
Sequel to "When Can I see you again?" This is another pure fluff about Robert and Sophie. They are still together, but not alone for long.

Hello, all! This is the last chapter, sadly. I hope you have enjoyed reading this story as much as I had fun writing it. I would appreciate if you could leave a comment with your impressions concerning the writing, the content, your overall thoughts on this fic. Thank you for reaching this far with me! Aline.

Chapter Twelve: Welcome Home

The next two days weren't much different from the first one. Not counting the few times Langdon went home to take a shower, fetch something, or cook some clandestine food for Sophie, he spent the whole time with her in the clinic. She breastfed him every two hours or so, and, if it was possible, he looked even more healthy now. If it weren't for the pain from the surgery, which could easily be beaten with a pill or two, she could say she hadn't been better. Finally the day come when both Mother and son were allowed to go home.

Even though Dr. Toller had told them Sophie could perfectly walk, as long as she didn't abuse, Langdon couldn't attend her request to carry Gabriel. It shouldn't be a problem, but he wanted to preserve her. "Wait a few more days, Princess," he had said.

It seemed Gabriel felt very comfortable in his cradle. He felt asleep the moment Sophie placed him in there after breastfeeding him. "Do you think he will feel cold?"

"Sophie," he laughed. "He has enough clothing on. You don't want to suffocate him, do you?"

She didn't even bother to reply. "Oh, Robert. You forgot to tell my Grandmother!"

"I told her," he whispered, reaching for her arm. "Let's talk outside."

"I want to call her," she said after closing the door behind her.

Marie was as thrilled to hear the news from Sophie as she was to hear it from Langdon three days before. She wanted to see Gabriel as soon as possible. Since Dr. Toller told them they should wait a few months till they could make a plane trip with the baby, they agreed that it would be better to arrange everything for her to come to the United States for a few weeks. It would be her first time in America.

Later that night, despite their tiredness, neither Langdon nor Sophie could sleep. Besides, even if she wanted, Gabriel was going to wake her up every two hours anyway.

Langdon was in bed trying to read the book he was reading in the park the day before, but he couldn't concentrate on it. "Sophie?"

She was in the bathroom. "Hmm?"

"Are you coming to bed?"

"I'll b right there," she said from behind the ajar door.

Langdon decided to put his book down and go over to Gabriel's cradle to check on him, who had been quiet for too long now. He still couldn't believe what fate had planned for him. To be married to Sophie, and to have a son with her, it was all too good to be true. Even though he thought that maybe he didn't deserve all this lucky, he knew it was real. He also knew that he should be very thankful to that. The baby was sleeping peacefully, his head bent over to his Father's side. Not being able to fight an urge to hold his son, Langdon picked him up and sat on the bed again. He was so deep in thoughts looking at his son that he didn't see Sophie approaching.

"Robert," she mouthed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get over how perfect my life is," he smiled, motioning for her to sit beside him.

She came to them. "You are going to wake him up."

"I don't think so. Look," he said. "This fellow sleeps as deeply as a stone."

"I hope so," she spoke, finally sitting down. "I was hoping to get some sleep now."

"You better get used to few hours of sleep."

Sophie laid her head on his shoulders, fixing her gaze on her son. "I know."

They stayed like that, staring at the baby like fools for several minutes, until Langdon noticed a tear fall on Gabriel's forehead.

"What is it, Princess?"

She didn't answer. Instead, another tear rolled down, this time falling on Langdon's hand. He had hoped to stop it.

He used his free hand to involve her in a tight hug. "Sophie."

She wiped her tears away and looked directly into his eyes, her lips forming a weak smile "I'm sorry, I can't help it."

His voice was no longer a whisper. "There is nothing to be sorry for. Come here." He brought her into a soft but deep kiss. Their foreheads and noses touched, neither wanted to break the moment. Gabriel didn't think so, though. He made his presence known by a happy squeaky. Never breaking contact with each other, his parents looked at him, only to see that his eyes were wide open, and he was smiling at them. This time even Langdon couldn't restrain his emotions.

"Thank you, my Sophie," he looked at her, teary-eyed. "For making me the happiest man on Earth."
