into the air. Lifting themselves quickly their bodies straight with legs pointed skyward. Ron could feel the shaft bend as his whole body strained against the weight of the two girls upon his shoulders. The routine continued with the ladies scissoring their legs wide until their toes touched just above Ron's head. Legs shifted and sheared through the air twisting and turning every which way, movements that only a synchronized swimmer could imagine.

Just as Ron was about to break the young lasses lifted one hand away from the bar and twisted around to drop downward leaving Ron red faced and spent from exertion. As he recovered the girls danced shaking their hips and prancing about doing random acrobatics in front blocking the judge's view so he could remain unseen for the moment. Ron breathed heavily for several more moments before continuing. Spinning around to face the viewers crashing his foot down onto the matting signaling the girls he was ready for action one again.

Twisting about, Ron let the pole fly into the air spinning it about only to have it land deftly in the waiting girl's fingers. Almost an instant later he sailed overtop of the device landing onto the carpet with a role. Behind the Tara and Hope had grasped the shaft in both hands and in unison had begun to skip over several times as if they were playing rope. With the girl's second leap Ron sailed backwards grasping the bamboo pole as he back flipped.

He could glimpse the girls cart wheeling before him only to stop at the apex of the wheel toes pointed skyward. The muscular legs spread wide and then dropped until they where in a sitting position, finishing off with a forward roll they sprang back to their feet. Dropping the pole to one foot he waited until the tiny naked mole rat hustled to position on the far end and with a mighty crack sent the little beast skyward.

Ron left the stick behind flipping until he was almost between his cheerleading teammates and held out his arms. Tara and Hope back flipped landing in his outstretched arms, snuggling into his body they wrapped their arms about him, tucking their legs into his hips as they stretched out their opposite hands palms up. To complete the routine Rufus twisted and turned on his way down from the dizzying height Ron had catapulted him ending up with a dramatic landing upon the fingers of a lovely pair of girls.

The group was breathing hard as the music ended. Their smiles gleaming knowing their job had been well done. Both girls sucked in their bellies and trust out their chests to make the pose work. Ron could smell both girls perfume mixed in with the sweet odour of their perspiration. On Tara his hand was slightly off place he had caught her incorrectly and his palm was to far back. In front he could see his naked mole rat buddy holding his pose, to either side were both girls in all their glorious beauty.

They had to hold the pose a certain count and that seemed to last forever. Ron could feel his arms tremble as the girl's weight seemed to increase. Each girl's seemed to be shaking slightly for he could see Hope's fingers move as she held Rufus the other trembling about his waist. In their ears they could hear the crowd roaring with appreciation hand smashing together in recognition of their performance. Slowly gradually Ron let the girls slip from his arms to land gently upon the ground. Grasping hands the group bowed graciously first to the judges and then to each side of the audience chamber.

It had gone better than any had expected and still hand in hand the group had rushed from the stage their exit amplified by the crowd still wild with excitement. Behind the curtain they hugged each other, tears streamed down Hope's cheeks as Ron was smothered in kisses.


Kim moaned as her head stuck the table once more. "Oh come on Kim it wasn't that bad. Your father and I went and so did the Stoppable's. The routine he helped come up with was spectacular." Mrs. Possible was still chipper.

"Did they win?" Kim asked her voice still muffled by the table.

"No! Something about not enough personnel but they did get an award for being the best in show or something along those lines." Mother moved from the counter to the edge of the table. Leaning over she lifted her little girls head from the table and looked her straight in the eye. "We are very proud of Ron. And you should be too! You didn't see how difficult it was for him while you were gone. Most are surprised he didn't role into a fetal ball and hide from the world." Mrs. Possible finished off.


Ron stared down at her unmoving form, his breaths coming short and swift, most ending in a sigh or a whimper. He had barely moved in quite a while, his fingers knotting upon the bars at the side of the bed, lower lip clenched between his teeth. He was a man very near the end of his rope with skin a pail sickly colour and mind falling apart faster than his body.

"I don't know what to do anymore Kim…" his voice came out as an almost pleading whine "I think…no I know Tara's making passes at me. I don't know what to do. You were supposed to wake up. I defeated him. Global Justice has him locked up. You're supposed to be better…" His voice trailed off letting his mind catch up.

"I don't want to loose you but I don't know what to do about Tara. If you were awake you could tell me what to do." His voice trailed off once more "If you were awake I wouldn't have this problem." A long sigh end his tirade. He looked close to tears but only a tremendous act of will kept them from forming.

After a long moment Ron Stoppable shoulders sagged as he opened his book bag fished out his battered old English text book and began to read aloud to his so called girlfriend.


"I know but…I… I just…" her words ended

"You never expected Ron to be captain of the cheer squad?"

Kim now became more animated "Bonnie to bully her way to the top. Yes! Ron captain of my squad No! But then again I don't have a cheer squad. What am I supposed to do?" Kim face sagged as her arms dropped to the table.

"Technically it's not your squad it's Ron's." That earned Mrs. Possible a harsh glair "you will need a doctor's note before your back on the team." The elder female Possible rubbed her only daughters back. "Lighten up Kim the only reason he took the job was to keep Middleton's ranking as one of the top schools for cheering. And I think it was also to keep Bonnie from doing anything daft."

"I know mom but everything just changed so much and I wasn't even out that long. I mean Ron captain of the cheer team. Ron stopping Dementor from world domination. What else did I miss that nobody told me?"


"Are you insane!" screeched Tara clearly upset.

"Well I…" began Ron

"That demented guy tried to kill me!" her arms were wind milling about in a frantic bid too release excess adrenaline.

"Actually it's Dementor." Ron tried to get a word in edgewise.

"Whatever. He still tried to kill me"

"Well its part of his job description." Nervously he rubbed the back of his neck. "And didn't I tell you your cheer skills would come in handy." He was doing his best to make light of the situation and try to make his sidekick feel a little better.

Tara wasn't having any of it. "Oh yes we'll just hand spring out of the way of those self activating lasers. Twirl around those spinning tops of doom and I don't even know what those last things were." Tara had decided it might be a good idea to accompany Ron on one of those missions he went on, just to see what it was like figuring it might be a good way to get a little closer to show she cared. And if she could push things a little farther than so be it. But things hadn't gone as she had envisioned. She was attired for the mission in a nice outfit, black form fitting trousers to show off her figure, a pair of hiking boots that were nice and comfortable. Her top was a bluish purple colour that brought out her highlights and to top it all off a small pouch around her waist and cinched to her leg, you never knew when your make-up might need fixing.

It all seemed to be going so well, she had snuggled and chatted pleasantly on the way over. Everything was going as she had hoped it would, then he handed her a crash helmet and parachute and then her world began going south. She had never really been in an airplane and he expected her to jump out of a perfectly serviceable one.

"You do this for a living?" she asked slowly calming down.

"I don't get a paycheck if that's what you mean." He shrugged.

"You and Kim, it's like this all the time?" at least she wasn't shaking any more.

He had to be honest with her "No usually I'm the distraction and Kim gets all the glory. But you did great." He pulled her in for a strong hug, she seemed in dire need of one.

"Oh ya all that screaming and running about I'm sure that was very effective." She stated with her head resting on his shoulder.

"Why do you do this?" she asked

"I don't know it's just what Kim and I have always done." He didn't really have an answer.

"But Kim's not hear. You could just not do it."

Still holding Tara, Ron shrugged "Cause I guess it's expected of us. Kim would be more upset if I didn't try to stop him than if I did nothing." A time he'd thought about why he did it, usually it happened when he was nursing a nasty set of bruises, but again he had no answer. He went because Kim went, never questioning really just being the loyal side kick. Kim did it because she liked helping people, but that excuse would only go so far when it came to facing some of the nastiest freaks on the planet. The only answer he could give himself was, he went because someone else told him to, be it either Kim or Wade.

Ron scratched the back of his neck and muttered something under his breath then continued on. "You really did great." With that said a very tired Tara blushed slightly "So you ready to try it again next time?" In all honestly it had been grand being the hero for a change the one who took charge, made the tough decisions, got to play with the Kimmunicator.

"We'll see." He wondered if that was code for something.


"The most important one I think." Mrs. Possible looked down questioning "Ron Stoppable best friend and lover of one Kimberly Ann Possible. Don't be upset that he excelled once or twice; show him how proud you are of him. After all I think he did it all for you"

Kim smiled as she wrapped her arms about her mothers' waist giving a good squeeze after all on many occasions mothers do seem to know what's best.

There was a thumping of the stairs from the basement and a dejected Ron Stoppable entered the scene. "Sorry Dr. P I couldn't find it."

Mrs. Possible turned back toward the counter "Oh well I guess I'll have to go out shopping this afternoon and pick up something for dinner. I assume you will be here for dinner tonight Ron?"

His eyes gleamed brightly "Oh ya I can stay." He was never opposed to free food.


Mrs. Possible strolled quietly out towards her minivan in her hand was the remote that controlled the vehicle. The lights blinked as she flicked the buttons and unlocked the doors. Opening the driver's side she glanced up at the window to her daughter's room and smiled. She'd known there had been no roast in the freezer she'd also know that there was plenty in the house to eat without having to head to the store for more groceries.

Shaking her head slightly her little love birds were definitely out of sink with one another. Too much had happened over too short of a time with neither of them being able to relate to the other. Ron had suffered the most through the whole ordeal seeing Kim beside him but not having her beside him was more than the poor boy could bear. They'd been inseparable since they began dating. It had been interesting to watch the pair especially in front of the television.

When they began the teenage years they would sit at either end of the couch with plenty of space between but as they grew older the distance decreased until they sat almost cuddled up beside the other, regardless of the fact that neither realized the other was a member of the opposite sex. As time progressed she would catch one occasionally checking out the others physical state just to see how things were progressing. They weren't dating but nobody bothered there was no way anyone could come between them there could be no boyfriend/girlfriend that could compete so no one bothered.

Mrs. Possible sighed now the two just needed to get reacquainted. Mrs. Possible just hopped they'd wait until she at least got out of the driveway before they started. This would be one of the free alone times she would let them have, after all she did wish to have some degree of control over the teens but she didn't want them running out and doing something that could be regrettable. She did try her best to be the finest mother she could.