Keiki's eyes were always opened. She knew that the others were supposed to be on watch as well, but they couldn't be trusted. They couldn't be trusted to note the dangers, and shout them out loud for the others on the scene. Honestly speaking, the others were probably sound asleep at their post. Keiki could only trust Keiki to keep her out of danger.
But that was okay. She hadn't expected anything more from them.
A yawn escaped her lips as she peered out before her. Street lamps lighted the empty streets as fog crept over the ground. Its long talons seemed to reach and pull for the indifferent female that stood guard in the center of it. The sun had yet to rise to wake up the sleepy inhabitants of the small village. Stars dimly fought to keep their rule over the sky as the moon sank deep beneath the earth. A gentle breeze blew, sending stray strands of her hair flying.
Keiki only moved a hand to push back the hair behind her ear.
There was plenty of danger to look out for, she had found. Snakes crawled on the earth, concealed by the night air. There were some people who even tried to mug them, despite the fact that they were there to help the poor. Random animals could attack from no where as well.
Really, they were far from the ideal place of work.
A hand on Keiki's shoulder jutted her out of thoughts, and panic flooded through her. What happened to Keiki keeping Keiki safe? A deaf 5 year old beating on a drum would have heard this fellow walk up sooner then she had!
She whirled around to come face to face with piercing brown eyes, and a soft sigh escaped her. "Shin..."
The male nodded his head in response to hearing his name before jerking a thumb backwards. "Go take the rest of the night off. I've got it here." She stubbornly shook her head.
"I'm not tired." She spoke then swore profoundly as a yawn escaped her lips. Stupid coincident.
Shin grinned and shook his head, jerking his thumb once more. It wasn't that she didn't trust Shin. That wasn't the case at all. Matter of fact, Shin was the only one besides herself, she trusted to keep her safe. But she wasn't quiet ready to give up her post yet. So she stood there side by side with Shin, as both of them stared out into the empty space before them.
Shin was a mystery in himself to Keiki. He was skinny. Too skinny. And he always had a fatigued look in his eye. He could sleep more, she knew. And he certainly could eat more as well. It wasn't like they were starving him or banging pots and pans in his ear. It was completely optional that he didn't sleep nor eat, and that confused her. His hair, she noted, was ragged, but never grew an inch more then it had been when she had first met him. She assumed he cut it on his own. Pair of scissors. Or maybe a knife.
Honestly? She didn't care. Who needed to know about how someone cut their hair? It wouldn't help you live later on, so why know?
He also seemed emotionless. On numerous accounts, something ill had befallen on one of their co-workers. And while everyone around them sobbed, even herself, Shin remained expressionless.
Keiki tried to think back. He wasn't always like this. No, she knew he wasn't. When they first had met, when he first joined her crew, he was a love struck teen. He didn't talk much then, either, but he talked more. And he didn't show expression much, but at least then it was there. He used to grin more, used to laugh more, used to relax more. He used to look healthier then. As if he wasn't trying to kill himself. As if he wasn't trying to punish himself.
But today, Shin seemed more like the boy she had met those 4 years ago. Today Shin seemed happy. Yet that same weak feel about him surrounded and immersed them both in a dark certain. It was almost like they were actors in a play, and were waiting for the certain to rise for the first scene.
"What happened?" She asked, her eyes drifting from directly in front of her to look at the male. He shrugged, but his lips tweaked a little as if attempting to smile. "Something very clearly happened." She tried to probe. But still, she only got a shrug in response.
This befuddled the girl. What was so great that it caused him to smile? Or at least attempt it? Did he actually eat today? Was it as simple as that? A pleasant dream perhaps? Or did he meet someone? A woman? Envy rushed through her for a brief moment before she pushed the thought away. No. She wasn't jealous. Not of some shitty woman that he had met out here. So what was the cause of his happiness? Another pang of envy.
What was it? She needed to know! The envy seemed to be burning inside of her now. She- she wanted that happiness for herself. Whatever the hell it was. What was it that made Shin happy?
"Tell me." She demanded more then requested, and he only closed his eyes and shook his head. His hands found their way to his pockets and he left them there as his eyes opened again to scan the area. "Please?" She added, in hopes it would work. This time Shin chuckled.
It was a throaty sound. As if he hadn't done it in ages- and in truth, he hadn't- but it was nice. It made her hate him a little.
He was being selfish. He was hiding happiness all for himself.
"What is it!?" She shrieked. Her voice rose and fell in an echo, and a few nearby birds scattered from their trees. Frightened at their sudden alarm clock.
Shin blinked then looked at the frustrated girl before him. A smile graced his lips. It wasn't a smirk, nor a grin. Nothing she had ever seen before on him, even when he first came. A smile, genuine and happy. A hand came out of his pocket and patted her head before he spoke one word, and walked off.
Keiki dropped to the ground muddling over what was spoken to her. The sun was rising now. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she should stand up and get ready for work at the construction site. But she couldn't bring herself to lift off the ground. She wanted- no...needed, to know what this one strange word meant. She needed this happiness for herself.
She needed whatever this 'Yankumi' was.
Well there. I re-wrote this chapter about 5 times. And it still didn't come out the way I wanted it too. Im pretty upset.
It had originally been Shin. Shin who started the chapter. Then it was Yankumi. Then it was Kumai. Then it was Shin again. Finally I settled on Keiki. So raise your hands. How many of you did I anger with bringing in the OC Keiki?
Honestly? I wouldn't have liked it either. There are too many Mary-sue fics out there. Where the girl is mis-perfect and Shin falls in love with her causing a problem with him and Yankumi. Or blah. Whatever.
I want to make it known that Keiki will not be your typical Mary-sue. Matter of fact, she will be a main character, but not for any reason you will think of.
Also, I'd like to apologize for getting this to you late. We are nearing opening night for drama, and the stress has been really intense. The play is the 30th, the 31st, and the 1st. So I wouldn't be expecting another chapter till after that. But after that, the chapters should come much quicker. Less stress means more time for me to work.
I'd also like to thank each and every one of you who reviewed. It was amazing how many responses I got, and honestly Im really flattered. I hope you all will review this one as well, and keep me going.
Again, I promise; you'll be seeing a lot of Keiki. But she wont ruin any plans I have for this story, and I hope even with her appearance you will give the fic a chance.
"Happiness: We rarely feel it. I would buy it, beg it, steal it, Pay in coins of dripping blood For this one transcendent good." - Amy Lowell