Exit music for a film

Hinata laid on her back observing the clouds with a content look on her face. The sky was quite comforting to look at, it connected her to him, her beloved Sasuke. She had met him when she was five, while he was six. Their families would get together either for a gathering or a meeting of the royal clans. Hinata remembered the first time she met Sasuke.


It was another boring dinner party, well boring for the children, Hinata wore a white party dress with a daisy in her shiny black hair. In the living room she sat, she was looking out the window, and she was tempted to play outside. With that thought she got up and ran outside. She ran to the garden and got on her swing that hung on a willow tree. She was a joyous little girl when she got on her swing, it made her feel like she was free. She was giggling, she adored the way the air blew in her face every time her swing when up. All of a sudden her swing stopped and her giggling ceased. She turned back to see a boy with jet black hair and black eyes holding on to the rope of the swing.

"H-hello" she said shyly

he didn't say anything only glared at her

"u-um wo-would you like to u-use it?"

Once again he didn't say anything, he only pushed her off the swing.

She fell into the mud, she turned to him with shocked eyes and did what any child would do in

that situation...

She cried

" Hinata!" yelled her nanny

who came rushing towards the crying child. Another woman came as well she was he's mother

"Sasuke! What have you done?!"

She came up to him and scooped him up in her arms

"Oh I'm very sorry about this ...Sasuke apologize to Hinata right now"

Hinata had stopped crying and started to rub her tears away

although the boy was reluctant to he whispered his apology

"I-I'm sorry Hinata"

-End of Flashback

Her Father had scold at her for getting her white dress dirty, she had giggled at the memory. Although they were not fast friends in the beginning there was one occasion were they spoke again.


Hinata was now nine years old, she would sometimes see Sasuke but he would never speak to her except for today.

She was picking flowers in the garden making a crown out of them

"Ah-ha there isn't it lovely?" she said to herself

"not really" came a voice behind her.

Hinata turned around only to see a familiar face...Uchiha Sasuke

"Ah Uchiha-San...wh-what are y-you doing h-here?"

"Father made me come to one of these meetings..it was boring so I ditched it"

"oh I s-see"

They stayed silent, Hinata looking down at the crown she had made, and Sasuke looking at anywhere but her.

"I'm sorry" he whispered

"a-about what?"

"About what happened when we where little, when I pushed you in the mud"

Hinata blushed a little, looking into her hands she said "i-it's ok I f-forgive you"

he smirked at her, and sat down next to her

-End of Flashback

After that they had become fast friends, although they never saw each other for two years, they wrote constantly to each other. Those two years came and went, and it was time for them to reunite once more.


The Hyugas and other royal clans were invited to spend the summer at the Uchiha mansion. Hinata was excited to see Sasuke again, Sasuke was excited as well to see her again.

When they arrived, Hinata was amazed. The Uchiha's had a very beautiful home, the house had large windows and a large balcony, just above the door. There were different kinds of flowers all around, some were even growing up against the house on vines. Hinata was in a daze because the house was too enchanting, when suddenly she felt someone hugging her.

"I'm glad you came" whispered a voice, it was then she realized who it was, her old friend

Sasuke. She hugged him back, happy to hear his soothing voice.

"Come with me"he said to her as he grabbed her hand and led the way.

He took her to the garden and into a tunnel of roses, the sun's rays would peak in through the tunnel so there was still light in there. At the far end there was a fountain with an angel on top. She sat on the edge of the fountain and played with the water with one hand, she soon realized that her other hand was still being held by Sasuke. She blushed when she looked at him, he was staring right at her.

"Uh..I-I'm really glad th-that we could spend the sum-summer to-together"

he didn't say anything, all he did was kiss her hand.

"Sa-Sasuke?" she questioned, she was confused but yet she loved the feeling of his lips on the skin of her hand, it gave her butterflies. He continued to give her sweet kisses that went up her arm, to her shoulders, then on her neck, and finally giving her a sweet kiss on the lips. His lips were moving slowly as if he wasn't even kissing her, it was a gentle kiss. She gave in and kissed back, she felt his hands go to her waist and brought her closer, but her shyness kicked in and she broke the kiss.

"I-I'm sorry Hinata...I should have never done that" she turned to him with a hurt look on her face

"you re-regret it?"


"then...then why did you apo-apologize?" she was on the verge of tears, Sasuke hated seeing her tears, ever since he pushed her off the swing when they were little. He didn't mean to make her cry it was just his way of telling her he liked her. The first time he saw her shed a tear caused his heart to be ripped in half. He then looked down at her to see her hands covering her beautiful face...she was crying.

"Ah no Hinata don't cry...please don't cry" she fell to her knees, as did he.

"Th-that was m-my first ki-kiss..."she said through her hands

"Hinata I don't regret it, no no...I don't...do you?"

She had stopped crying and removed her hands from her face, her face was red and her light violet eyes were puffy, she looked at him and said

"No...no I do not regret it."

Sasuke was happy when he heard those words, that he couldn't help himself, he cupped her face and kissed her harder then their first one. In between their kisses

Sasuke whispered against her lips

"I love you."

-End of Flashback

Hinata felt content, she was 16 years old and she was going to leave her home to go with her fiancé, Sasuke. He was going to bring her to his home before they got married just so she could get used to it.

"Lady Hinata! Your fiancé has arrived." called out her nanny

immediately after hearing those words she got up and ran into the house, to see her love. She loves him dearly but what she didn't know was that someone else would come for her heart as well.