Disclaimer: I don't own "Heroes" or any of the super awesome characters I'm writing about. I'm not making any money from this, so please, don't sue :P

A/N: This is just something I'm working on for fun. If you review and like it, I'll probably update. If not... eh, maybe not so much. I'm not really sure where it's going yet, lol.

"Some Family We've Got"

A "Heroes" Fic By L'Ange de Vrai


They'd been driving for several hours but the scenery still looked the same through Claire Bennet's tear filled eyes. What was going to happen to her? Where would she go? Would she ever see her family again? She wiped a tear from her cheek and continued to stare out the window of the SUV, letting her mind wander in the fields at the side of the road.

She wished she was five again, that she was sitting in the back seat of the car with her younger brother and her parents, driving somewhere on vacation. She wished she could be young and naive again and she'd be willing to sacrifice her ability for it. I can't go back now, she thought solemnly as the man she still only knew as The Haitian drove on.

"Where are we going?" Claire asked him, the first words she'd spoken since her tearful farewell to the man who had raised her as his own.

"New York," he responded in his accented English. "There is someone there who might be able to help us."

Claire turned to him. "Peter Petrelli?"

"No, someone far more experienced in this matter than him." he told her. "He used to work with your father until he was caught hiding one of us. Your father thought he was dead until recently."

"How did he just disappear like that?" she asked, intrigued.

"A perk of being invisible, Claire." the Haitian replied, and for a split second, she could have sworn he'd smiled.


Nathan Petrelli sat behind his desk, his feet propped up on the edge of it and the T.V. on in the corner of the room. He turned his attention to the newscast as an image of a charred house appeared on the screen.

"A house burnt to the ground today in Odessa, Texas, after what bystanders claim was a standoff inside the house between two burglars and the Bennet family, who reside in the house. Mr. Bennet, his wife, and two children, Lyle and Claire, were all inside at the time until just before the explosion. Local authorities are saying that there were no severe injuries, but the house was giving off extremely high levels of radiation.

"Now here's the troublesome part - After the family was checked out and released at a local hospital, Mr. Bennet and Claire, a 16 year old cheerleader at Union Wells High School, seemingly disappeared and there has been no sight of the alleged burglars. There has not been an Amber Alert issued for Claire Bennet at this time, as she's not believed to be in any danger, but we will be following the story for further developments. Now, back to you in the studio."

The words of the reporter began to swim through Nathan's mind - Odessa, Texas; Union Wells High School; The Cheerleader - "Save the cheerleader, save the world."

"She can't be..." he muttered, bringing up a search engine and typing in 'Claire Bennet, Union Wells High School.'

He clicked on the school's website and clicked on the link for the cheerleading program. His eyes widened in surprise as the page loaded - there she was, Claire Bennet.

"Save the cheerleader," Nathan whispered. "save the world. I can't believe this."

He rubbed his temple and picked up his cell phone.