AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, so my first LazyTown fic was a failure. What can I say? I thought I'd give it another go with a completely different angle and see how it goes from there. And yes, I know this concept seems crazy but Crazy's my middle name. Actually, I don't have a middle name... crap.

DISCLAIMER: If I owned LazyTown, don't you think I'd make episodes instead of fanfics? Huh!? Do ya!? So in other words, NO! I DON'T own LazyTown! Leave me alone! And get the #ยง;$ away from my fridge!

CSI: LazyTown

It was a cool and breezy night in LazyTown when the call came in. In a matter of minutes the front of Bessie Busybody's home was surrounded with cop cars. And by cars I mean those little preschool bike thingies with police sirens on top. No, better make 'em regular bikes instead. Yeah, that's better. Bikes with sirens.

The path of the front lawn was covered with a white sheet, where the victim laid. Busybody was sobbing as the Mayor was trying to consoler her to the best of his ability. Pixel, the coroner, was already using his various gadgets and gizmos to collect bits of evidence that were strewn about as Trixie questioned the woman.

"Tell me what happened?" Trixie asked the grieved Busybody.

"I didn't see anything. All I heard was a crash. And then I came running and found that the window was broken and he was gone." Bessies broke down some more.

Trixie nodded along and wrote down the information. "So you're saying whoever did this was trying to kidnap him?"

Bessie nodded and rested her head on the mayor's shoulder. "Oh, dear." Milford said. "I don't want any criminals running around my town."

Trixie jotted down a few more notes and reassured the mayor. "Don't worry. We'll find him." The young girl then approached Pixel, who was still gathering the evidence and taking photos.

"Anything?" She asked.

Pixel handed a bag of a strange white substance to her. "This was all over him." He told her.

Just then, Stephanie arrived wearing a brown trench coat with matching hat and sunglasses. Sportacus, wearing his usual outfit, wasn't far behind. Stephanie approached Pixel and Trixie and began examining the area. "Talk to me." She said.

Trixie handed the pink-haired girl her notes. "The woman didn't see anything until it was too late. Her window was broken into and the body was waiting for her right near that doorway."

Stephanie glanced at the white sheet then over to Pixel. "What did you find?" She asked him.

Pixel showed her various bags of evidence. "Pieces of the victim's body, supposedly ripped out by force." He told her as the young girl shuddered. "And then I found this white stuff all over him."

Stephanie lowered her sunglasses and examined the bag. "Send this to the lab. Our specialist will find out what it is."

Stephanie and Sportacus then approached Milford and Bessie as the body remained lying under the white sheet. The pink-haired girl then flashed a badge to the adults. "Stephanie Meanswell. LazyTown Junior Police."

"Stephanie, I'm your uncle. I already know you." The mayor said.

"Sir, I'd like to ask you and your wife a few questions." She ignored him.

"Stephanie, I don't think they're married." The hero in blue told her.

"Look, I already told the other girl everything I know!" Bessie almost broke down again. "I swear to you! I don't know who could have done this!"

Stephanie sighed and proceeded to the white sheet, where she crouched down and placed her hand on one of the corners. Sportacus was right behind her, expecting the shock of his life. They were both breathing heavily as they were about to lay eyes on the victim's body.

"Okay..." Stephanie said to herself as she removed the sheet and was startled by the discovery. She gasped and backed away as Sportacus laid his hands on her shoulders. The young girl was at a loss for words as Pixel and Trixie approached them.

"It's horrible, isn't it?" Pixel asked.

Stephanie nodded, her hand over her mouth, and went in for a closer look. "Who would do something like this?"

Sportacus shrugged. "Someone without any moral decency."

The gingerbread man's smiling face sent chills down the pink one's spine as its body remained in place, it's leg bitten off and candy buttons nibbled. Its right arm was cracked down the middle as if a struggle had taken place before the crime. Stephanie placed the sheet back over the cookie and sighed. "It's not right, you know. It's just not right."

"It gets worse." Sportacus added as he pointed to the broken window of Bessie's home.

Stephanie turned and saw an entire gingerbread home complete with a mother, son, daughter and vacant space where the victim used to be. The girl bowed her head and said, "What kind of sick world are we living in?"

"Every night I ask myself that question." The hero removed his hat in respect for the fallen cookie.

Stephanie then noticed Stingy hanging about while Trixie was questioning him. The possessive little brat refused to cooperate, however. "I want my lawyer!" He told her.

"Stingy's acting pretty suspicious." Stephanie said to herself as she started to head their way. Just then, the hero stopped her in her tracks. "What are you doing?" She asked him.

"We can't make any sudden moves." He told her.

Stephanie then asked Ms. Busybody, "How long has Stingy been playing outside?"

The woman thought for a moment. "If I recall correctly, Stingy had been playing near the basketball court all day."

"That's not too far from here." The girl in pink grinned. "I think we have our first suspect."

"But we can't question him properly without arresting him." Sportacus reminded her. "And we can't arrest him without a proper motive. We need evidence that involves him on the crime."

Stephanie then noticed a bag of evidence containing a familiar looking piggy bank. She picked up the bag and waved it to the boy. "Hey, Stingy! Is this yours?"

The boy's habit-induced mechanism kicked in, "Yes! Yes, it is! Give it to me!" He then realized the error of his mistake as his hands were suddenly handcuffed together. "Wait! I mean, no! It's not mine!"

"Save it, Stingy!" Trixie told the boy as she took him away.

Stephanie took her hat and glasses off and flipped her hair back with a satisfied grin. "It looks like another open and shut case... maybe."

More to come this weekend. IF! I get some positive feedback to inspire me. If not, it could take a long, long time... Not really.