Authors note: YAY! Fanfic #2! Well, here it is, without any warning whatsoever. Just note: I don't really think Elphie is as evil as I'm going to depict her (remember, this is through the eyes of a vain little princess. And also, I know that 'Pfanery' is not Pfanee's real name Galinda just couldn't remember her name)

Chapter One: Doomed!

Did I do something wrong? Did I make a horrible mistake in my past life? Did I do something so unforgivable, that I had to be paired with… her?

No, no, it wasn't me. It was my unfortunate timing. With all those other students cheering me on, I barely had time to think. I raised my hand, a mistake I'll never forgive myself for. This had doomed me to a life of loser-status, I was sure of it. I would always be 'the green girl's roommate'.

Oh, I could see it now! Everyone at Shiz leaning over and giggling: "How's your roomie?" They'd jeer, "Poor little girl, stuck with such a creature! And to think, you had a private suite!" Well, maybe not to that extent… After all, I'd already established somewhat of a good reputation around here. Those two girls… oh, what were their names? Shenshen and Pfanery, was that it? Well, no matter their names, they'd already established me as their best friend, following me around like a couple of ducks waddling after me as if I was made of bread.

It was too early to tell if I cared for any of these people, but they obviously found me irresistible. Perhaps, instead of being the butt of everyone's jokes, I could gather up some sympathy. It may work in my favor… as so many things had before.

And she had stolen my spot in the Sorcery seminar! Her freaky scene with the wheelchair had caused that hag Madame Morrible to choose her over me! ME! Galinda Upland, a finely bred, well rounded girl with an entrance essay that simply screamed: "The Next Best Witch". There was no contest between me and a girl like her! I was obviously better!

As I contemplated my future at Shiz, I found my way to the dorm, room 22. The number might as well have been unlucky 13. Oz knows what my roomie did in her spare time. Judging by the way she presented herself, I'd say she spent her weekends playing serial killer down in the Emerald City.

Taking in a deep breath, I slipped my key into the lock, but found it was already opened. Oh great, she was already here. I wonder, did she use her key, or was she an experienced lock picker?

I stepped through, expecting the girl to pounce on me and splatter my blood on the walls, but found that all of my blood remained inside of me. In fact, the girl was already settled in, face in a book, barely registering my entrance. Actually, she didn't notice me at all (which is surprising, given the attention I'm used to receiving).

The greenness of her face hadn't been a trick of the light back in Crage Hall. The color was, in Galinda's opinion (as well as everyone else's, she was sure), ugly. And that ratty lump of tangles upon her head… ugh! It was best kept in a braid, like this morning. But the girl had unleashed the beast, letting the frizz hang freely. Her clothes weren't horrible, but the Shiz blue simply did not go with that complexion. Then again, nothing did (except maybe, black, But with black hair, it might be an overdose). And her heavy coat (which looked quite uncomfortable) hadn't even been removed. She obviously didn't care about being cozy. In fact, I would be surprised if she could feel.

I could be nice. I could try and get along with her. But if I was pleasant, perhaps she would take my niceness as a sign that we wanted to be friends. What if she stopped me in the halls to discuss eating lunch together? What if she began calling me by some pet name? Now that would be the end of my social life! I was wrong if I thought being mere roommates with the girl would ruin me. What would really do me in was if we got close…

So, instead of a cheery 'Hi!' she received nothing. I glided over to my bed, studying the standard pinstripe sheets. Hideous! And what was that stain? Could the previous owner have had a few bladder problems? Or did she insist on drinking iced tea in bed?

"Miss Galinda…" The timid Tiger carrying my luggage peaked through the door. The green girl's head rose slowly from the book to gaze at the creature.

"Oh, would you please bring in my bed dressings?" I asked it, "They're in the two large cases on the bottom. Just stack up the other suitcases along the wall." I glanced back at the current bed sheets, terrified to touch them, "And if you could, please remove these."

"Afraid to get your hands dirty? The poor Tiger, who lacks opposable thumbs, really has to do it all for you?" The girl sneered, speaking into the pages of her book.

I scowled at her. She, I noticed, had not bothered to change her sheets. She'd only draped over it a worn-out fleece blanket of the dullest brown. Oh, how our beds would contrast once I was done with mine! Even drunk, I would be able to tell which side belonged to who.

"It's getting paid for it, what does it care?" I retorted. I didn't want to be nasty if I didn't have to, but I now had a reason to be.

But the roomie didn't respond to her. She flipped through the book, once again acting as if I wasn't there.

I gave a huff, and nodded to the Tiger as a signal to pull the bed sheets off. But as I saw its claws get tangled into the rags, I imagined my fine silky sheets being torn up as the Animal tried to no avail to slip them over the mattress.

"How about you take care of those? I'll be fine dressing my own bed." I reached into my back pocket, pulling out a creamy white purse, a perfect match to my blazer, "Here, a few coins for your troubles."

Once it left, I managed perfectly. I couldn't help but admire the light purple of the sheets, and the slightly darker flower-print that adorned the comforter. It was beautiful, expensive, designer brand. I just hoped my roomie didn't slash them up.

"Ah, there," I smiled, placing the last of six pillows on the bed. I stopped for a moment, remembering what the girl's presence had denied me: The sorcery seminar. "You know… Maybe if I was taking that Sorcery class, I could've just snapped my fingers and the whole bed would make itself." The comment was meant to be rude. I still hadn't forgiven her for her earlier outburst.

She stood up so suddenly, I gave out a small shriek. Even though my heels were exceptionally high, and her boots added nothing to her height, she towered over me. She was a threatening presence, a peculiar thing. The kind of thing that, should I see her walking along the same sidewalk as me, I would cross the street.

She left the room without a word. She didn't show any anger, or sadness, or mere irritation. She simply left… sort of like a Zombie, except a Zombie would be prettier to look at. But once she left, I had to admit that either she was an extremely talented magic-user, or my pillows simply decided to fly up in the air of their own accord.