Swept Away From the Ashes
By: Mishka-chan
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto… I wish I did I would have so much money because all the yaoi fangirls and boys would buy my Sasunaru, Kakanaru, Kakasasu, Itasasu, Itanaru, etc, that I would sell. If I could draw like Kishimoto san I would be making Doujinshi instead of Fanfiction. Disclaimer applies to all chapters.
Warning: Lemons in later chapters, extreme perversion, OOC, extreme AU. You know what? Let's throw in possible rape themes, violence, blood, Msolo, Fsolo, Yuri, self-mutilation… these will all probably show up. This will be my longest story and will dwarf 'Given'. I will update in large sums and try to do so frequently. This first chapter will be short… new story, new plot, new yeah… you know. Warning applies to all chapters, so don't freak out on me if you run into a lemon in case I forget to warn you at the beginning.
Chapter one: Brought to thought
Sasuke reached over and grabbed the plump fruit without the foolish merchant noticing. Sasuke calmly stepped off into the bustle of the crowd snagging a purse or two from the plump waists of well-fed merchants and nobles. Smirking at the new chink of metal against metal in his loose-fitting yukata. His traveling cloak easily covered the swords strapped his hip. Uchiha Sasuke was a man to be reckoned with. He was hard to handle by even the most seasoned soldiers. Twisting through the bodies of people beyond his vision of importance, something caught his eye. He turned to observe someone being traveled through the city on the backs of many strong men. He raised an eyebrow uninterested, until he caught site of the treasure inside of the carriage. He smiled softly and observed the magnificent treasure until it disappeared.
He quickly jotted out of the city walls, showing stolen transport papers to the men at the gate. He hurries out of the gates and heads to the small cabin. Rushing through the trees, I reached a deceptively blighted looking cabin. Sasuke reached the door, and gave a pull to the handle. A man with long black hair lay curled up on the floor like a young kitten. His deceptively child-like face was resting peacefully in front of the smoldering fire. Black lashes fluttered open and revealed eyes as black as night. The burning embers flashed across the eyes, but gave them no warmth. They were like two opaque marbles shining lightly in the in the dimness under the cold light of the moon. The man squinted slightly, his nose twitching slightly. "Magnolia, Sasuke… welcome home." Sasuke offered a cool smile to the man that was obviously blinded by the outside world.
"Thank you, Aniki."
"What treasures did you happen to get your hands on, Otouto?"
"A few bags on silver, some gold…"
"You know not all treasures are silver, gold, or gems and are worth more than all of the opulent metals and rocks that we are fixated with…"
"I have told you before aniki… I like the bachelor's life."
"You say that, but do you mean it. The only reason you have an unhealthy fixation with the lonesome is because you see yourself as a freak of nature."
"I do not have an unhealthy fixation."
"Love is not a sin, Otouto."
"It is when it is perverse."
"No, love is never a sin… not even in extreme cases. God would not charge a woman, who loved her abusive husband, with self-mutilation and suicide."
"Shut up brother."
"You are not as alone as you seem to think you are."
"You are not as wise as you seem to believe you are."
"No, but I am older than you; I know more than you, so therefore I am wiser and more knowledgeable than you."
There was an awkward silence that stretched out and poisoned the air. Luckily at that moment a ray of common sense and sunshine popped in the room to help lift the strangling pall.
"Well, aren't you two the most cheerful I've ever seen?" Yelled a blonde haired girl with a figure to kill and eyes the shade of tourmaline turquoises. (Kind of teal like, yeah.)
Ino stared at the two brothers and walked over to Sasuke, whispering, "If you don't deserve love, then neither do I." Sasuke opened his mouth to arguer, but found no effective rebuttal and closed it hesitatingly.
His mind slowly flickered back to the treasure in the carriage that passed, golden and sapphire.
Ino broke his reverie with her 'brand new flawless plan.' "Anyway I say Sasuke enters as a bodyguard and I will enter as a nanny. Ita-kun can figure out the rest."
Itachi shook his head at the nickname. It was useless to tell her not to call us what she wanted.
Sasuke walked away, "Tell me when you figure it out."
Ino turned to Itachi, smiling softly. "He really is impossible, isn't he?"
Itachi snorted softly. "It can be endearing, but yes."
Sasuke pulled up the trapdoor and climbed down. His feet hit the floor and blind hands grasped the ladder behind him. Well educated feet felt their way down the long hallway and pushed open a door deep within. Lighting a candle with some great expertise he sat down on the bed he had been allotted. Staring at the breathing flame. He flopped back onto the bed and sighed. "Can I really find love?"
Naruto turned around a few times in his bed. Shift… shift… shuffle… shift…
"That was the first time I had been out in years," he mumbled. Shifting once again he felt the bruise on his side twinge. Again… it happened again.
"Can anyone love me?"
When Sasuke awoke he didn't feel the sun caress him, nor hear the rainstorms. He did not hear the birds chirping, or feel the restless wind indicative of a storm. When Sasuke awoke he felt a heavy pall of dank, dark air surround him. Finally something broke the strangling silence.
"Sasuke… come up." He heard it deep, yet muffled. He stood up and tracked up the stairs.
"Good morning, Uke-kun…" Ino gushed. He threw her a dirty glare and crossed the kitchen, grabbing a pastry along the way.
"Good morning, 'uke-kun'" The visitor in the kitchen giggled. How anyone like this person could giggle, he didn't know. The silver-ish hair remained it's ever… self. What adjective could be used to describe this hair?
"Just 'cause you take it up the ass Kakashi, doesn't mean everyone does." He said irritably and plopped down in his chair. Itachi snorted softly in his seat and turned to Kakashi. "Well, what is the plan?" Kakashi suddenly lost all the giggles and taunts, turning all business in about two seconds.
"Well, Sasuke, you will be a guard in the palace."
"Okay…" Sasuke said losing his interest. "That is general."
"Well, what you're guarding is a completely different matter."
"Ground rules first. First of all, you are not to over-react to everything you see in the palace. Secondly, you are not to speak to anyone unless spoken to, there will be a few exceptions to this rule. Ino, charges you are put in area with, other guards, or myself. Lastly, try not to get too emotionally involved; it will defiantly complicate things. You will be called by your own name. As they say; 'things hidden in plain sight, are often the best hidden.'"
Sasuke let out an exasperated sound. "Okay, whatever."
"This, Sasuke," Kakashi began sliding a portrait over the table, "is what you will be guarding." Sasuke gasped and stroked the portrait.
"Pretty…" Ino whistled. "Very pretty."
"What is its' name?"
"His name is Naruto. You will start tomorrow, along with Ino who will be his nanny."
'My treasure.' Sasuke thought, on the outside he whispered. "Naruto…"
Naruto turned around to see the person that had yelled his name.
"Naruto, tomorrow you will get a new nanny and guard."
"Ah, okay." He mumbled quietly. Tugging at his shirtsleeves to cover the bruises. "Thank you for alerting me. If I may ask their names?"
"Ino will be your nanny; a boy named Sasuke will be your guard."
A/N: Well that was much shorter than I planned it to be. What do you think for a first chapter? Review me!!!