Author's Note: sorry that took so long…well this is the second-to-last chapter of Abandoned Tears…so enjoy! And thanks to those who reviewed!

Disclaimer: I don't own.

Abandoned Tears

Chapter nine.

"Well, Son? The afterlife or the puzzle?" How could he make such a choice?!…

Glancing back down at his sobbing Hikari, Yami remembered all the abuse Yugi had to suffer through due to Kaiba…there was no way his light could recouporate all on his own…

But then…he had waited 5000 years to go to the afterlife…and this could be his last chance!


Thinking over his options Yami decided which was more important… he took a deep breath and turned to his father.

"Father…" His father looked up expectantly, "I've waited five millenia to go to the afterlife…"

"Oh my son!" His father turned to embrace him but Yami held out his hand.

"I think I can wait a little longer…my hikari needs me now…" His father looked slightly crestfallen but smiled slightly. "He has suffered abuse from which no one can heal by themselves…he needs me…" His father smiled wider.

"You have grown my son…I will wait for you…however long it takes…" He embraced the spirit of the puzzle before Yami was encased in a light that then shot into the eye of the puzzle…and the heart monitor began to beep weakly again…

"Yami…come back…I need you!" Yugi's Grandfather wiped a few tears away as he stared down at his sobbing grandson and his limp protector lying on the hospitol bed.

"Yugi…come on…let's go…" Solomon placed his hand on Yugi's shoulder and gently led the sniffling boy away. Yugi took one last glance at his dark…



Yugi ripped free of his grandfather and raced back to the bed.


"No way…" Grandpa murmered, following Yugi over to the motionless Yami…was it just him or did Yami's eye just twitch…no it couldn't be…

Beep!.. Beep!.. Beep!.. Beep!

"Yami! Yami! Yami please wake up!" Yugi sobbed desperately, begging all the gods he could think of to give his yami back…

Yami's hand twitched.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Crimson eyes opened.

"YAMI!!" Yugi threw himself at his dark, thanking all the gods he had begged for Yami back. "Thank God! You're alive!"

"Yu…gi…you're hurting me…" Yugi lept up.

"Oh! Sorry Yami!" Yugi wiped his eyes and looked up at Yami. "You're alive! You're really alive!"

Yami smiled and wiped away the rest of Yugi's tears.

"Of course I'm ok aibou! And I'll never leave you again! I promise…" 'Not that I could if I wanted to now that I'm bound to the puzzle…but Yugi doesn't need to know that…not after what he went through…" He hugged his hikari close.

'Yugi…I will help you heal…."

Author's Note: Well there's the second to last chapter…hope you liked it! Sorry it's so short…I'll try to post the next chapter sooner…review please!