1Chapter 1: An Explanation

"Bloody Hell Ronald! Don't swing your bloody arm so bloody wide!" A very angry Ginny

Weasley screamed at her older brother.

"I'm sorry Ginny! But maybe if you hadn't been standing like a giant log right in my way then

perhaps you wouldn't have gotten hit! You make a better door than a window, you know Gin!"

He roared back. Ginny's eyes flashed dangerously,

"Why you little-"She was cut off by Hermione,

"GUYS! PLEASE Just stop bickering! Ronald, be careful where you swing ok? And Ginny,

don't stand in the way again, now can we please just get back to the game?" She pleaded. The

two mumbled their apologies and sat back down on the couch.

"Very well, now it's Harry's turn!" Hermione said, sweetly handing Harry the Wii wand. He

grasped the wand and strode over to the tv.

"Right, so, I should know what this thing is, because I'm sure Dudders has one, but sadly, I

don't. So would you mind explaining this to me Hermione?" He asked, blushing all the while.

"Yes, of course Harry, ok. So while you were gone defeating Moldie Voldie and such, the

Weasleys' here, got a Wii. Now, what is a Wii you ask? Well, a Wii is the newest, and smartest

interactive gaming system of the Muggle world. Basically, you play interactive video game

sports!" She informed him merrily, he looked lost.

"Uh, what?" She sighed, this was going to be a long day.

"Ok listen to me Harry, you take the wand, and chose what sport you want to play. Now you

already know how to use the wand right?" he nodded, he had been watching Ginny and Ron


"Right, so you then pick which player you want to use. Now, you can create your own, or use

one that Ron, Ginny or I have already created. What do you want to do?" He shrugged,

"Make one I guess," She smiled encouragingly.

"Good, ok so go into Create a Wii. Now you can shuffle through and pick hairstyles, eyes, noses,

eyebrows, mouths, mustaches, hats, glasses, and the colors of each. You can also choose how fat

or skinny you want your character to be, and how tall or short." She explained slowly, as if

talking to a three-year-old. He nodded understandingly.

About an hour later, (Harry took forever choosing a mirror image of himself) the Boy-


With-A-Stupid-Spell-And-Now-Can-Barely-Spell-His-Own-Name deep breath, was finally

ready to complete his first game!

"Alright now Harry, There are five sports to chose from. Tennis, Bowling, Boxing, Baseball and

Golf. Which do you prefer to play?" Harry shrugged again,

"Idunno..." he said stupidly. Hermione rolled her eyes,

"Okay then, I'll pick for you. Hmm,, how about,, bowling! Yes bowling that's it!" She nodded

confidently and showed Harry how to pick the sport.

"Ok now Harry this is when it gets fun! Have you ever bowled before Harry?" she questioned

carefully, he nodded again. Hermione sighed with relief,

"Good. Ok so stand like you would if you held a bowling ball in your hand instead of the Wii

wand. Now, hold your trigger finger down on the B, while your thumb is on A, swing back, and

right before you let the ball go, pull your trigger finger off of the B. Got it?"

Harry tried it a few times unsuccessfully (He had forgotten to strap the arm band around his arm

and accidentally threw the wand into the tv, smashing the screen, which was repaired by a very

irritated Hermione, who, was about to pop with frustration) before finally nodding stupidly.

"Alright then, wait for the screen to come on, ok, now it's ready. Bowl whenever you're ready

Harry." She said, itching to get her own fingers on the Wii wand. Just as Harry was about to let

go of the 'ball' something happened that the occupants of the Weasley living room thought that

they would never live to see. Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, was standing, in the Weasleys' living room,

and he was not even under arrest for the order or anything. He was there, dramatic pause OF

HIS OWN ACCORD!! the audience gasps and a lady in the front row faints

Immediately, shouts of "MALFOY!!??" filled the room.

He smirked, "yes, yes, I know you all love me, but please one at a time."

"What do you think you're doing in my house Ferret?!" Ron demanded

"Now that is a good question Weasel, but first, I'm thirsty. Potty, go fetch me a glass of water,

and make sure the ice is clean and the glass has no mudblood filth on it." He added scathingly,

glancing at Hermione. Harry, being the complete idiot that he was, did as he was commanded.