This is loosely linked with the end of season 3. Ok so Brooke broke up with Lucas after the wedding as Peyton had revealed she still had feeling for Lucas. Brooke did not want to get hurt again so thought it was best to end it with him. The shooting never happened but Keith is away atm and Lucas never found a pregnancy test and Karen is not pregnant. The crash never happened after the wedding and Brooke is living on her own. Peyton told Lucas how she felt and they got together after Lucas realised he felt the same way. This story begins about 3 weeks after the wedding

Chapter 1

Brooke had never felt so alone before, her life just seemed so empty now. Peyton had Lucas, HER Lucas, Nathan had Haley, and she had No One, she didn't even have her parents. She was a shadow of her former self. Here she was living in this amazing house and she had all these amazing things, but none of it was enough. She didn't have the courage to go to school, she just couldn't face it, the thought of seeing Lucas and Peyton together was just unbearable, she needed him but yet she just couldn't bring herself to tell him that. They looked so happy and anyway it was her who had broken up with him, she couldn't just expect him to come running back to her. He had fought for her, but she had just given up on him, how could she have been so stupid, she loved him and now it was too late.

All the curtains were pulled and the lights were off, she just lay there in the darkness hoping that everything was gonna be ok, there was barely any food in the house as she had not been shopping in weeks, just the thought of food made her feel sick. She was sick of crying every night for him, all this stress just was not good, she was even throwing up regularly. She felt so weak but she knew she had to put on a good front, she couldn't let everyone see what Lucas and Peyton had done to her.

She put on her make-up and put on a killer outfit and looked at herself in the mirror, yeah she looked hot but she just didn't feel herself, despite all the make-up she still looked pale and weak.

Walking down the corridor at school she put on her wonderful smile and tried acting as if everything was ok, she got to her locker and just wanted to escape, she couldn't keep this up all week, no way. Lucas and Nathan were walking into the school and Lucas found his eyes wandering straight to Brooke, she looked so sad, usually she was so happy and now she just looked broken. What had he done to her, Lucas just frowned, it wasn't right, she shouldn't have to suffer like this.

"Hey, what's wrong Luke?" Nathan asked noticing that Lucas had suddenly stopped

"I'm worried bout her Nate, look at her, she looks so pale and so sad" Lucas couldn't help but feel sad, it was all his fault

"She missed school all last week aswell, I'll have a word with her and see if I can find out what's wrong ok" Nathan replied. Lucas was right something was really wrong, although Brooke skipped class a couple of times she rarely ever missed cheerleading or game days, it just wasn't like her.

"Thanks bro, I would talk to her myself but I don't think I am her fave person at the moment" Lucas said

"Yeah I guess not, anyway better get to class, don't want detention now do we" Nathan added.

And with that they both went on their way to class, Brooke was relieved that they had finally gone, she had stayed at her locker waiting for Lucas to go. She couldn't bear looking at him, it was like she just couldn't hide anything from him and he could always tell when something was wrong. She slammed her locker shut and headed off to English class.

She had been dreading this class, mainly because both Lucas and Peyton were there but at least she had Haley so there was someone to talk to. She walked into class and took her seat.

"Miss Davis glad you could join us even if you are running late" the teacher said

Brooke just smiled at him, usually she would respond with some funny remark and excuse but for once nothing came to her. It was like her spark had gone out.

She spent most of the class doodling, she just could not focus, and then it hit her. This sudden wave of nausea came over her, why did it have to be at such a bad time, she had to get out of there and fast. Haley looked over at her and noticed she had gone a rather strange colour.

"Brooke are you ok?" Haley whispered,

Brooke didn't have time to respond she quickly got up and ran out of the class straight to the toilets.

Lucas looked back at Haley hoping that she might know what just happened, she just shrugged her shoulders at him.

"Sir can I go check on Brooke please, I don't think she was feeling to well?" Haley asked hoping that she could go and find her

"Yes Miss James, do you mind taking her stuff to her aswell" he asked

"Yeah sure thanks sir" and with that Haley quickly gathered up Brooke's stuff and headed for the toilets.

Lucas watched her leave, he was even more concerned about Brooke than he had been before, for the rest of the class all he could think about was Brooke

Haley entered the toilets only to find Brooke throwing up in one of the cubicles. She quickly went and held Brooke's hair back for her. Brooke finally stopped throwing up and just sat on the floor.

"Brooke do you want me to take you home, you really don't look well?" Haley asked hoping that Brooke would let her take her home"

"No it's ok Haley, I've got my car, I think I am just gone go home and get some sleep" Brooke replied not feeling like talking

"Well how bout I come and check on you later and bring you your work"

"Sure whatever", Brooke replied as she got up and walked out of the toilets.

Lunch had finally arrived and they were all sat outside on a bench as Nathan joined them

"Hey have any of you seen Brooke, I wanted to talk to her but can't find her anywhere" Nathan asked.

"She went home, she was not feeling too good but I said I would stop by later and see how she was"

"Hales do u mind if I go instead it's just that I have not really hung out with her much and really want to chat?" Nate asked

"Yeah sure I guess"

"So how about you and I go to the movies later?" Peyton asked Lucas not really caring about Haley and Nathan's conversation

Lucas was busy listening to Haley and Nathan's conversation, he wished that he could be the one to look after Brooke, but since they had broken up she didn't seem to want anything to do with him.

"Luke are you even listening to me?" Peyton asked, getting rather annoyed

Lucas turned to face her, "Sorry I just kinda drifted off, what were you saying?"

"I was asking if you wanted to take me to the movies tonight" Peyton replied

Lucas knew he probably should take her, just cos he was worried about Brooke didn't mean he should make his relationship suffer, but for some reason he found himself saying "No, I can't, I'm busy tonight, sorry" and he just got up and walked away.

"Ok that was rather strange, does anyone know what's up with Lucas?" Peyton asked, hoping that someone must know why he was being so weird.

Haley and Nathan both looked at each other and said "No", both knew though that it had something to do with Brooke, but they didn't want to drop Lucas in it, especially with all the fighting and arguments that had happened in the past.

"I think he just has a lot on at the moment with basketball and his mom and everything, I wouldn't be too worried" Nathan said hoping that Peyton bought it

"Yeah I guess that must be it" Peyton replied

This is my first fic so I hope it is ok. Well thats the first chapter, I know nothing major happened but I guarantee there will be plenty of action and drama in the next chapters. I hope you enjoyed it, please review it and let me know what you think Thanks