A/N: Love you all, and here's the last chapter. Sniff, I think I'm going to cry…

DISCLAIMER: If only, if only the woodpecker sighs, the bark on the trees were as soft as the skies……

Ron panted heavily as he and the rest of his new friends thundered down the pathway to the pirate ship.

"BLONDO BOY!" Billie Joe cried loudly, Draco didn't answer.


"Drakey Poo!"


Still, no-one answered. Ron sighed, he was going to have to do it. He was going to have to pull out….the BIG guns…DUH DUH DUUUUH He swallowed hard, took a deep breath and yelled out as loud as he possibly could,






A very angry Draco pulled his slightly mussed up head out from the brig, "WHAT?!" He shouted venomously. Everyone simultaneously took one step back and left Ron in the front, his ears turning hugely red and slightly cowering. Draco pulled himself out of the brig completely, helped Hermione out and worked his way down to ground level.

"What- the- bloody- hell- do- you- want?" He ground out between breaths as he heaved himself downward. Ron giggled nervously, "Erm, whatcha doin?" Draco blanched.


"Marco," Pete called nervously, his fingers held out in front of him awkwardly, not wanting to, er, grasp anything that shouldn't be, er, grasped. gulp A giggle floated from somewhere nearby, "Polo!" Ginny cried happily, unlike Pete, who was very uncomfortable, Ginny was having the best possible time of her life. She was wiggling and splashing and swimming and giggling and having loads of fun, whilst Pete was trying very hard to keep all of his self-control.

"Marco," The cry came again, then, he felt it. A brush of skin; Pete smirked,

"I've got you now!" He laughed as he jumped on the soft body. Instead of wrapping his arms around a sweet, slender frame however, Pete collided headfirst with a very sturdy, and very unwomanly-like stump. He forced his eyes open, sputtering slightly, shieza. He thought.

"Polo." Ron ground out furiously before he whammed his fist into Pete's shocked face.

It took Ray, Spencer, Patrick, Billie Joe, and Chad to pull Ron off of Pete.

"Dude, just, chill out!" Spencer struggled between haggard breaths.

"CHILL OUT?! CHILL OUT?! HE WAS BLOODY SWIMMING WITH MY SISTER!" Ron lunged at Pete again, only to be stopped by a sharp pain in his neck. "What the-" he started to mutter, before his eyes rolled backwards into his head as he collapsed on the ground, unconscious. Everyone stared at him dumbfounded, then looked up at a needle-bearing Mikey.

"What?" He asked innocently, "He needed to be, uh, calmed down. I just gave him a shot! He'll come to in a few hours." Billie Joe shook his head, "Base players…" He muttered, "HEY!" Pete and Mikey yelled indignantly. "What's wrong with base players?" Ginny asked coyly, speaking for the first time since her brother was knocked out. She smiled at Pete, "I don't think they're half bad…" Pete blushed madly, and stared at his shoes, which were becoming very interesting to contemplate. Patrick coughed, "Well, this is…uh…interesting…SO, who likes Honda Civics?!" He asked haphazardly. Ray blinked. Chad coughed and said in-between-coughs, "Cheap." Patrick frowned, "They're not cheap! They're highly efficient and cost-effective! Not to mention they come in Hybrid! And BLUE!" He said happily, fondly stroking his blue wallet while singing to himself, "you look so good in blue, soo good in blue!" Everyone just looked at Pete for help, "Uh," he started, "KEEP QUIET! NOTHING COMES AS EASY AS YOU, CAN I LAY IN YOUR BED ALL DAY?! I'LL BE YOUR BEST KEPT SECRET AND YOUR BIGGEST MISTAKE!" He broke out into song with Patrick, faking strumming his base as the two of them re-enacted one of their FOUR-member songs. By the end of the song, (Which being caught in the middle of, they of course HAD to start it over) they were the only two left by the pond. Patrick looked helplessly at Pete, who shrugged and started to sing, "I FOUND THE CURE TO GROWING OLDER. AND YOU'RE THE ONLY PLACE WHO FEELS LIKE HOME!!!" as the two of them started to trudge up the path to the Weasley's. It was cute watching the two friends sing the songs that they wrote together, alone, with no-one else's help at all…. And yes, it was also kind of pathetic…but in a cute way… AHEM

"RONALD! SHUT YOUR FAT MOUTH! HE DID NOTHING TO HURT ME, OR TOUCH ME AT ALL! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S BEING A COMPLETE JERK-OFF RIGHT NOW! AT LEAST HE'S NICE TO ME! AT LEAST HE CARES! YOU NEVER TRY TO SPEND TIME WITH ME, OR PROTECT ME, YOU JUST THINK YOU'RE DOING YOUR BROTHERLY DUTIES BY GETTING PISSED OFF EVERY TIME I START DATING A NEW GUY! YOU ALWAYS YELL AT ME, ALWAYS TELL ME TO 'SHUT UP', YOU'RE AN IDIOT! A BLUNDERING, BLUBBERING FOOL WHO I AM SO NOT PROUD TO BE RELATED TO!" Ginny was bright red from bellowing so much, she was breathing heavily and there was a fire in her eyes that was burning so bright, it was as though it had consumed her. Pete sat quietly in the corner, watching her defend herself, "gosh, she's pretty.." he thought sweetly. Pete hadn't felt this way about anyone in a looooooong time, in fact, the last time he had ever felt so much emotion in his system was when the last girl he was with walked out on him; he was so upset he went and wrote their first album, Take This To Your Grave, about her.

So you see, this was big for Pete, real big. As he sat pondering his feelings, a phrase slipped in and out of his brain…. Phrases and sentences were always passing through Pete's brain, often inspiring him to come up with a chorus, or to write a full-fledged song about it, so it was no surprise to him when the random sentence Me and you, setting in a honeymoon… floated into his brain. Pete frowned, that was good. Really good…He lifted his eyes to make sure no-one was watching as he slipped off of the stool and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started to scribble furiously, paying no attention to the war that was exploding a few feet away.

"ARRGH!" Ginny screamed. She was so angry! SO angry! Her stupid brother always had to ruin everything.

"Ron, maybe you should calm down a bit," A hand brushed his arm. Ron looked up and saw Hermione looking at him with deep hurt in her eyes, he softened his expression.

"Come with me for a sec, okay?" She lead him down the hallway, sat him down in a chair and proceeded to scold him very harshly for all of his incessant blubbering, his mistreatment of his sister, and his backhanding rude comments. It was actually quite a funny sight: Hermione, shaking her finger patronizingly at Ron, who was staring at the floor with a childish pout on his face, sighing dramatically every once in a while. Too bad no one was there to see it….hehehehehehhe….

Hermione lead Ron back into the kitchen. "Everyone!" She announced, "Ron has something he would like to say to Pete, and to Ginny." She smiled softly at the distraught female sitting in the other corner, who gave her a wobbly grin in return.

"Pete," Ron managed to strangle out, Pete looked up, "Huh?!" He had been deeply involved with what he was writing, and had not been paying any attention at all to what was going on. "Oh right," he recovered after realizing what was going on.

"Pete, I'm really sorry for beating you up, and screaming like a bloody fool, you're a cool guy, and I had no right to let my temper get the better of me." He started to walk away but Hermione tutted her tongue, "ah-ah-ah!" She reminded him, Ron rolled his eyes, "Will you please forgive me?" He asked monotonously, like a five –year- old who was told to go apologize and was repeating exactly what his mother had told him to say, "Sure." Pete replied easily, he honestly didn't blame Ron. He would get the same way if someone tried to touch his sister…If he had a sister…Did he have a sister? He shook his head, way too many cookies…he thought to himself….

"Ginny, I'm really sorry for always yelling at you, and for being a lame-as-" He was cut off by Hermione cuffing him across the back of the head, "RONALD!" She shrieked, "NO SWEARING!" He rolled his eyes and huffed indignantly, "I'm sorry for being a pathetic excuse of a brother and if you want to go out with Pete, I really am okay with that. You're an important person in my life Gin, and I hope you'll forgive me?" He smiled hopefully, admittedly rather frightened too, at his sister. She smiled, "All is forgiven, Ron." She hugged her brother and went to talk to Pete. They talked quietly in the corner for a while; the smiles on their faces were growing bigger with each word that was said. Ron sauntered back over to Hermione who gave him a hug and an, "I'm proud of you," look. "Hey Weasley!" Draco barked, "HANDS OFF THE GIRLFRIEND!"

Hermione looked shocked, "Oh you don't own me yet!" She cried loudly,

"What do you mean?" Draco asked curiously, he was pretty sure, unless he had been drunk at the time and forgot what happened[t'was a very curious pineapple that he…er..owned her..if you get my drift…

"I still haven't beaten you at the personal fitness test!" She challenged, smirking.

Draco looked shocked, "A challenge? Hey! You stole my smirk!" He pouted,

"It's what happens in a relationship, love, we share everything." She replied nonchalantly as she went straight to the Wii and began her personal fitness test.

"Mikey, we need to get you a girl, brother." Gerard said intelligently after his cookie shock had worn off and he munched on a papaya happily. Mikey sighed, "I know…It sucks being alone on tour with four other guys…Maybe if I had a girlfriend who would go on tour with us I wouldn't feel so….lonely," Mikey sighed again.

"You know, Kelsey has a cousin who really loves music and is single and looking for a rebel…" Frank said casually, watching Mikey's expression carefully. Kelsey was Frank's girlfriend, she was really cute with big blue eyes and a attitude that said, 'I'll love you only if you're nice to me, if not, you'll have hell to pay' and Mikey was pretty sure that was why Frank loved her so much. "Oh yeah? What's her name?" Mikey asked, he couldn't help but feel mildly interested, "Hannah." Frank thought, "Yeah, Hannah's her name." Mikey smiled, he liked that name.

"Hey guys, I just wrote a song…" Pete announced off-handedly. The huge group turned to look at him, excitedly. "Sing it for us man!" Patrick shouted happily; he knew Pete had a good voice. He always gave the once-over for the songs he wrote, to Patrick who would then take over and make the slight changes where needed… Pete smiled softly, "okay." Patrick handed him his guitar and Pete strummed the first few chords, "This one's for you, Gin." He said quietly. Ginny looked on amazed, Pete began to sing softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Last year's wishes are this year's apologies
Every last time I come home
I take my last chance
To burn a bridge or two
I only keep myself this sick in the head
'Cause I know how the words get to you (off)

We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger, but not any better off
Bulletproof loneliness
At best, at best

Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

Collect the bad habits that you couldn't bear to keep
Out of the woods but i love
A tree I used to lay beneath
Kiss teeth, stained red
From a sour bottle baby girl
With eyes the size of baby worlds

We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger, but not any better off
Bulletproof loneliness
At best, at best

Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

The best way to make it through
With hearts and wrists in tact
Is to realize two out of three ain't bad

Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you

Pete finished the song softly, strumming the last chords of the song on the guitar. He leaned over and kissed Ginny gently on the lips; she happily kissed him back. Everyone "AAAAAWED" and a few catcalls were thrown from Patrick and Gerard. Tre did a cute little drumroll with his drums, and Brendon pretended to wipe away a tear. Mikey smiled appreciatively, if not a little sadly. Ron pretended not to notice, whilst Hermione was grinning like mad. In the midst of it all, Frank's cell phone rang.

" 'Ello?"

high pitched voice heard twittering like mad on the other end


more twittering

"I see,"

MORE twittering
"mm-hm, ok babe, love you too, bye." He flipped his cell phone shut. He sighed contentedly and looked like he was about to say something to Mikey when suddenly he was hit with realization. "Oh!" He held one finger in the air, motioning for Mikey to 'hold on' as he fished his cell phone out of his pocket again and proceeded to dial a number, "Hey babe? Before I forget, can you make Frankie's favorite choco chip cookies????" He asked, pleading like a small child. "Pleeeeeeeease?" Hermione was sure that Kelsey could just see the pout on Frank's face and the glisten in his eyes. "THANK YOU! I love you Kelsey, you're my favorite girl! No! Yes! Yes I mean you're my only girl! Of course I don't have other girlfriends!" he laughed nervously, "Love you too, babe." He flipped his cell phone shut again.
"Geez Frank, she's got you wrapped." Gerard muttered sarcastically. Frank stuck his tongue out at him.

"No, she just wants to be able to trust me!" Frank defended. Mikey rolled his eyes, smiling, "Can she trust you, Frank?" He asked playfully.

"YES!" Frank retorted, now getting frustrated. He huffed, "Anyways, she called to say that her cousin, Hannah, is coming up for the weekend and Kelsey wants her to meet the band," he coughed, "YOU" he coughed again, the 'you' being directed at Mikey. Mikey smiled nervously, "okay" he replied uneasily. Frankie's look softened, "Don't worry Mikes, I've met her before. Actually, I've had to meet the entire family.." He broke off shuddering, "Tight-knit family that one, very, er, threatening….Anyways, she's a great girl! I definitely think you'd like her. She'd fit in great with the rest of the band too, if, you know, you ever took her on tour with us…." He trailed off smiling. Mikey blushed like mad and Gerard, Ray and Bob laughed.
"Come on, brother, you need a girlfriend!" Gerard pleaded, "We're starting to wonder if you're gay!!!!" He exclaimed, only to be hit rather sharply on the head by Mikey. "Ow.." Gerard muttered, Ray stepped in, "What he means to say, of course, is that when one is on a bus with four other men, one of those five men has to become the, er, more feminine one to be the biggest wall of support for the group. To always give good advice, to make them smile, to cook good eggs," Bob snorted, " Anyways, you're like the spiritual adviser for us Mikey! You're the sensitive one, the quiet one, the sweet one, you're the girly one!" He finished desperately. Mikey rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I guess I can see the compliment in there, somewhere…" Frank nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah and you're always optimistic about things!" He added cheerfully. "Whatever.." Mikey rolled his eyes again. Geez, it's hard being the baby…even though Frank's younger than I am…HE has a girlfriend, which makes ME the baby…Oh well, Kelsey's sweet, I can only imagine that her cousin would be nice too. Come on Mikes, live a little! It's settled, you'll meet her, for Frank! And Gerard, okay and for yourself too. Just a little bit. OK so more for yourself than anyone else…Good boy… Mikey silently vowed to meet Hannah and hopefully start a really great friendship that could someday, maybe turn into something more.


"YES! OH MY GOSH! YES!!!! I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!!" Hermione screamed loudly, causing everyone to turn around in amazement. This is what they saw: Draco, sitting ashen-faced on the carpet staring blankly at the t.v. screen whilst Hermione was jumping around, twirling and standing on her head all the while screaming, "I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!!!" Glancing on the T.V. screen, the numbers 54 were glowing in bright red letters.

"I BEAT DRACO'S SCORE!!!" Hermione roared; everyone applauded and high-fived her and yelled loudly their congratulations. "I beat you, I beat you! Go me! Go ME!" Hermione danced around Draco her fingers pointing dauntingly at him; he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap, "Nice one." He muttered before giving her a thumping good kiss to which she smiled into.

All in all, it had been a crazy, but fun weekend at the Weasley's, and one that none of the participants would ever forget. Shortly after the Personal Fitness Competition, everyone decided to get their things together and travel homewards. Eragon, Arya and Saphira opened the portal and were about to step back into Alagaesia when Harry decided at the last minute that his place was with them. He gathered his belongings, hugged his friends and told them to, "wait for him on the other side, bra," he gave them the peace sign and was sucked into the portal. Panic!At The Disco decided to purchase tickets at the AirPort for the long flight homewards, and in parting left each of their new friends a special t-shirt and Panic! pin to put on their bags. Nickeback gave out signed c.d.'s and after exchanging numbers, promised to call again soon to get together once more. Green Day gave them all hugs and dogtags with the words, "We're The Ones, Going Home" on it and made them promise to come and visit them in L.A. sometime. My Chemical Romance also exchanged numbers, in hopes of getting together VERY soon to talk about Mikey's hopefully new relationship, and Frankie's favorite chocolate chip cookies; also handing out their special, signature My Chemical Romance REVENGE armbands and rough copies of their new c.d, not yet available in stores. Fall Out Boy were the last band to leave and probably the most heart-breaking. Pete smiled and kissed Ginny one last time, told her to "be strong" and to wait for him. Patrick promised to arrange with their manager to come and visit as soon as they were done touring in the rest of Europe, then gave them all hugs and signed Fall Out Boy posters, along with some quick Polaroid shots of all of them together. Peter Pan and his Lost Boys flew home, with the promise of coming back to play with the Wii on Saturdays (if there were Saturdays in Neverland) and the Pirates came back just in time to reclaim their ship, (and refill their rum) and they sailed away into the night sky. Sam and Dean were off to find more demons, and more Raven Symone songs to sing at the next Warped Tour/Battle of the Bands that they could find.

"Well, that was without a doubt, the funnest and most unpredictable weekend I've ever had." Hermione said happily, her head resting on Draco's shoulder as they watched the last tourbus disappear down the dirt road.

"Yeah, also the most impractical…" Ron muttered darkly, even though he was mostly joking, mostly.

"Come on," Ginny started, her eyes moist with tears, "Let's go inside, guys." The four of them made their way inside to a lonely, but finally quiet living room.

Peace At Last….

Or is it?

There! The end! It's finished! I can't believe it's done…over…I'm so sad! I want to thank all of you who have stuck through and reviewed so faithfully, it means a lot to me and I'm very touched that my story means so much to all of you! For those of you who I've not slipped the secret too, be expecting a sequel! What? You didn't REALLY think I was just going to let Pete drive away without Ginny did you? And besides, did Frank ever get those cookies? And what about Mikey's relationship issues? Where are the pirates headed? And WHAT is Harry going to do once he reaches the realm of Alagaesia? I love you all and I hope you enjoyed the last chapter,


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