A Roxas and Naminé high school love story..., come on say it with me…, aww….

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts.


"Naminé, get up!" I heard from outside my bedroom door.

Cloud, my Father was yelling at me to wake up for my first day of school. However I had already been awake for several hours thinking, thinking about my mom, Aerith.

She had died of cancer last year on Valentine's Day. She had been a very beautiful woman with the sweetest temper to match. Many people had wondered why in the world she would marry someone like Cloud. I think it was because his personality was just the opposite of hers. I think that was the reason she married him.

My Dad works as a bodyguard for a company called Shinra. He always seemed inpatient and angry towards people, and many people are intimidated by his presence. However the people that actually know him know that he a great person.

My Mother was very fond of gardening and drawing, which is the main reason that I draw so much myself. I always tried to make her happy with my pictures.

Most people wouldn't be able to tell that Cloud was my father if it wasn't for my blonde hair, for I have my Mother's beautiful figure and my Father's blonde hair.

We had lived in Traverse Town most of my life. We recently moved to Twilight Town for Dad's job, and today's the day I had to start in a completely new school.

"Naminé, you're gonna be late!" Cloud shouted even louder this time.

"All right Dad, I'm up!" I shouted back at him.

I rose slowly from the comfort of my bed and began to get ready. I put on the white dress that my Mom had bought for me right before she died. I had readied everything the night before, so it didn't take me long before I was ready to go.

I walked outside and over to Dad's motorcycle. I hopped on and waited for him. Dad was very fond of his motorcycle and had even named it The Fenrir. We used to have a car, but since mom died we really didn't use it, so we sold it when we sold our old house. It doesn't bother me at all to ride The Fenrir, but I'm worried about what other people might think about it.

Dad got on after me and started it. I love the way the wind blows through my hair when I ride The Fenrir, and for some reason it never messed my hair up at all. Dad was a very good driver; he's never got hurt even though he has been in some pretty bad situations and this was one of the reason Shrina hired him.

He eventually pulled into the school driveway.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He asked.

I knew that what he was asking was very hard for him to do; he was a very proud man after all. I shook my head no and hopped off of the motorcycle. I watched him leave before turning and walking through the front doors of my new school. No sooner had I done so than I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see anybody there!" I quickly said, putting out my hand to help that person up.

I saw that he was a blonde haired boy around my age, and that he was really good looking! He took my hand and got up. I quickly let go of his hand, blushing brightly.

"Umm, bye." I stammered and turned to leave. I felt his hand grab my arm. I'm a very shy person and it's even worse when it comes to guys.

"Wait, you're new around here aren't you?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah." I replied simply. I decided to go ahead and ask him for some help.

"Umm…, do you know where I can get my schedule and stuff? I'm really lost." I said softly.

"I can help you there." He replied happily. "By the way, my name's Roxas. And your's is?"

"It's Naminé." I replied.

"OK Naminé, follow me." He said and we started walking down the hallway.

"Anyway, where are you from?" Roxas asked curiously.

"My Dad and I just moved hear from Traverse Town for his job about a week ago." I answered.

It felt so easy to talk to this guy, and I just met him a few minutes ago. He doesn't make me feel shy at all.

"Oh I see, what about your Mom, is she here too?" He questioned.

His question stopped me dead in my tracks. Mom, how could I almost forget about her? I, I couldn't talk to him about this. I had to get away from here, so I did the only thing I could think of, I ran.

"Naminé, wait! Where are you going?" He shouted at me as I ran.

I couldn't answer him. All my nightmares were coming back to me. I stopped running as soon as he was out of sight. I sat down on a nearby bench and started crying until I saw a red headed girl walking up to me. I quickly made myself stop crying and wiped my tears away.

"Hi, you seen lost." She said curiously. "Are you new here?" She asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah, can you help me?" I asked hopefully. I figured I might as well as ask her since I couldn't talk to Roxas and she seemed friendly enough.

"Sure, my name's Kairi by the way." She said happily.

"Mine's Naminé." I replied.

"OK, come on. Let's go." Kairi said with a smile. I followed her down the same hallway that Roxas and I went down earlier.

I was worried that I might see him along the way but thankfully I didn't. The hallway was completely filled with lockers.

"The freshman lockers are by the office way down there." She said as she pointed down the hallway.

We went into the office and got my schedule and my locker number. Kairi looked at my schedule as soon as we were out of the office.

"Let's see, you have Biology with Roxas, Hayner, and Olette and…," Kairi said but I cut her off.

"Roxas?" I asked, my voice almost breaking as I said his name.

"Yeah, do you know him?" Kairi asked curiously.

"No, not really." I replied quietly.

"Well, Roxas is a really nice guy." Kairi said smiling.

"What about the other people you mentioned?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, Hayner can be mean, but he is actually just really protective. Olette is really nice and really smart. Olette, Hayner, Roxas, Sora, and I all hang out together. We've been friends for a long time. Do you wanna eat with us at lunch?" Kairi asked hopefully.

"Sure, I'd like that" I replied happily.

"Yay, you can be part of our group too!" Kairi squealed happily as well.

Suddenly a bell started to ring.

"Oh, that's the warning bell. I'll show you where your class is and I'll meet you there afterwards to show you where the rest of the classes are, OK?" Kairi said as we hurried down the hallway.

"Alright." I replied as I followed the redheaded girl down the hallway.

I followed her until she stopped at room 120.

"This is your first class, see you after class!" Kairi said as she walked to her class.

"Bye!" I said before turning and walking into the classroom. At least I'm gonna make some friends, now I just have to deal with Roxas.


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