second fanfic and it is based on the anime

Hello curious readers, this is my first fic based on the anime. This takes place in the 'R' season after the departure of Allen and Ann. The rest you can figure out. I am sticking to some of the manga's truth here…Raye and Darien have NEVER been an item; in the manga they never officially met until after the Dark Kingdom was defeated. This is a story that will explore feelings that aren't usually seen or associated with either Serena or Darien. I hope you enjoy and REVIEW!

OH YEAH, I do not own SailorMoon or it's characters. It is the creation by Naoko Takeuchi and licensed by a bunch of stiff suits. The story is mine and can not be reproduced without my permission. Thank you

Can Love That's Lost Be Found?

Started: January 14, 2000

By Crystaldove

The winds were blowing steadily in the Juuban district of Minako-ku. The streets were bare and quiet. An occasional sound of chimes could be heard from shop doors. School bells where heard ringing from the various schools in this area. One particular bell was at the school of Serena Tsukino. The usually joyous and vibrant girl was seen somberly walking to her after school hangout at the arcade. Lately Serena hadn't been herself; she was sad, withdrawn and subdued. Opening the arcade door, Andrew watched as the owner of two blond ponytails dragged into the corner booth. Placing her elbows on the table and her head in her hands she resumed her new habit of staring into space. Normally she would have run to the counter, full of energy, and rally off a list of food to him. But today, as well as the past few weeks, she just stared into the endless space that surrounded her, occasionally sighing to herself.

"Is there anything I can get for you Serena?" Serena didn't respond or acknowledge Andrew's presence.

"Serena, are you ok? Come on say something" Serena still didn't say anything reaching out Andrew touched her on her shoulder. "Serena"

"Huh…wha…oh hey Andrew"

"Serena, are you alright. You have been so withdrawn lately. Is everything alright at school? Did you fail another test" Serena sighed at that comment "Uh I meant is there a problem with a boy…"

"Sniff, sniff no Andrew everything is ok, I didn't fail a test. Actually I have been doing better in class" she whispered " I've just been down, I'll be o.k. Well I got to get home, bye Andrew"

Serena got her things and headed toward the door. She walked with her head lowered not noticing that Darien was outside.

'Good going Darien, you're supposed to be staying away from Serena and you go to the one place you're likely to run into her.'

In recent months Darien and Serena realized that their constant bickering was just a kind of foreplay for the way they felt about each other. It also helped that their alter egos were also smitten with each other; they realized that they truly loved each other. Things were perfect in her opinion, but he broke up with her a few weeks ago telling her that he didn't love her anymore. Since then Serena fell into a kind of pit of despair; a true shell of her actual self.

' She is so beautiful even when she is depressed…depressed oh no. I wonder what is wrong…don't be an idiot, you KNOW what is wrong with her. I did the one thing I promised I would never do. I hurt her; told her I didn't love her anymore. But I do, I love you so much Serena; I didn't realize this was hurting you so much. Oh Serena, I'm only doing this to protect you. You are the MOST significant person in my life. It breaks my heart that your pain is because of me' Darien held back his tears before they fell. All he wanted to do was to sweep her up in his arms and kiss her tenderly. 'This is going to be hard, I don't want her to cry, I don't have the strength to keep up the façade any longer. Just don't cry Serena…please'

In normal Serena fashion she would have ran into him sputtering apologies before noticing him, the onetime thorn in her side; the one whom she has loved from the moment she first met him. When Serena walked out the door she noticed that someone was ahead of her, without looking up she stepped aside and continued her journey home.

'She didn't even see me. I should be relieved but she looks so empty…'

Andrew noticed this meeting or lack there of from inside. 'She just walked by him' Andrew thought to himself 'I wonder what happened to them. I have never seen Darien so happy before. When she entered his life, all that he was missing was given back; but now he seems more withdrawn than he was before' Darien entered the arcade after watching his golden-haired angel walk away.

"Hey Darien, what's up?"

"Oh hey Andrew…nothing just came for the usual" Darien sat at counter while Andrew poured him some coffee.

"Darien, I need your advice about something? Do you have time to talk?"

"Sure, what's your problem?"

"You see, it's about this girl"

"What, you got girl troubles, pal?"

"Kinda, there is this girl that I care about. But whenever I see her she is so down. She just stares endlessly at nothing. The only sound I can get out of her is the occasional sigh. I try to offer my shoulder to lean on but she refuses. I really think that she is at her end. Something or someone has hurt her so much that the only thing that's constant in her life now are her tears of heartache." While Andrew explained the situation, Darien wondered if he was talking about Serena. Could it be his angel in all this pain over him?

"I want to try to help her but she won't open up to me. What do you think I should do?"

"Don't try to play me for an idiot Andrew, I know what you're talking about."

"OH, you do, so then what is up with you and Serena?"

"I can't…uh don't want to talk about it ok. It's none of your business. Look I got to go"

Paying for his coffee Darien left a dumbstruck Andrew wondering about what was going on in his best friend's life.

'Andrew would think I am a true idiot if I told him that I broke up with my sweet meatball headed angel because of some dream. But is it that, just some dream. No, the voice said she would die if I stayed in her life. But by the look on her face, it seems that she already has…'Trying to keep his composure, Darien walked back to his apartment.


Raye was at her school trying to organize the tryouts for the annual coffeehouse for the district. She usually performed but she decided to just be the organizer this year. Some would have objected but felt she was the best for the job because she was so bossy. Raye knew that Serena was having a hard time dealing with her breakup from Darien. She wouldn't show it on the outside, but she really cared for her and felt like Serena was the sister she never had. Tryouts ran late so for once she would actually be the late one for the scout meeting. Upon arriving at the shrine, she noticed that Serena was already there offering a prayer for her pain to subside and happiness to return to her life. 'I'm going to make that Darien pay for this even if it kills me' Raye thought will she ascended the stairs to the meeting room.

Raye wasn't the only one that felt Serena's pain. Mina felt bad because Serena confided in her that the reason that Darien broke up with her was because that he only loved Princess Serenity, Serena's former self, and not her.

"Did her actually tell you that Serena?" Mina asked her the other day.

"No, but I can't think of no other reason and he isn't speaking to me to tell me why".

'Ooh and he was a prince in his former life, you can't tell that now, apparently he lost that ability along with his memory. Don't worry my princess, as the Scout of Love, I will bring you happiness, with Darien…or with someone who deserves a heart as pure and loving as yours'.

The meeting was just a review of the battle with Alan and Ann. Luna congratulated the soldiers on that defeat and Serena especially for her suspicions. True some of them were based on the fact that Ann liked Darien and Serena didn't trust her. But if she did trust Ann, they might have still been dealing with them. Raye was sensing a new enemy's presence but nothing was strong yet. They hadn't surfaced and their motives weren't apparent yet. The meeting was adjourned and the soldiers were told to keep their eyes open. Luna sighed as the girls departed. She knew that Serena wasn't in the right condition to face another enemy. This situation with Darien was taking its toll on her. With Darien avoiding her, would Tuxedo Mask avoid Sailor Moon as well?

"Serena are you doing anything after school tomorrow; besides detention?"

"No Raye, I haven't had detention in a few weeks."

"Really, then where have you been, you come to the arcade and meetings the same time as you always do?"

"Doing my homework. I stayed after class one day and I asked Miss H to help me. She thought I was just lazy, she didn't know I didn't really understand. After she helped me, I would stay after school sometimes to finish my homework; I would turn it in there when I finished. I asked her to act as if I still didn't do it. At first she objected, but I told her that was a constant in my life. So much has changed, I just wanted some sort of normalcy."

"Gosh Serena, I didn't know that you considered that normal. That's very brilliant of you, putting on appearances for the sake of having something normal in your life."

"Yeah, I told her about Darien and I, she understands that I am upset and why I space out so much. So she doesn't fuss as much when I'm not paying attention. No one knows about this, not even Amy and she is in my class. So can you not tell anyone, please."

"Yeah, sure, well after you get out of your tutoring session, can you meet me at my school's auditorium? I need some help with the decorations and the scheduling of the acts."

"O.k. well what is this really, I thought this was a talent show?"

"Well a coffeehouse is a showcase of talent, but it's not just singing. There are poetry readings and monologues. Its set up like a nightclub with tables and we serve sweets and of course coffee. We serve cappuccino, lattes', and hot chocolate."

"That sounds great, and I will be glad to help you. Thanks for asking me."

"Ok girl, I will see you tomorrow."


"Mom is Serena ok?"

"Sammy what makes you ask that?"

"Well I was… uh picking at her. I called her a stupid meatball head and she agreed with me."

"Sammy I told you about picking at your sister, you know how sensitive she is, but I don't know; she has been quite lately. I will talk to her after dinner."


"Sammy, thanks for caring about your sister."

"Well, umm yeah ok Mom."

That night after dinner Serena sat on her bed looking out of the window. Since meeting Queen Serenity, she has been regaining her memories about her life on the moon during the Silver Millennium. She remembered the happy times she had with Darien and how both kingdoms anticipated their nuptials.

"Serena, can I speak with you dear?"

"Um sure Mom, what is it?"

"Well you haven't been your usual self lately, is everything ok at school?"

"Yeah Mom, I have just been overwhelmed. I don't think I have recovered fully from that attack at school a few weeks ago."

Serena had told her Mom that one of those cardigans had drained her when she was at school during detention. Which was partially true, Ann had drained her and Serena needed a viable excuse for coming home so late. She told her mom that the nurse detained her while she recovered some of her strength. She did catch the nurse after the battle that told her to take it easy for a few days.

Serena opened up her journal; she had started writing in it since she became Sailor Moon. Raye told her that she needed an outlet to release her built up frustration a while ago. Lately though, she had been writing about her feelings for Darien. She placed her heart in her hand and conveyed all of her deepest dreams with him in that book; since the breakup she hadn't written much of anything.

When you love someone so deeply

They become your life

It's easy to succumb to overwhelming feelings inside

Blindly I thought I could

Keep you under glass

Now I understand to hold you

I must open up my hands

And watch you fly

Spread your wings and prepare to fly

For you have become a butterfly

Fly abandonedly into the sun

If you should return to me

We truly were meant to be

So spread your wings and fly

Butterfly 1

'Darien, I thought you loved me. After all we have been through, after all I have done for you; you just tell me that its over… you don't love me anymore I got to stop this crying. I just need to face the fact that Darien doesn't want me anymore. I need to get over him. We were destined in the Silver Millennium; my destiny now is to be Sailor Moon. I must move on. Everyone's right, I have been moping around. I just have to be mature about this and believe…he doesn't love me anymore.'

The rest of the week went pretty slow. There weren't many attacks so the girls found their afternoons being spent at the T-A school auditorium. While walking home Serena went by the park…she usually went this way when she was with Darien so she wasn't sure why she took that path home. She sat on the deserted bench in front of the lake and thought about what happened between her and Darien.


Serena saw Darien sitting in front of the lake appearing in deep thought.

"Hi Muffin!"

"Serena, um…uh we need to talk…about us, our relationship."

"Is there something wrong Darien?"

"No, I just don't feel the same way about you anymore; I feel that we shouldn't see each other anymore."

"What do you mean Darien, is it something I said or done…you just can't leave after it took us so long to overcome everything."

"Look, there's not going to be a debate about this …I just don't love you anymore!"

"After everything Darien, How can you say that? "

Serena was crying hard now, Darien just stood not facing her, being as cold if not colder than he was when they first met.

"It's easy…I DON'T LOVE YOU!"

And with that he walked away.

**End Flashback**

'He never gave me a reason, he owes me that much'

While in her thought, Serena didn't see Darien walking around the lake. He too replayed that day, hoping that she would just move on with her life, that way she would be safe. As he walked he didn't notice that familiar pair of blond meatballs sitting by the lake, he absentmindedly walked in her direction. Serena looked up from her perch to see the love of her live walking by with his head down.

'He will tell me what I didn't wrong, I will get a response from him.'


Darien didn't hear his name being called; he was still collecting his thought. He looked behind him to see the love of his life running towards him with a look of determination on her face.

'No, not now Serena, I don't think that I could stand seeing you cry right now. All I want to do is hold you, but I can't let anything happen to you.'


"What do you want Serena?"

"I think after all we have been through, you at least owe me an explanation for why you broke up with me?"

'Oh forgive me Serena' "You? Thinking…that's a first Meatball Head. I don't owe you anything; I told you I don't love you anymore. I thought that was easy enough to understand, but apparently you can't even comprehend that simple statement!"

"Don't you stand here and belittle me, is that all you're good at? Why don't you love me anymore? What did I do? TELL ME!"

"You didn't do anything, I don't think I ever loved you…" 'I love you more everyday' "I love Serenity, and well since you look like her…" 'No, you are even more beautiful' "I thought I loved you, but oh well, even I can be wrong." ' No, Serena don't look at me like that, just walk away please before these tears fall…'

"I…don't…believe you. I don't believe you! No Darien, you can't mean that. I know you loved me, I know you still do…why are you doing this to us, to me?"

"LOOK Serena, you asked for a reason and I gave you one, now you can't accept it? I'm sorry princess 'I really am' but life is not based on what you want. Just accept the fact that we were over before we even began…grow up and move on. I would say it was a pleasure talking to you, but I'd be lying."

With that Darien walked off leaving a sobbing, brokenhearted, young girl alone in the park. Serena couldn't move, she couldn't speak…she even had a problem breathing. His words echoed in her head…

"I don't think I ever loved you"

She pulled her legs to her chest and cried. She sat alone on a grassy patch a few feet from the lake, the lake where she spent most of her time with Darien; walking, holding hands, talking under the cherry trees, playing in the blossoms…she had a huge heartache. Unbeknownst to her, Darien stood on his balcony watching his love…a girl, no, young woman he told he didn't love, that he never loved crying like her life had been taken from her. But it has been taken from her, Darien was her life, how could she be the soldier of love and justice if she didn't have love to believe in, a love that didn't love her anymore; or so he told her. Darien would give his life to protect her, and that is what he did…his dreams told him if he stayed with her, she would die. So he gave of his life, Serena, to keep her safe.

"I thought I loved you, but oh well, even I can be wrong."

'How could he say that he though he loved me? I risked my life, the life of my soldiers for him…and he -thought- he loved me…' "Why! Why Darien, how can you say that, don't you understand what you mean to me?"

Serena screamed to no one, but someone heard…Darien heard her. After seeing that she didn't get up he came back downstairs and watched her from up in a tree. He had no idea how hard she was taking this, he hoped that she would get up and go home. Tears freely fell from his eyes; he couldn't stand to see the pain he inflicted to keep her safe. 'Maybe she will understand one day…oh Serena I did this for your safety.' He turned and walked back to his apartment.

"I don't love you anymore"




"I love Serenity"






"Why…" Serena whispered to no one. She pulled out her communicator and called the girls. "Hey guys?"

"Yeah Serena?" Responded Amy first

"What's up Serena?" Said Mina

"Is there a monster?" Asked Lita

"Oh come on, Meatball head finding a monster, that's a first" said Raye of course, she then noticed that Serena's eyes were red and puffy and her normally bright eyes were dull and lifeless. "Serena, are you ok?" The girls should have been used to seeing Serena looking depressed, but this was beyond normal from the past few weeks. "Serena, did something happen with you and Darien?" The streams that resurfaced from her eyes answered that question. "Where are you now, it is getting dark?"

"I'm at the park." She barely said.

"Do you want us to met you?" Lita asked

"Look, I'm already on my way, just stay put ok?" With that said, Raye shut off.

"I'm sorry for bothering you guys, I just needed to…I don't know, I don't know anything anymore…. I will see you guys later ok?" Serena shut off communication and looked up to see a very worried Miko looking at her.

"Raye, he said that he doesn't love me…that he never did! Why Raye, what did I do to him. I love him more than life. I died for him…I DIED FOR HIM! We…we all did."

Raye felt that they were being watched and glared towards Darien's apartment. He was back on his balcony looking at Serena. She gave him a haunting look and he noticed that he was caught and went back inside. Raye sat there comforting her friend.

'How can he just stand there? What is he doing admiring his handiwork? Ooh, if Serena weren't here I would burn his rose garden!'

"Come on Serena, its late and I know your mom is looking for you. You can talk to me if you want." While she walked Serena home, she was told what happened and fire boiled in her veins. 'How dare he do that to her, just say he never loved her and leave her a quivering mass on the ground? When I get my hands on that so-called Prince of the Earth, he will wish Beryl did kill him!'


After walking Serena home, Raye called the girls and relayed to them the events that lead up to their princess' state in the park. After Raye was finished threats of a chain of fire covered lightening were issued with a mist of ice to cover the incident. Suffice it to say that Darien wasn't on the 'Mr Popular' list anymore. The next afternoon the girls decided to meet at the arcade to cheer up Serena. They flowed in with various thoughts on each of their minds. All had arrived by the time Serena strolled into the arcade. Her appearance was far from what they were used to; her hair was down from the meatballs and she had it gathered into one long braided ponytail. She wore khaki slacks and a cream sweater and looked much older than her 14 years. Andrew watched the girls and shook his head. He knew that they were all worried about their friend and he was even more worried for his, when this though entered his head…in walked Darien who looked somewhat upset himself. Darien came to the arcade to escape the tortuous solitude called his apartment. Usually the girls were at the shrine for their Sunday study session so he thought he could torture himself in another way be visiting Serena's favorite hangout. Since she didn't have her meatballs in, he didn't notice the girls sitting at the back booth until he saw Andrew's uneasy, nervous stare when he heard the bells ringing. Andrew tried to warn his friend, since Darien was in a dejected state, he didn't notice it and it proved to be very unlucky. Lizzie was serving the girls some milkshakes after Mina told her what happened. Lizzie loved Darien like a brother, but he would receive an earful from her as well. Since she was on the lookout too, all hell broke loose when she saw him enter. She almost dropped the tray and Lita rushed to help her noticing what her distraction was…

"YOU!" Lita hissed.

This caused Raye and the others to turn around. Since Serena was sitting by the window, she couldn't stop the girls from getting up. Even Amy put her book down and slid outside the booth. Darien noticed that the girls were there and then noticed that Serena was sitting in the booth with her back to him, minus the meatballs. 'Oh Shit!' was all he could think. Darien started to backup towards the door and Andrew tried to run interference but was shoved to the side by his own sister. The girls strutted to him looking more like the executioner squad rather than five concerned friends. 'I rather face the entire Negaverse right now instead of Raye and the girls'.

"How can you just stand there like that? You have some nerve to be here…" Raye uttered.

"I'm sorry, didn't know that you owned the place." Was Darien's nonchalant reply.

'Oh Darien, why do you always have to put your foot in your mouth?' Andrew thought.

Raye brought up her hands and positioned them as if to call for her Burning Mandala…her eyes lacking compassion or concern for her fellow defender of justice.

"I oughta; if we weren't inside the building…if these innocent people weren't in this arcade…if she didn't love you sooo much…I don't care how much she loves you…she is my BEST friend, my princess that I swore to protect, that I would give my life for…and hurting you falls under the category of protecting her from pain; pain in which you inflicted!"

Raye's ragged whisperings caused her to shake, her aura began to emit and she slowly radiated red. Since she is a Miko, Andrew and Lizzie thought this was the reason why she took on this color, they didn't have any idea that this on top of the fact that she is Sailor Mars intensified this. Serena sat in a disoriented state not paying attention to what was happening behind her, that was until she sensed the aura of one of her soldiers beginning to build. You see, Serena has a lot of powers the others weren't aware of, like Darien, she felt the link between the two and she felt this link with her court. In her distraught state, she became keener to power around her as a protective measure. Once she came out of her trance, she became aware of what was happening around her. She didn't have to turn around; she felt Raye's anger and Darien's fear.

"Leave him alone Raye." Serena said with her back still turned. Amy heard her and noticed that she wasn't looking at the spectacle. Raye didn't say anything at first so Serena repeated her statement.

"Raye, leave him alone. I know you are upset with him, but this is my problem, not yours."

"Not our problem, how can you say that Serena, after what he has done to you? He walks around here without a care in the world and you for the past few weeks have been like a zombie and…"

"I just have to deal with this on my own terms, I appreciate you standing up for me like this, but he isn't worth the wasted effort or energy." She finally slid out of the booth and headed to the group; looking at the girls Darien saw how she appeared older, mature somehow. Her eyes looked older and were dull and her diminutive stature looked commanding, like she is as Sailor Moon, yet her enemy wasn't a monster, but the man she loved with all her heart. She looked at him…pushed him out the way and walked out the door. Mina paid for the untouched milkshakes and the girls all pushed past the guys.

"Some best friend you got there Andrew." Mina said

"Yeah, I wonder when he will admit he was 'never' your friend." Said Amy to the surprise of all.

"You are one lucky bastard Darien; if not for her, you'd be a burnt spot." Lita said with lightening in her eyes thus left Raye.

"If she weren't my princess, I would say the hell to wasted energy. You are lucky Chiba…and I was so looking forward to the smell of burnt roses. Stay away from her, hurt her again…well lets say that your body won't be found." Raye then pushed him one last time and the last thing he saw was Lita forming lightening between her fingers.

It took Darien a few minutes to regain his composure. He slumped to the floor and placed his head in his hands. When he looked up, he noticed that Andrew pulled up chair beside him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Andrew felt sorry for his friend, but also felt that he somewhat deserved it.

He didn't know the incident but from the stares and treats just uttered he knew it was bad. Darien just tried to catch the tears before they hit the ground. Since Serena's friends were so hostile to him, then his words hurt her more than he thought possible. He wanted her to get over him, so that she would be safe, but after that display, he wondered if his actions weren't killing her anyway. She looked like she was approaching death's door and it was his fault.


The girls followed Serena as she walked towards the shrine. "We might as well train.," she said as she heard them walking behind her. The walk there was slow and Serena reflected what happened…

I won't pretend that I intend to stop living

I won't pretend I'm good at forgiving

"I take it Raye told you what happened. Well Mina, I was right, he told me that he loves Serenity not me."

"But you are Serenity."

"No, I am the reincarnated form of Serenity, she was beautiful, graceful and delicate; not to mention she was a princess and I'm just some kid who can barely walk without falling. Darien is right, I'm not Serenity. As much as his words hurt he was right. But they say the truth hurts, I just didn't think it would be this bad."

But I can't hate you

Although I have tried

"Serena stop being so hard on yourself. True you may not be the Serenity he remembers, but I'm sure he is not the Endymion you remember either."

"What do you mean Amy?"

"Think about it, was Endymion this cruel, this cold?"

"No, he was sweet and open. He was the most romantic person I'd ever met. The only remnant that associates Darien with him is Tuxedo Mask; but then he is like Darien too."

I still really, really love you

Love is stronger than pride

"See, so you can't sit here and skulk, I hear there are going to be some cute guys at the coffeehouse. We'll just find someone who deserves you special type of love." Mina finished with a wink.

"So I should move on?"

Sitting here wasting my time

Would be like

Waiting for the sun to rise

"Yeah, that's what you need to do…you are only stroking his ego anyway showing him how upset you are."

It's all to clear things come and go

"But what about 'our' destiny?"

Sitting here waiting for you

"Nothing is set in stone, not even destiny…"

Would be like waiting for winter

"Besides, that was 1000 years ago, destiny guaranteed you would meet him, it didn't say you had to keep loving him."

It's gonna be cold

There may even

Be snow

"I guess…"

I still really love you

Love is…

"I hate him."

Stronger than pride 2

Serena sighed and transformed once the girls reached the training grounds. The trained for most of the afternoon before they stopped to resume their studying.

Darien finally picked himself up off the floor and walked back to his apartment without telling Andrew anything. So it was his sister who had to clue him in on the events. Once he reached his apartment, Darien walked to his nightstand and retrieved several objects out of it. Inside was information on Sailor Moon: newspaper articles and pictures. He also pulled out several movie ticket stubs; credit card receipts from the restaurants he took her to; pictures of her at the beach with her family; a pedal from the first rose he gave her; the handkerchief she dropped at the Embassy Ball; pictures of them together and lastly the sketch drawn of the two of them by Lonnie Lenai a.k.a. Peggy Jones. Each memory was a cherished treasure to his life. He had gathered all and placed them in a photo album, in which he planned on showing her the day he married her. But the most treasured item was the infamous test paper that held the place of honor in a double frame that held the first picture they posed for. If not for that test, she would have never entered his life. He fingered these items gently hoping not to soil or tear them. This is the only thing he had that proved that someone actually loved him. Now alone in his room, he could freely cry and not be ashamed because of it.

-End chapter-

-Chapter 2-

The much-anticipated coffeehouse was fast approaching and Serena appeared to be almost back to her normal self, she still continued to wear her hair down and her outlook conveyed a mystique that her unknown admirers were enjoying. Many guys like her but felt that she was too good for them, but some were still hoping to have the chance to grace her life. There had been a few monster droid attacks but the soldiers managed them with minimal effort, on the part of Serena who had them practicing hand to hand combat with and without transforming. Also with this new training, Tuxedo Mask wasn't needed so Darien mostly observed the battles from the roof of a nearby building or from in a tree.

With the assistance Serena, the coffeehouse was ready for its premier. The rest of the girls helped out backstage; Amy did the lights; Mina helped with the costumes; Lita the sound and music; Raye of course was the stage director and Serena after helping design the backdrops just gave encouraging words. All was going ok until…

"Raye, the next act refuses to perform and the special guest isn't here yet. We don't have enough acts to make it to the end."

"Well, find a replacement!"

"That's the problem, no one either can or wants to…you'll have to do something."

"What! I don't have anything ready…um, uh…can't anybody do something?"

"Maybe I can help Raye."

"Serena, you want to do something, are you sure?"

"It's the least I can do after what you've done for me all this time."

"Oh thank you Serena." Raye said giving her a hug. "What are you going to do?"

"You'll see" with one of her usual smiles, Serena walked towards the stage. She whispered something to the accompanist and he nodded the affirmative. Darien decided to come to the coffeehouse, he knew that since Raye was the director, she would be there. Most of the evening he hoped for a glance of her, but she was backstage. The intermission was over and Darien noticed that there was a huge turnout, even though he was depressed, he was enjoying himself. At this point Raye stepped back on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen I hope you are enjoying yourselves. Our next act attends Juuban Junior High and she was kind enough to perform tonight…" at the mention of their school name Amy and Lita came from backstage and Mina wanted to see the source of all the commotion. They found a table that was occupied by Molly, Melvin, and other students from Juuban. They all cheered and some chanted the schools' name.

"And I must mention that she is a personal friend of mine and she is responsible for the lovely backdrops and props our participants have been using. Well enough with the suspense…I'm proud to introduce your next performer Serena Tsukino!"

There was already a standing ovation going on in the corner where Amy and the others sat and Raye added to the commotion when she joined them. Serena walked onstage wearing a long black skirt with a baby blue ¾ button down shirt. Her hair was in a modified two ponytails that divided at the nape of her neck rather than from her meatballs. She looked radiant, mature…truly a princess. She smiled as she sat down on the stool in front of the mike.

"I have been experiencing a lot emotional pain lately…I kept my feelings bottled up for a very long time. A good friend of mine told me to write my feelings down and in doing that, I have discovered a few things about myself. What I am about to perform for you is a poem I wrote that with the help of the house musicians will be set to music. I hope you enjoy it." The acoustical guitar began to strum as the piano stood by. Serena shifted on the stool pulling the microphone stand closer to her. As she closed her eyes, she felt an intense presence directed towards her.

He told me sweet lies of sweet loves

Heavy with the burden of the truth

And he spoke of his dreams

Broken by the burden

Broken by the burden of his youth

Fourteen years he said

I couldn't look into the sun

She saw him laying at the end of my gun

Hungry for life

And thirsty for the distant river

I remember his hands

And the way the mountains looked

The light shot diamonds from his eyes

Hungry for life

And thirsty for the distant river

Like the scar of age

Written all over my face

The war is still raging inside of me

I still feel the chill

As I reveal my shame to you

I wear it like a tattoo

I wear it like a tattoo

I wear it like a tatoo3

Serena couldn't help the tears that fell from her face. Singing this released emotions that she had kept inside since that fatal Sunday a week and a half ago. Darien reflected on her words for a few minutes. The song was full of symbolism and spoke volumes about their relationship.

'My actions brought her to this, she feels this way because I told her my love only exists for Serenity.'

For the first time since anyone knew him, Darien openly wept that night…sitting in the back, listening to his angel sing from her heart. Andrew came to the performance as well, but didn't sit with him, he noticed that Darien was looking for something, rather someone; he decided to observe. So imagine his surprise to see his friend cry from Serena's song. Serena, like Darien was oblivious to her surroundings, all she concentrated on was the look of pain on Darien's face, as he realized that the song was about them. She sat there for a few moments and was jolted out of her trance by the thunderous applause she received. Her classmates were standing on chairs calling her name. The soldiers stood hugging one another with tears streaming down their faces…even Raye's. They ran on stage to congratulate her and before he left, Darien created a rose and threw it at her feet. The girls noticed this and knew he was there. Serena looked at it and picked it up knowing that this would be the last one he would ever give her and watched as he disappeared out the door. As the curtain closed, her friends gather her into a group hug and sheltered her as new tears began to flow. Andrew watched as his friend slipped out the door. He felt that Darien needed time to sort things out, he sighed.

'This breakup is affecting him more than he wants to admit. I'll get him to open up though; he loves her yet he ends their relationship. And look at how this has affected Serena. She looks so different, not herself yet still beautiful. She appears like Darien; almost as cold, just as distant.'

Meanwhile backstage Serena's tears had ceased some. She still hadn't spoken, just clutched the crimson joy that rested in her delicate fingers. The girls were worried about her, they never seen her cry with such sorrow. They also noticed how she paled when that rose seemed to float to the floor. Mina caught sight of Darien during Serena's performance. She saw how fixated he was on Serena and saw crystalline tears streaming down his face as well. She looked back at Serena again and saw that she was still cradling the rose like a newborn babe.

'What is up with him?' Mina thought 'I could have sworn that he detested her. But the other day I really didn't feel any hostility from him to her. I think he still loves her, but something had to happen for him to be acting this way. Hmmm, I wonder if the enemy has gotten to him or something. I must keep my eye on his behavior.'

"Thank you everyone. I appreciate your love and support."

"Serena, I am so proud of you. I didn't know that you could sing like that; I didn't know you could sing!"

"Heh, heh, thanks Raye. I don't do it much, usually when I'm alone. I haven't done it much since becoming Sailor Moon; but you needed an act so I helped out. And you've done so much for me…I don't know if I couldn't have gotten by without your help."

"Thanks Meatball head, well I think the crowd has settled now. I need to announce the next act."

The rest of the girls gave Serena another hug and returned to their tasks. The rest of the evening was a blur; everyone seemed to only remember Serena's performance. The next day at school she was the hot topic. Even Miss H was surprised to hear that her one time lazy student had such a beautiful voice.


Another week went by and nothing happened much. The droids sent to reek havoc on Tokyo were not a threat to the soldiers. Serena had ensured that the girls trained twice a day. The morning consisted of aerobics, running laps around the shrine, and hand combat. The afternoon consisted of weapons training with Raye's grandfather and power combat. The soldiers were gaining strength and endurance, and Serena's approach gained more results that Raye's, Lita's or Luna's. Everyone was proud of her but knew that this training was done to keep her thoughts off Darien. Late one night Serena got a call from Raye on the communicator.

"Serena, wake up! I am sensing some extremely negative vibes near the park. The others are on the way and Amy will run a scan once she is there."

"O.k. take basic maneuvering positions. I want Amy to launch her bubbles once I am into position. I sense this too and if it is as bad as I think, I want us to strike together from opposite directions."

"Great idea…see you there."

"Let's book it Luna." Serena jumped out of her window to the roof. "MOON CRYSTAL POWER"

Once Serena arrived to the fight, she saw that the girls were following her orders. Jupiter and Venus kept the droid occupied while Mercury scanned it for weaknesses. Mars kept the droid from running away by surrounding the outer perimeter with fire. This droid was very tough; he could manipulate earth and sling it at the girls. Serena decided to stay in the trees while the girls got into position. Lately she has been taking a type of Tuxedo Mask position since this new enemy also wants her Silver Crystal. The droid decided to power up and send a blast to Mercury while she was getting in position.

"Look out Mercury!" Mercury looked up and noticed the blast coming towards her. ' I've got to deflect that blast!' "Moon Tiara Magic" Sailor Moon's attack deflected the attack and she signaled the others.





The droid was struggling against the various attacks. It was fixed in its location and knew the end was near.

"MOON PRINCESS HALATION" The droid was reduced to dusk and the jeweled Black Moon sigil fell from the sky. Sailor Moon began to check on the others when she was grabbed from behind.

"Sailor Moon you may have destroyed my droid but your Silver Crystal will be mine!" The girls turned around to see that Rubeus had grabbed her from behind and was floating several feet above them.

"Let Sailor Moon go Rubeus!"

"And if I don't, what will you do? Use those pathetic attacks against me? You are no match against me!"

"That's what you think! Now Venus!"


Venus roped onto Rubeus' leg and tied it around a nearby tree and gave him an eerie smile.


Rubeus watched as the thunder and lightening traveled up Venus' chain and struck both of them. Sailor Moon was immune to the blast but Rubeus wasn't as lucky. The blast hit him with a mighty force; it didn't kill him but hurt him severely. Before the blast hit him he traveled up at least 50 feet, so Sailor Moon had a distance to fall. She prepared herself for the fall but didn't touch the ground. Looking up she saw the familiar storm blue eyes of Tuxedo Mask. He held her tightly and exhaled once they reached the ground. Rubeus disappeared and the girls headed towards their leader.

"Tuxedo Mask, what are you doing here?"

"I felt that you were in trouble."


"Because of the link that we share."

"Link? What link is this?"

"The link that bonds me to you Sailor Moon, the one that leads me to the fights, the one that tells me you're in danger…"

"Oh, you mean the link that was forged between Endymion and Serenity?"

'No Serena don't go there, please don't do this!'

"Well Tuxedo Mask is it? Am I right?"

"Yes, but…"

"But what! You told me that you love only Serenity and I am not her…I am not Serenity…"

'No you're better than Serenity, please don't inflict this pain on yourself. I love you so much Serena, I'm doing this to protect you.'

"I am Sailor Moon…Serena Tsukino and you…don't…love…me" Serena's voice lowered to almost a whisper. Darien watched as she stared blankly past him toward the moon. "You're right. I'm not who I once was and never will be…but you aren't who you once were either. You aren't the Endymion I remember; he was kind, expressive, tender…he had an open heart and wasn't afraid to show emotion or let others in. People envied his spark for life and the joy he emitted. He loved Serenity for who she was; was never cruel, cold or mean like you. Even when Beryl attacked my kingdom he tried to reason with her and find a solution. Yes, I AM NOT SERENITY, but you are damn sure 'not' Endymion!

During the course of her speech, Darien turned away from her so he could be able to control the tears that were threatening to fall. She was right; he was no way close to being Endymion, as she was Serenity. The girls watched while their princess spoke. It broke their hearts to listen to Serena's voice while she revealed her pain. She had the memories of her love, but didn't compromise the past with the present. Their independent thoughts were broken by the sweet melody of Serena's locket.

"Nice song isn't it Darien? This locket…our locket, rather Endymion and Serenity's locket, the one thing that proves that love existed. The thing that helped lead me to you. Listen to it, see how the song is not as strong…like it's dying. It's connected to us you know, our love, no their love created it. So, its true…for the song to stay strong, you had to love me; you never loved me."

Darien stood deathly still, head bowed, cape blowing in the silent wind. The girls remained, like Serena and Darien, in their solider forms. Tears fell silently down their cheeks, never had they seen their leader, their princess, their friend so dejected, so broken…as her very will for happiness dwindled with every tear she shed. She walked shakily to a nearby bench.

"Why was I reborn? Endymion was my life…I sacrificed myself to be with him. We were sent here to escape the pain, to find happiness, to find…love. We all went through so much to defeat Beryl this time. Do you know what we went through to bring you back? Huh, do you!?" Serena's emotions began to boil; her whisperings increased like the sun rises. She clenched her hands into tight fists, nails digging into her flesh. The locket was being forever sealed from the pressure. A faint glow appeared around her as her aura began to radiate. "We fought against you, no matter how much I wanted to believe you wouldn't hurt me or the soldiers; I had to accept that you were under her control. You became my enemy but I knew that deep inside you couldn't really hurt us; you tried to kill me, I believed in our love and that healed you. I should have let you kill me…" Collective gasps were heard from all, including Darien. Serena never discussed what happened while he was under Beryl's control; so this was a first for him. "Dying with the belief that you loved me, is better than living with the fact that you never did."

"Sailor Moon, you can't believe that, you honestly don't wish you had died…"

"But I do Venus, we all did…we died rescuing Darien. Yeah, Darien, WE DIED saving you! If I weren't allowed to wish on the Silver Crystal, we would have parished like the Silver Millennium before us. And if I didn't love you or believe that a love between us existed…I wouldn't have wished us back. So look at me everyone…the big meatball headed, ditz that assumed that just because Endymion loved Serenity…Darien would love me!" By this time Serena had rose to her feet and shouted her epiphany to anyone who would listen. Her eyes were red, swollen and puffy. She gasped for air between statements and cried openly with such sorrow. Darien never though that Serena could convey her feeling with such depth, but then she was always better at expressing her emotion than he was.

'I had no clue this is how she felt. Oh, god what have I done? It was just a stupid dream…but it was so real, so vivid…I can see it whenever I close my eyes. I see her being ripped from my arms, I hear her guttural cries, I see the blood, I feel her pain. I…can't… let her go on this way.'

"Stop! Just stop it Serena! This will get you no where. I have made my decision, there is no going back and you can't make me change my mind!"

"Don't you dare tell me what to do! I have sat idly by and let YOU decide how I can act, what who I can love, and what I can believe in; I'm just sick of it! Screw destiny, I taking my fate into my own hands…" Serena's emotions reached their peak as her aura blinded the soldiers. Raising her hand above her head, the locket could be seen desperately trying to cling to her fingers.

"You want me to hate you Darien, well what does this say to you?" Serena slammed the locket on the ground and it shattered into many pieces. When she broke it both Darien and herself transformed into Serenity and Endymion. "This is what happened to us Endy, I'm sorry that we've come to this, but this is how you wanted it…what you wanted. Our love created this locket and your lack there of destroyed it…you are free; our link… is now severed."

To say the girls were in shock would be an understatement. They never conceived that their princess would sacrifice herself, her love for him so he would be happy. Endymion turned to Serenity with a solemn tear stained face.

"I'm sorry that it came to this too Serenity, times have changed and so have we; love doesn't bind, it guarantees nothing." He transformed back to Tuxedo Mask and she back to Sailor Moon. "Look, if you don't want me around…then…I don't blame you. I'll help with this new enemy if I can. But look its late, I need to be going." Tuxedo Mask formed one last rose, as he handed it to her it wilted, died, and blew away in the night air. "Love, like a rose is beautiful when in bloom…but neither can last forever…" with that he turned and walked away.

-End chapter-

  1. Butterfly by Mariah Carey
  2. Love is Stronger than Pride by Sade
  3. Like a Tattoo by Sade

Thanks for reading, I hope you are enjoying this so far. Review and I will submit more!