Keep your distance – by Shade-Duelist

disclaimer: - out there, in the Prologue. Go read, if you haven't already.

Epilogue: Smile again

The 24th of July was a brilliantly sunny day, while the weather was nice and warm without being hot. In Satan City, the bells of the church where the funeral service for Hercule Satan had been held now rang in joy – as if the deceased World Martial Arts Champion was present as well.

A nervous Mirai Briefs stood in front of the altar, his suit itching all of a sudden. In the front row on the right side, Bulma winked at her son while Vegeta merely smiled softly – he was glad at least one of his sons was marrying Pan, whom he cherished as if she had been his own daughter. On the left side, a beaming Videl sat, next to an equally beaming Goku and Chichi. Trunks was absent, but had let them know from the 'Sea sight' Psychiatric Institute on the edge of North City that he was sorry he couldn't be there but that he'd sent a present their way.

Music started playing and Marron and Uub walked in, both beaming. Mirai knew the two were going out at present – Pan had told him so – and silently he wished them all the best. Then came a very happy Gosei and Goyun, both bearing a small pillow, each one having a ring on it. Then followed Bra and Goten, who looked utterly dignified and who both winked at him before parting.

And then the music for the entrance of the bride started and everyone rose. Mirai's mouth nearly fell open as he saw Pan, her hair put up in an elegant bun and her face covered by the veil she'd borrowed from Bra, looking like an angel in her beautiful dress – the slight curve of her stomach, the first signs of her pregnancy, cunningly hidden by the straight cut of the bodice.

Gohan walked his daughter to the front of the church dignified, and he gently pressed a kiss to her hand as he arrived at the front of the church before giving her hand to Mirai.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honour and great pleasure to introduce to you: Mirai and Pan Briefs!" Everyone cheered and went for the exit, Goten and Bra rushing outside first. Uub and Marron snickered a bit as they followed, both pulling one of Bra and Goten's sons along. Mirai and Pan walked outside slowly: as they came back into the open air, a rain of rice rained down on them from all sides. Videl and Gohan went up to their daughter – she kissed them both on the cheek and told them she'd meet them at the reception again.

"Okay, girls, who wants to catch a man to marry?", Pan shouted as she reached the bottom stair. A small group of girls banded together on the stairs: Pan threw her bouquet in the crowd and was not even surprised to see Marron's slender hand snatching it from the air. "Way to go there! You'll make a man lucky, no doubt...", Pan said, and snickered softly as Uub turned an odd shade of maroon. Waving gleefully at the gathered crowd, she and Mirai disappeared into the limo hired for them.

"Hey, Pan...", Mirai said as he scooted closer to Pan.

"Yeah?", she said lazily as her new husband softly caressed her arm and she turned a bit in order to capture his lips, which she did with ease.

"I love you...", Mirai whispered as he held his mate. He was in heaven, holding an angel and calling her his own.

"I love you, too", came Pan's answer as she, too, put her arms around him.

"And here's the happy newlyweds!" Goku's voice boomed over the music that was played at the reception, and everyone turned to see Pan and Mirai enter. Pan had changed into a slightly more comfortable dress she'd bought along with her wedding dress: it was a very light shade of green, almost invisibly so, and was also made of silk. As everyone flocked around them to congratulate them once again, they went to the table for the opening of the wedding presents. First up were her grandparents, who gave her all sorts of cooking supplies – Chichi winked at Pan, causing her to giggle as she realised her grandmother silently was warning her about Saiyan appetites. Then came Bulma and Vegeta's present, which was an improved model of the portable GR, capable of withstanding even higher power levels. Bra and Goten gave Pan and Mirai a subscription to a parenting magazine for a year – Bra told Pan how helpful she'd found it in the early days of her motherhood, and Pan chuckled as she heard the anecdote of Goten and the scalding hot milk retold – Goten merely blushed in shame, but in the end merrily laughed along with everyone else. Other gifts included a tumble-dryer, a hand-knit set of baby sweaters, and a gift certificate for a beauty salon. But then, Bulma cleared her throat and presented Pan with an envelope.

"This is Trunks' gift. He asked me, in the accompanying letter, to tell you to read his letter out loud." Pan nodded, though a bit hesitantly, and opened the envelope, taking the letter out.

"Dear Pan and Mirai...", she started, her voice a bit shaky, "I firstly apologise once again. What I nearly did to you is unforgivable, though you've said you'd forgive me on the conditions you set me. I have taken your advice and have let myself be committed into a psychiatric institution – the best in the country, where the therapy I'll receive is intensive and successful. At least, I hope it will prove to be successful to me. I hope to come out a changed man, so that I can start anew in life and in my friendship with all of you.

I find it so hard not to be there, now that you two are getting married. But I know it's for the best. I wish you all the best: good health, happiness in your union, a truckload of children, riches, and a fine life together.

Despite not being present on the most memorable day of your life, Pan and Mirai, I want to show you that I do care about you two. That I do love you, Pan, as my sister-in-law. That I do love Mirai as my brother, and as a better version of myself. To show you this, I have enclosed a gift to you. Before leaving, you made it known to me that Mirai is soon to be the father of your children. And despite you two aren't going to have any trouble raising two Saiyans, I want to support you. Inside this envelope is a gift certificate that will not only allow you to- oh god..." Pan's voice died to a whisper as she quickly read ahead, incredulous, then continuing out loud, with a broad smile: "...a gift certificate that will not only allow you to have a room in your house furnished as a baby/children's room by professionals, but also lets you shop for clothing, special foods, diapers, and all other things a baby could need for free for two years. It's only a scratch off what I'm worth as president of CC, anyway.

I hope you like the gift, both of you. Sincerely yours,

Trunks Briefs."

The silence once again was deafening, until Bra remarked drily:

"Well, that sure beats all of our gifts..." Laughter ensued, and everyone relaxed again, enjoying the festivities once more...

A week later, in the 'Sea sight' psychiatric institute, Trunks Briefs was called to his counselling psychologist. Trunks went there from his room, which was in a farm-like compound in the middle of nature. As he opened the door, he saw immediately the letter on the desk – and the handwriting on it told him it was a letter of Pan's.

"Mr. Briefs, please sit down...", the psychologist said.

"Terry, did I get mail?", he said, stating the obvious. The man nodded.

"Now, as is procedure, it has been read and approved of by the team of psychiatrists here. They even think this letter might be beneficial to your healing process. So...", the man said as he pushed the opened envelope to Trunks, who picked it up and slowly took out the letter.

"Dear Trunks,

thank you for your lavish wedding present, we hadn't expected it in the least! And thanks for the letter accompanying it. You've managed to make Vegeta proud – a feat in itself, I say. Bulma cried as she heard me speak what you wrote, she felt a burden fall off her shoulders, no doubt. Only now do many people around you realise what a relief it is that you've finally sought help.

When you read this, Mirai and I are on our honeymoon – we should be in Paris now. I don't know about the policy on receiving mail where you are, but know that we are thinking of you, even if you don't get a card.

We've been thinking on a way to repay you for your unbelievably grand gift, and we came up with a unique way: since you seem to care about your future niece and nephew so much, we are going to make you godfather of the girl, with Videl as godmother. The boy's godfather will be Vegeta – he wouldn't have it any other way – and the godmother will then be either Bra or Chichi. We figured that you'd need something after therapy to keep you on the straight and narrow, and thought that having a godchild might do just that. It will also give you a part in our lives again.

Work hard to heal, Trunks, we have faith in you. Everyone does.

Your loving brother and sister-in-law, Mirai and Pan Briefs."

Trunks stared at the letter for what seemed like hours in silence. Then, he righted his head again.

"Can I keep this letter?"

"Of course you can. Why?", the psychologist asked with a soft smile.

"This letter will be the beginning of a new life...", Trunks said.

"Uncle Trunks!!" From the house stormed five children even before the car had fully stopped. From the car emerged a man in his early thirties, with neatly trimmed lavender hair and a clean-shaven face. "Uncle, uncle!!", the five shouted, jumping up and down around him.

"Easy, you...", he said with a chuckle as they continued to walk around him as he walked to the front door. "Who's visiting today, then?"

"Uncle Bra and auntie Goten, and Grandpa Vegeta and Grandma Bulma too! Oh, and auntie Marron with her friend...", the youngest of the group said.

"Shouldn't you call him 'uncle Uub' by now?", Trunks asked, perplexed.

"Nuh-uh...", they said. "They didn't have a party yet!", the eldest boys said simultaneously. Trunks laughed as they flocked around him when he reached the front door.

"Hey, you guys, give uncle Trunks some room!", came a voice from the inside – and soon its owner came drifting to the front door. "Trunks, as always, it is good to see you.", the woman said as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Likewise, Pan.", Trunks said. "Especially after a long and tiring business trip."

"Yeah, how were things in America?", Pan asked as she led him to the living room. Vegeta merely looked up and nodded at his son with a grin. Bra rose from her chair and hugged her brother as she saw him, repeating Pan's question.

"It was all right. Not many problems. But I'm glad I'm out of there. You can't believe how many women I had to keep off me!"

"I can safely imagine...", Mirai said as he walked in with a lopsided grin, balancing a baby in his arms. "Hey, Daisy, say hello to uncle Trunks! He's a big meanie, but he'll give you lots of presents." Pan chuckled as she heard her husband introduce her youngest daughter. "Pan, you call the kids back in here?", he then asked.

"Hope, Sean, come back in here! And bring 'Sei, 'Yun and Shay with you!" Pan's voice thundered from the garden, and Trunks winced.

"She's something...", he mumbled as he walked to the couch and sat down next to Goten, striking up a conversation with his best friend about his dojo, in which Uub joined after a few minutes. Pan handed Daisy over to Bulma and Vegeta, who immediately changed. As Vegeta made funny faces at his youngest granddaughter, Pan chuckled – drawing attention to her again.

"Uncle Trunks, these five have a question to ask of you...", she announced. The five blushed, and then pushed Hope to the front, who blinked in surprise before stammering:

"U-uncle Trunks, s-sir... we were w-wondering if you'd brought us s-something..."

"Hmm... let's see...", he said, digging in his pockets... "Nope!", he said, pulling his hands out again – empty. All five of the kids' faces fell. "But I think I've got something in my car for five curious Saiyans if they promise to wait here patiently and not to peek from the window!", he added with a broad grin. As immediately all five ascertained that they'd be good boys and girls, he walked back to his car, bringing a big box with him. He handed it to the kids, who opened it and found a smaller box with each of their names on it. Inside was a nice sum of money for each.

"Oh Trunks, you shouldn't give them that much!", Bra exclaimed as she took the money for her three children. Trunks merely shrugged.

"I love spoiling them... and besides, I don't really enjoy being as rich as I am. Better spend it now on them than later on meaningless things."

That moment, the doorbell rang, and everyone looked up in surprise – all except Trunks, who suddenly smiled broadly and said he'd get it. And a few minutes later, he came back in, his hand resting loosely on the waist of...

"Everyone, this is Amanda. I met her on the plane to America, where we started talking. We met again a few times in the States and went sightseeing after I'd negotiated the deal there. And when we returned, we – uh, well...", Trunks stammered, blushing profusely.

"Oh, don't be shy...", the girl said, smiling softly though she blushed as well. "We didn't want to part. We exchanged phone numbers and he called me only hours after we'd parted. We went to see a movie yesterday, and one thing led to another..." Now the girl in Trunks' arms was blushing fiercely. He chuckled.

"So, um, my girlfriend Amanda. She's a very famous martial artist, so she's strong enough to beat me up if she wants to." The last part was said with a wink. Mirai nodded.

"Tell me, Amanda...", he said, taking a hold of Pan's hand while he spoke, "...before he called you, did you want to call him?"

"Are you kidding, I had my hand on the phone when it rang!", Amanda said, having regained her smile – she put her hand on Trunks' shoulder like Pan had done so often with Mirai.

"Okay... welcome to the family!", was all Mirai said before leaving a confused couple to the scrutiny of the others...

The End