Chapter 1

Accidental Hero

Silver found himself face-to-face with a Primeape. The Primeape, which had a Mankey on each side of it, began to punch Silver. Silver's first reaction was to reach down to his belt and pull out a Poké Ball, but when he reached down, he felt no Poké Balls there.

That's strange, Silver thought. Where are my Poké Balls?

He had no time to try to find the Poké Balls, however. He started fighting back, punching the Primeape. When he punched it, the Primeape fell down immediately, seemingly slashed by Silver's punch. Silver then punched the two Mankeys, causing them to faint as well.

I guess I don't know my own strength, Silver said to himself.

A Cyndaquil then slowly walked up to Silver, looking like it was very happy.

"Thank you so much!" it said to him.

Silver was in utter shock. "A talking Cyndaquil!" he yelled, pointing at the fire mouse.

Cyndaquil looked surprised for a moment, then mocked Silver, pointing at him. "A talking Sneasel!" it said.

"Where?" Silver said, looking behind himself, but not seeing any Pokémon.

"You," Cyndaquil said. "You're a Sneasel."

Silver started to laugh. "No, I'm not," he said. "I do have a Sneasel as one of my Pokémon, though."

Cyndaquil looked confused. "Maybe you got confused by the battle," it said. "Follow me."

Cyndaquil led Silver to a small pond, telling Silver to look into it. Silver then saw his reflection in horror.

"That's me?!" he screamed.

"Yes," Cyndaquil said.

"I'm a Sneasel?!" Silver said, still in shock.

"Yes," Cyndaquil said.

"How did this happen? What's going on?" Silver said.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about," Cyndaquil said. "Why are you acting like this?"

"I'm a Pokémon trainer, not a Pokémon!" Silver said. "I'm a human being!"

"That's strange," Cyndaquil said. "The Psychic Pokémon have told us of another world where humans live… but I didn't know someone could switch between worlds."

"Wait a minute, this is an entirely different world?" Silver said. "How is this even possible?"

"I want to thank you so much for rescuing me from those Mankeys and that Primeape," Cyndaquil said. "You're really brave to fight them, especially if you aren't even from this world."

"Well, I had no choice, really," Silver said.

The two then heard cries coming from an area where Mankeys seemed to be punching something.

"That's Chikorita! She's being attacked by those Mankeys!" Cyndaquil said.

"That's too bad," Silver said.

"You beat up those other Mankeys with your claws," Cyndaquil said. "You could easily beat up those Mankeys and save Chikorita!"

"Look, I'm not trying to be a hero," Silver said. "I want to figure out how this happened to me, and how I can become a human again."

"Hey, look at that stupid-looking Pokémon next to the Cyndaquil!" one of the Mankeys said.

"I may not like being a Pokémon, but no one insults me and gets away with it," Silver said.

Silver then rushed over to the Mankeys and started slashing them with his claws. He found that it was incredibly easy to slash opposing Pokémon with his claws, as it felt like it was simply natural to him.

"Stupid Mankeys," he said, as he slashed the final one.

A small Chikorita came slowly walking towards Silver. It looked at Silver with love.

"You're my hero," Chikorita said.

"Okay, okay, enough with this," Silver said. "All I did was beat up on some stupid Mankeys."

"He's humble, too," Chikorita said quietly, continuing to look at Silver with admiration.

Cyndaquil came walking over to Chikorita and Silver. "Sneasel helped me, too," Cyndaquil said.

"My name's Silver," Silver said.

"Hi, Silver," Chikorita said, blushing.

"I think she likes you, Silver," Cyndaquil said.

"Well, that's good for her," Silver said. "I've got to find a way to become human again."

"Human?" Chikorita asked.

"Silver here thinks he's a human," Cyndaquil said. "Or at least he was a human at one time."

"Oh, that makes him even more attractive," Chikorita said quietly.

"Hey, Silver, you're pretty good at rescuing Pokémon in need," Cyndaquil said. "Why not join with us and make one of those rescue teams?"

"Rescue team?" Silver asked.

"Yeah, they go around and rescue Pokémon that need help by knocking out evil Pokémon," Cyndaquil said.

"I told you before, I don't want to be a hero of any type," Silver said. "All I want is to go back to being human again."

"There's a Pokémon named Xatu who may know something about that," Cyndaquil said. "But it costs money to get advice from him."

"Money? What kind of money?" Silver asked.

"Gold coins known as Poké," Cyndaquil said. "You know, you could get that money by rescuing Pokémon- they pay Poké as rewards."

"That may actually be worthwhile," Silver said. "If that's the only way I can figure out how to go back to being human, then that's what I'll do."

The three noticed that it began to become dark outside.

"Come on, we've got to find you a place to sleep," Cyndaquil said.

Silver followed Cyndaquil and Chikorita nervously, not knowing where they were going to take him. They led him to a poorly-built hut.

"This is a place that was built for a rescue team I was hoping to start," Cyndaquil said. "You can sleep here."

"What a piece of junk!" Silver said.

"Oh, I'd just love to live in a place like this, with a roof over my head," Chikorita said.

"Me too," Cyndaquil said. "But I'm offering it to you, Silver."

"Well, I guess if there's nowhere else to go…" Silver said reluctantly.

"We'll start our rescue missions tomorrow," Cyndaquil said. "Team Silver will be to the rescue!"

"Remember: I'm not doing this to help you," Silver said. "I'm just doing this because I need the money to pay this Xatu character, so I can find out how to get back to my world."

"Good night, Silver," Chikorita said.

The two Pokémon left Silver alone. Silver entered the hut, finding a few apples in a bin, a bowl of water, and a pile of hay.

"This has got to be some kind of joke," Silver said. "Maybe this is all just a dream."

He pinched himself.

"Ouch!" he yelled. "Those claws are sharp. Well, it's not a dream… so how is this happening? I didn't realize another world with only Pokémon even existed…"

He yawned, then walked over to the pile of hay.

"Pokémon actually find this comfortable?" he said. "I certainly don't."

He lied down, then quickly fell asleep.