I've been beaten, I've been bruised

I've been kicked right off my shoes

Been down on my knees

More times than you'll believe

And when the darkness tried to get me,

There's a light that just won't let me

It might take my pride

And tears may fill my eyes

But I'll stand back up

Gabriella's POV:

I said I wasn't going to cry. I said I wasn't going to let any of this get to me. I knew there was a possibility that this could happen, I just didn't think it would…not now.

"Gabriella..." my mom opened the door slowly and entered with a plate resting on her palm. The toast smelled good and looked even better, but I pushed it away when she presented it to me. "Gabi, you have to eat something."

"No, mom. I'm not hungry." I answered, failing to meet her gaze. "I just—I want to be alone." She just stood there at the foot of my bed, watching me hang my head as she tried to find something that would satisfy both of us, but she ended up leaving peacefully, placing the plate on my desk just in case I changed my mind. Once the door shut, I fell back onto my bed, grabbed the pillow beside me and pressed my face into it, screaming at the top of my lungs. For some reason, something about that made me feel better…much better. After about a minute of releasing my anger out on my pillow, I just sat there on the edge of the side of my bed, finally soaking in the reality of the situation. This couldn't be happening to me. Not me, not me.

"Who could be calling me now?" I whispered as my phone jiggled on the wooden beside table, vibrating as I glanced over at the electric clock beside it. Even though it only said 9:00 p.m., I had had enough of life for one day. "Hello?"

"Are you guys—?" the calm voice of my best friend immediately asked, skipping the whole exchanging of hellos.

"Yep." My answer was plain and simple, straight to the point. I could hear Taylor trying to think of something to say other than 'I'm sorry' to me because she knew I hated that.

"Wow." she processed, muttering the word under her breath. "How are you? Are you okay?"

"No." I shook my head as tears stated to well up my eyes as the room began to fade away into to one big blur.

"Gabi, I am so sorry." There were those words…the words that never really did anything when someone said them. I wiped the tracks the tears had left while they fell down my cheeks.

"No, Taylor, you don't understand…"

"What is there to understand?" she asked.

"Just listen. I'm not upset over that," I knew I had to tell her, I mean my gosh she was my best friend…so I did, very slowly………………………………………… "Taylor?" The nerve wracking silence that had followed the news killed me. "Taylor?"

"I'm here." She finally answered and for that, I could catch my breath. "I'm here."

"Please don't hate me…" I pleaded, tears forming again in my eyes.

"I could never hate you, Gabriella. You're my best friend. I just—I don't know what to say in order to make you feel any better." Taylor was so sweet, not yelling, no insulting…no wonder she was my best friend.

"Actually, some sleep would be nice." I hinted and I could hear her smile ear to ear.

"Okay, hint take." she said. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded and somehow she knew that. "Okay. Goodnight, Gabi."

"'Night Tay." I pushed the red phone button on the right side of my hone, ending the conversation and then placed it on the nightstand again. I slipped my legs under the pink cotton sheets, pulled the comforter on top of my and dropped my head on the soft pillow beneath me for a quick second. Then I remembered that my light was still on. Reaching over for the light, I noticed my moms shadow at the bottom of the door. She's just worried.

"Goodnight mom. I love you." I smiled.

"'Night Gabriella." she whispered over the door. Click! and then the room went black as I rested my head against the pillow again, closing my eyes slowly.

Dear Diary,

It's officially over now. Troy and I are officially over, never to be the same again. But the best part, oh this is going to be great…the best part is that I'm pregnant. Yes, pregnant with none other than Troy Bolton's child. I found out this morning with my mom, who wasn't too happy about it, but at least she didn't kick me out. Well, not yet at least. I don't know how people are going to react when they find out, especially him. I'm thinking about not telling him, maybe that way he won't be able to break the baby's heart like he did mine…I don't know.

Here's a little tip: Love sucks!!!!

Yours Truly……


"There's no one more important to me…" I read the word on the not that hung on the inside of my locker, smiling. It was from a song by Michael Bublé. It was one of my all-time favorites and Troy had found out…

"Stop it!!" I yelled to myself, almost slamming my head against the side of the locker. "It's over, remember?"

"Who are you talking to?" the high pitched bratty voice asked as the body that it belonged to leaned up against the locker to my left. I knew it was Sharpay, even though the door of my locker had blocked her perky face.

"Hi Sharpay." I said as I finished putting my Spanish book in the corner of the tiny locker.

"Who were talking to?" the other blonde twin repeated, leaning up against the locker on my right.

"Please tell me I'm not going insane." I checked in Sharpay's direction to make sure she was still there, which she was. I sighed relief. "What is this then? Evans twin interrogation day?" The twins nodded, jumping slightly at the sound of the metal door clanging up against the metal frame. "Oh, well it's just my lucky day." Hushes and whispers followed my comment and the hall got quieter by the second. I didn't even have to turn around to see what was going on. I knew he was passing or he had passed, the tension between everyone gave it away. The lingering stares from nearby people crawled up my back, sending goose bumps to my arms….and the last time I had gotten goose bumps from something was when I had met Troy.

"Butthead." Sharpay mumbled. "You okay?" I nodded softly. "He's such an egotistical jerk. I mean, who actually thinks that highly of themselves?" Ryan and I turned to each other and cracked a smile.

"Um, you…" Ryan said beside me. And it was a good thing I was in between them, otherwise Ryan would been slapped. Instead Sharpay gasped while Ryan and I laughed at her scrunched up nose and big mouth.

"It's not funny." she stated after she closed her mouth, making sure no flies were going to magically fly into it. "And besides, I'm popular…not a jerk like him."

"That's what you'd like to believe." I answered, followed by a smack on my arm. "Ow!" Ryan started to laugh for no reason, which made me laugh hysterically and me, being the clumsy person I am, wasn't watching where I was going and ended up running head on into the most awkward situation ever….