"Naraku, you're not going to get away!!" Inuyasha yelled, sword in hand. Kagome road with Inuyasha drawing her bow and arrow, "Naraku!!" she released her arrow.
turned and saw the arrow heading his way, he moved slightly to his
right and Kagome's arrow missed. "Damn him, that bastard!"
Inuyasha grumbled.
sorry Inuyasha… I missed...""Don't
worry about it Kagome...hey where'd Miroku and Sango disappear to?"
"Miroku, why did we stop?" Sango asked
"Sango I'm afraid that we won't be able to help our companions…we can't get passed this barrier..." Miroku answered
"But Kagome and Inuyasha" Shippo worried.
Miroku sighed "all we can do now is pray"
"Curse that Naraku! And damn his barriers!" Sango slammed the floor with her fist.
on Kagome I've got to go faster!" Inuyasha warned.
"Right" she
held on tighter…'I hope Miroku, Sango and Shippo will be ok…'
fools actually think they will defeat me? How pathetic!" Naraku
did I put that…oh here it is. The Orb of Time, with this I will be
able to move my whole existence to another time…or even an other
dimension." He laughed again.
grabbed the orb, and held it up high and chanted some words "Cognito
Ero Sum"
let's see you follow me now!" he laughed again
the sky started to darken and a bright light appeared in front of
what's that?" Kagome asked
don't know… but I don't like it."
Look Naraku is walking into the light. Why is he …?"
gasped, "He's disappearing!"
'Naraku what are you going do? I won't let you get away. I've waited long enough; you will pay for everything you've done. You'll pay for what you did to Miroku, Sango, and Kikyou and to me. You will die no matter what! Even if it costs my life.' Inuyasha thought.
on Kagome, we're going to follow him…"
we won't know where we're going end up…"
be scared Kagome, I'll never let anything happen to you. I'll
protect you"
not scared, I'm not scared because I'm with you and I know you
will protect me"
that said Inuyasha nodded and ran into the light.