I noticed that there were practically no Star Wars/Naruto crossovers here, so here is my first attempt at a fanfiction.

This takes place after the events of Knights of the Old Republic II, when the exile, a light side male in this case, went off into the unknown regions after destroying what was left of Malachor V.

The sky was beautiful that night. The stars, those far away globes of fire, glinted and winked mystically, surrounding a bright yellow moon, so bright and clear you could count the craters on it. This was

the third night in a row that the sky looked so promising, and Konoha was at peace. The village, if you could call such a large place a village, was teeming with life, its citizens moving back and forth as

the vendors and merchants locked doors and closed shutters, looking forward to turning in for the night. Much farther down the street, in a large red building, the hokage slept in her chair, the light blush

across her face a sure sign of her chronic drinking problem. Behind the building and up a hill, two young boys lay in the tall grass, enjoying its cool feeling. One of them, however, was slightly annoyed.

"What is he even doing here? This is supposed to be one of my favorite spots! I'm supposed to be the only one who knows about a great place like this!"

The boy, Nara Shikamaru, looked over at his friend, and scowled.

"What annoys me more, though, is that he's so quiet. He's never like this, not any time I know of, anyway. Damn. Just when you think you know a guy…" He let out a sigh.

The other boy also let out a sigh, enjoying the cool air.

"Oi, Shikamaru…"


"Do you…do you ever wonder what goes on up there? In the sky?"

Shikamaru was a little shocked at this, clearly shown by his blank look.

"What the hell? Now he's philosophizing?"

He grunted. "What the hell are you talking about, Naruto?"

The boy, Naruto, stretched out and sat up. "I mean, is there anyone out there? Like us?"

"Why are you asking me? I wouldn't know."

"Come on, dattebayo! You spend so much time looking at the sky, there's no way you can't think of these things! Not even a…"

"Not even a what?" When Naruto didn't answer Shikamaru opened his eyes to look at him.

Naruto was as still as a statue. His eyes focused on something in the sky and his face resembling something of a fish, mouth open and eyes wide. He remained silent.

"What?" Shikamaru looked in the direction of Naruto's eyes. He squinted and made out a small speck that was growing larger at a frighteningly fast rate. The back seemed as if it were on fire, leaving a trail of smoke, distinct against the stars. Wherever it was going, it was going there fast. That's when Shikamaru realized where the thing was headed. Toward them.

"Oi…Oi, Naruto! Get out of the way!"

They cut it close as they managed to frantically dive out of the way of the hurtling object. It made contact with the hill and the ground shook with the impact. It bounced and finally slid to a halt, leaving a large, smoldering scar in the earth. The boys simply stood there, too shocked to move or speak. Whatever the thing was, it was made of metal, welded on like armor and was colored orange and silver. It was about the size of the average home, and there was a great gash down the center of it, revealing it's insides.

"Hey! You two! What're you two doin'?" A large group of people were making their way up the hill to investigate

"What happened?"

"Was it an attack?"

"It was on fire! It crashed into the hill!"

"Quick! Someone call for some help! There're people inside!"


Naruto broke away from his trance-like state and looked up.


Kakashi looked as cool and composed as usual, his trusty Icha Icha Paradise held comfortably in his hand.

"Kakashi-Sensei! You wouldn't believe it! Shikamaru and me, we were sitting on this hill, see? And suddenly this thing came and crashed into the hill, dattebayo! We were really confused and people came running and-"

Kakashi sighed and put away his book. "Shikamaru, you better go tell Tsunade-sama about this. Naruto, we should go investigate. I heard talk about people being inside that thing. They could be hurt, or worse."

As Kakashi and Naruto ran off toward the wreckage, Shikamaru scowled and let out a groan. "To think I just wanted to relax on my favorite hillside spot for twenty measly minutes…this is getting more troublesome by the second." He dashed off toward the hokage tower.

An hour later, Tsunade and her aide, Shizune, sat in the Hokage's round office, perplexed. According to the report Tsunade was holding, the wreckage appeared to be some sort of vehicle, at first guess. The closest thing they could compare it to was a ship, seeing that it had bunks and a cargo hold and all. There were two people inside of the wreckage, both unconscious, and a number of machines. One of the unconscious was human. The other looked human, with the exception of a hard light yellow skin and a series of horns protruding around the top of his head.

One of those machines sat in front of them now. From what they could see, it was small, about the size of the chair beside it, was grey, had some sort of lens on the front of it's "head", and assumingly moved on it's four wheels.

"My head hurts, my leg aches, and the moment I get a bit of sleep someone walks in here with a report of a giant metal…something crashing into a hillside and then they dump this thing here for me to stare at for a couple of hours. "

"Ts-Tsunade-sama, please. This is for the sake of the village. Whatever that thing was, it will obviously have a big impact on events to come…and we can't get any answers until those two wake up."

"Well, there's no use complaining, I suppose." Tsunade stood up and walked around her desk to the object. "It's obviously some sort of machine, so supposedly, there's an on switch."

She ran her hand along the underside of the "head", and then down the front. She felt her hand hit something, like a button or a switch, and the machine hummed to life.


"It beeped!" Shizune seemed delighted. Tsunade only pulled her hand back and watched. The machine looked up at the two women and adjusted it's lens.

"Dereet! DEEET!"

The machine moved back at an alarming rate and hit the door to the office. "Deet! De de-dereet!"

"Wait! It's alright, we won't hurt you, we're just curious."

The machine seemed to calm down. It's head and lens stopped their erratic movements, and the random beeping stopped.

Tsunade soon composed herself from the shock of having a previously assumed broken piece of scrap metal jump to life in her own office. "Well." She cleared her throat. "We got it…uh, working, but we still don't know what it is. Or does."

"Ber-eet? Bip deet?"

The two women just looked at the machine incredulously. It was obviously expecting something.

It gave up, and instead of staring at the two, it looked around the room. It seemed to have found what it was looking for.

"Dip beep derereet!" It moved past the Tsunade, who jumped back at the sudden movement, and toward a chest behind her desk.

"What is it doing?" The question was answered as a small door opened in its front, and a small mechanical arm with a needle attached to the end was inserted into the lock.

Tsunade jumped back up. "Wait! That's-" but it was too late. The machine withdrew the arm and the lid popped open. Inside was a whole mess of used sake bottles, food wrappers, and horse betting tickets (all of which, of course, were losers). Shizune gave her a look.

Tsunade calmly walked over to the chest and shut the lid, ignoring the evidence of her slacking off as if it weren't there, and closed the lid.

She cleared her throat. "Well, now we at least know one of its capabilities. Let's try to move on, shall we?" She was obviously trying to change the subject to avoid questions.

But before Shizune could begin an interrogation, a knock was heard on the door. It opened, and a nurse poked her head in.

"Ano…Tsunade-sama? One of the strangers has woken up. You should come quickly."

Tsunade and Shizune looked at each other, and were out of the door. The machine followed and stopped to politely beep to the nurse before trailing the two women. The nurse simply stared.