A/N: Yes, yes, I know I've already done a Hiei gets sick fic. Don't worry though. I've locked my doors and windows. wink Once again this story contains homosexual a couple and some bad language. Please forgive badly spelled Japanese words. I do not own YYH. If I did there would be a turkey! On with the fic!

Chapter 1

The two figures stood in a stand off. If either were to make a move the other would immediately use that to their advantage. Hiei stood firmly where he was, glaring at his opponent. If his opponent would just make the first move he might have a chance… but his patience could never rival his opponent's. His was famous. He would have to make a go for it… NOW! He leapt in the air in an attempt to escape, but felt a firm hand close around his ankle. He was pulled practically from the air and down into the boy's strong grasp.

"Damn it! Let go of me Kurama!" he yelled angrily, thrashing and kicking the fox.

Kurama rolled his eyes in exasperation as he sighed. "Here we go again, come on Hiei."

"No! Let go of me damn it!" Hiei continued to protest.

Kurama ignored the small fire demon's threats as he dragged him through the back streets to his house. By the time he had reached his home Kurama had finally managed to orient Hiei's kicking legs away from his body, having obtained only minimal bruising.

"Okaa-san's out again," he informed his captive. "Good timing huh? You're going to be staying a while won't you?"

"No! No I won't damn it!" Hiei shouted.

"Calm down Hiei, you're going to disturb the neighbors. They'll think I'm kidnapping you!"

"You are!"

Kurama placed a hand over Hiei's mouth to quiet him. In a second he felt sharp fangs biting through his flesh. Still he refused to let go.

"Why do I feel like I should be worried about getting Rabies?" Hiei glared up at Kurama who grinned at him. He carried Hiei into the house, locking the door after them and carrying a finally resigned Hiei to his room. He set the koorime down on his bed and finally removed his hand from Hiei's mouth sighing at the two bloody holes his friend had left.

"Alright Hiei, are you going to be a good boy and tell me, or will I have to rely on my brilliant powers of deduction?" Hiei folded his arms over his chest and glared challengingly at Kurama. Kurama sighed.

"Brilliant powers of deduction it is." Kurama carefully surveyed his friend without letting any part of his position out of his mind. His arms were crossed rather lower on his chest than they normally were. "Alright, it is something with your stomach."

'Damn that fox! How the hell does he do that?!' Hiei thought angrily to himself though he gave a negative grunt.

"Ok… does it hurt, or is it upset?"

"What the hell is the difference? It isn't doing what it's supposed to and in my world that's all that matters." Kurama sighed again. "Anyway, I don't have emotion."

"I know. What does that have to do with this?"

"If I don't have emotion individual parts of my body sure as hell don't."

Kurama pondered for a moment then laughed. "That is not what I meant by upset, less literal. Alright… just lie down and wait for me to return. I've sealed the windows so don't try to escape. You're lucky I brought you in Hiei. Yusuke and Kuwabara might have notice you were pale this time. You wouldn't want that would you?"

Kurama left the room without looking at the disgruntled demon left in his bed. This was not the first time Hiei had fallen ill, though Kurama was the only one who'd ever been able to notice such subtle differences in his actions. Hiei had finally learned that Kurama as an X-thief thought of all escape routes and that when sick he did not have the energy to resist him. Kurama felt guilty that he was slightly happy when he saw Hiei was sick. He pitied the poor little demon but he still loved the time they spent together and the trust Hiei placed in him… if reluctantly.

Kurama decided that getting Hiei a cup of Ginger ale couldn't hurt anything so he poured the drink and brought the fizzing cup to Hiei.

"You really should lie down Hiei," Kurama observes as he came up to the demon.

"Why me?" Hiei pouted. "I haven't seen you get sick one time and yet this is the third god be damned time it's happened to me!"

"Your immune system still has to adjust to Ningenkai. You'll get better soon and you won't get sick as often either," Kurama assured him.

"I'm a demon damn it! I shouldn't get HUMAN illnesses! I hate this world. I wish I could go back to Makai!"

"If you were to return to Makai, before your probation release date, would you ever return here?" Kurama asked seriously.

"Not unless I had the urge to kill humans. Why?"

"Just… I'd miss you."

"Hn. Of course you would."

"Here Hiei, drink this." Kurama held the glass of Ginger ale out to Hiei.


"Drink it Hiei." Kurama gently pressed the cool glass against Hiei's stubborn lips. Hiei turned his head away, refusing to open his mouth.

"Come on Hiei, it'll help."

"Look, I just really don't want to eat or drink anything right now, ok Kurama?" Kurama's brilliant skills of deduction kicked in at that point. He set the glass down on the night table beside his bed and returned with a pot and cup of water. Kurama sat next to the small koorime as his friend fought with all the strength in his body against being sick. He lost in the end and fell on his hands over the pot with Kurama stroking his back comfortingly. Kurama handed him the glass of water to wash the taste from his mouth with once he had stopped.

"As I said, you'll be more comfortable if you lie down," Kurama stated. Hiei glared at him through sweaty hair but fell back on the bed anyway. Kurama offered him the glass of Ginger ale again.

"It'll help." He promised his poor sick friend. Hiei resigned to take it from Kurama, drank it and fell back.

"I wish I were in Makai again," He repeated miserably.

"It's ok, it'll all be better soon. These types of things never last long." Hiei made a soft discontented noise and turned away from Kurama. Kurama softly lay the top blanket over the curled up fire demon and left him to be annoyed alone. He returned shortly with a book he'd been reading for school to find Hiei had fallen asleep in his absence. He sat in the same chair he had when ever Hiei was ill and began reading. After awhile he lowered is book and reached out to brush a lock of the sweaty hair that was falling into Hiei's closed eyes away. His hand brushed Hiei's face and he immediately drew back.

"Unh." Hiei slowly opened his eyes and looked blurrily at the fox. "What is it kitsune? You look surprised." Kurama reached out and brushed Hiei's face again, withdrawing quickly.

"Hiei, you're burning!"

"Hn, wouldn't be the first time. I am a fire demon. I think I'm used to 'burning.'"

"No, not literally. Hiei this high of a fever is dangerous, even for a demon!"

"Yes, but I'm a fire demon. I think I might just be a little hotter than most other demons."

If it had been another time Kurama would have thought of how completely true, in multiple senses that was. However, Kurama was far too worried about his ill friend to think about his attractiveness. He ran off quickly and returned with a bowl of cold water and a cloth.

"I should have done this before." Kurama reprimanded himself as he removed Hiei's head band.

"Ummm… forgetting something? My eye genius!"

"That's why it's cut." Kurama said indicating the small oval shaped hole in the wet cloth as he placed it over Hiei's forehead around his jagan eye.

"There… happy… f…o…x…?" Hiei's voice trailed off as he fell asleep again. Kurama fretted over his small friend, trying to decide if he should call Genkai, but then he imagined what Hiei would do if Kurama told anyone about this, or if he got Yukina to see Hiei in this state. The idea quickly lost appeal. Kurama left the room to the secret garden he kept hidden from human sight. It took him longer than he had thought to find an herb to help with Hiei's fever in the vast stretch of greenery. When he returned from under the canopy of leaves the sky had changed from late after noon to evening. He quickly rushed up the stairs, relieved to find Hiei was still sleeping and appeared to be alright.

"Hiei," he shook the fire demon lightly. "Hiei, wake up and take your medicine… Hiei?" Kurama's heart stopped. "HIEI!" Kurama shook his friend harder this time. The limp unconscious body made no movement. Hiei would not wake up.

A/N: Ah, gotta LOVE cliff hangers right! Yay! As you've notived, unlike the last one this fic is serious but you know what, Hiei only has a limited supply of cuteness he is willing to lend to me and if I go over my limit… shudder let's just not go there. Now for my hypnosis to keep you with me ok, "You want to read the rest of the fic!" So… I'll start on the next chapter and you'll read it… right? …Right?! Why are you laughing at me? tear

Hiei: twitch

Me: Oh hell! I could have sworn I locked that door!

Hiei: slowly draws katana

Me: Yes, as I was saying, I'll get the next chapter up… as soon as I'm done running for my life… that is assuming I still have a usable computer…

Hiei: Slashes computer screen

Me: Yeah, I didn't think so… read and review for when I get back… in a few months. Flames are welcome… trust me I like yours more than Hiei's.