A-hem… Hi everyone! Welcome to the show!

This is my very first Bleach Fanfiction and err… I hope you peeps out there will like what I have to offer you!

The story is set after the Arrancar Arc and will contain spoilers for those of you who haven't read the manga.

Seeds of Destruction – A summary

An Ichigo/Orihime fic. The Hollow within Ichigo has made plans to destroy Ichigo for once and for all and he has found the perfect target to exploit in order to achieve his objectives: The lovely Orihime. What will happen when Ichigo suddenly finds himself devoid of all his powers and the Hollow plants a seed that keeps in it the destruction of our beloved Part-time Shinigami?

1. Tormented Soul – A flight without wings

Shallow breaths resounded in the dim room, gasped whispers floating in the air.

His name was tumbling off her lips with each thrust within her, her body arching up to him in outmost pleasure.

He watched her moan and writhe beneath him, marveled by her softness and welcoming warmth. His calloused fingers caressed her creamy skin, following the path between her voluminous breasts, down towards the flat plateaus of her abdomen, and to the slight rounding of her soft underbelly.

"Kirei…" he whispered, bending his head to catch an erect bud between his lips.

"Ichigo… kun…"

Her sweet little voice sounded like music in his ears and with butterfly kisses he shifted his attention towards her other breast, holding her body close to his with one arm as he did so.

Rapture was quickly beginning to take over her senses and she needed to feel him closer, deeper and all around her. His warm breath was playing against her and it was almost too much for her to bear. The heat of his passionate thrusts was making her body shiver from a fever she had never witnessed before.

He was everything she dreamt he would be and even more.


She had been his trusty companion for so long now and he had almost always taken her presence for granted. It wasn't before she got kidnapped by Aizen that he realized how much she truly mattered to him.

That night she disappeared, he had felt her presence. He knew that she had been there and healed his wounds, knew that he was the only one she had wanted to say goodbye to.

Even with all of the dangers that surrounded him and the never-ending troubles that come his way, she had always been there for him, always followed him to where ever he wanted to go. Never questioning, only trusting.

He loved her.

"Ichigo…" she whimpered, tears of pleasure rolling sideways from her face. "Aishiteru, Ichigo…"

He kissed her, drinking in her moans and murmurs, returning them with soft groans and devoted whispers of his own.

"Ichi… Ichigo!"

"Hime…" He breathed against her lips, closing his eyes tightly at the delicious sensation of her walls closing around him as her orgasm crashed down on her, taking him with her into a whirlwind of colorful emotions.

She lay next to him now, sound asleep.

He watched how her body, which lay on its side, gracefully curved at her waist and hips and how her breasts went hidden behind her left arm, while her right one lay pillowed under her head. Her long, light brown hair stuck to her damp body here and there, adding even more to her erotic beauty.

A hand reached out to touch her face and he smiled as she reacted to him with a satisfied sigh and snuggled closer in her sleep.

Suddenly, he froze and turned around with a scowl to stare at his window.

Another hollow had emerged.

Ichigo turned around again to look at her and he found her eyes resting on him.

She had felt it too.

Her lips curled into a smile at his apologizing expression and she shook her head. They both knew this was one of the inevitabilities that went with sleeping with a Shinigami. "Go."

She then reached towards the dresser behind her and took the Shinigami Badge.

Ichigo now looked at the stone and then up at her.

Orihime only smirked and handed it to him. "I'll be here. Just go protect the innocent."

He smiled back and took the stone, bent over and kissed her on her forehead.

Orihime watched how his body fell backwards next to her on the bed and how Ichigo's Shinigami form rose up.

"I'll be right back," he whispered, opening the window. The next moment he was gone.

She sat up and pulled to covers up to her chest so she could move to close the window.

In the distance, she could hear the hollow's cry and hoped that it wouldn't take too much from Ichigo to defeat it. She knew he would defeat it, he always did, but that didn't keep her from worrying.

Aizen was still out there somewhere, licking his wounds.

Nothing could've described how she had felt when he had taken her in his arms after rescuing her from Hueco Mundo. She had cried for hours without end, crying tears of relief and happiness all at once.

She had always thought that he didn't care enough for her to come and risk his life to save her. She had even decided to give up on him when he only grew closer to Rukia with every battle they shared. Never had she thought that he would give his life for hers.

But he did and he even said those four little words she would've never dreamt of hearing from him.

"You matter to me, Orihime…"

She couldn't restrain herself from smiling when she thought back of that moment. He even had said her first name, and not her family name… Not much later after that, they began seeing each other after school more often which had lead to the beginning of a relationship that lasted 6 months and to this first night she shared with him now…

Tomorrow they would both graduate from High School and begin to look through university pamphlets their teachers had handed out to the graduating class. Ichigo told her that they'd be together, no matter what. She chuckled softly when she thought of the face he had made when she turned out to be the second in their class with the highest test scores.

"How the hell did you manage to be 2nd? It's like we didn't even go missing for nearly 3 months!"

Orihime giggled a little more and could feel the familiar butterflies flutter within her.

She then turned her head to look at the inert body that lay beneath her on the bed. Only, when she did so, she suddenly felt her smile disappear and her heart skip a beat.

Ichigo's body wasn't lying there.

An eerie feeling unexpectedly grabbed hold of her and she let out a trembling breath.

This sensation… it had been a while since she had felt this way; it was as if a dark aura was crushing her soul down. She hadn't felt like this since she had been held captive in Hueco Mundo.

"It's always been evident that he has a tender spot for you, Orihime-chan."

Orihime slowly turned around; her eyes wide open in an indescribable fear as she finally realized to whom that reiatsu she felt belonged to.


"Come now, Orihime," his voice chuckled in the dark, "It's only me."

She gasped as she saw the mask doom out of a dark corner of the room.

"That's not poss—"

He smirked evilly, his yellow eyes glowing dangerously. "Why not? After all, he and I share the same body?"

"Ichigo…" Her trembling voice whispered in the moonlit darkness.

A humorless chuckle sounded in the night and he fully stepped out of the shadows.

Her breath caught in her throat now that she stared at this version of her Ichigo that, then again, wasn't hers. There was no trace of the Ichigo she knew in this creature that stood in front of her now. His hair was of an eerie white instead of the vibrant orange she had grown so fond of, his skin was of a dull grey and then— his eyes…

"You're not Ichigo—"

An annoyed sigh escaped from behind the mask and he took it off, revealing his eerie amber eyes and his evil grin. "Don't tell me your intelligence lies in that impressive rack of yours. Geez…"

Orihime bit back an offended gasp and balled her hands into fists around the edge of the covers she still held up against her. She knew exactly who this being was, she had sensed him countless of times when Ichigo had had his moments of insecurity before Aizen had taken her away to Hueco Mundo. This was the reason why up until today he still preferred to seclude himself away from the world at times like those.

Because of his Hollow within.

"What do you want?" She firmly asked, facing him with all of the courage she could muster. "You're not supposed to be here—"

In a flash he was suddenly in front of her on the bed, his black eyes glaring evilly at her while his blue tongue flickered over his grinning teeth.

"My… not that dumb after all…" he chuckled, bringing his face even closer to hers.

"Santen Kess—"

"I don't think so," the Hollow said in a low voice, silencing her as he tackled her and made both of them fall on the bed. He had placed his right hand on her throat providing just enough space between his fingers for her to barely breathe.

"Just look at you," he said with a sneer, "you really are quite the catch, Inoue Orihime." He chuckled as he felt the slight shiver that went through her body and flickered his tongue out against her right cheek. "Now I see why my aibou was nearly trembling with excitement earlier… He fucked you so hard even I felt it…"

Orihime let out a frightened whimper as he pressed himself closer to her, the thin fabric of the cover not offering enough shelter against the poking sensation of his obvious arousal. "S-Stop… you can't do this…!"

The Hollow let out a throaty groan, as if questioning why on earth she was even fighting him. "And who will stop me? His Majesty the Strawberry is no where to be found for the moment, so I'm the king of this castle for now."

"No…!" she whimpered, closing her eyes tightly. Why did she always run to Ichigo when she found herself in trouble? She had sworn to herself that she'd fix her own problems, but now… How was she supposed to fight this being that equaled her Ichigo in strength, speed and even in appearance?

"Let me let you in on a little secret, Orhime-chan…" He whispered in her right ear, his breath unbearably hot against her. "You're his greatest weakness."

Her eyes spread wide open at this and she looked up at him, stunned.

He grinned maniacally again and put on a fake apologizing face. "It's because of you that he's let his guard down and I got a chance at emerging from the depths of his soul where he had cast me."

Orihime began to feel tears sting behind her eyes and began to shake her head, not believing a word this creature was saying.

"How else do you explain me being here?" he continued, his eyes wide open in evident excitement. "You guys fucked and now I'm here! Face it; I'm the fruit of your love!" He shrieked before bursting out in laughter.

"You sick bastard!" She whispered with a quivering voice, her tears now flowing sideways from her eyes.

The white haired Shinigami smirked and reinforced the grip he had on her throat, watching her choke on a sob with growing glee. He then proceeded with excruciatingly slowness to pull the cover away from her body, revealing her heaving chest and creamy white skin. "That lucky bastard…" He grinned, not paying attention to her protesting movements and pleads.

"You're willing to give it up to him, but not to me? We share the same body!"

Orihime began to feel light-headed. "Please… ya-yamete…"

The Hollow chuckled and pressed his lips against hers, absorbing her cries of terror. He let his tongue slither inside her mouth, tasting and exploring her fully.

She gasped for air when he finally released her, the tears she had cried before all dried up against her cheeks. There wasn't much she could do; If she screamed for help she'd alarm Ichigo and if Ichigo were to find her like this, he would probably begin to distance himself from her again, in fear of not being able to control his Hollow. He would eat himself up with guilt. If only she didn't feel the way she did for him, if only they hadn't gotten together tonight… then… then…

It was all her fault…

"No!" She sobbed, a shot of pleasure running up her spine before she even realized what the Hollow was doing to her.

With one finger inserted into her tight entrance while his other hand still held her tightly by her throat, he grinned his maniacal smile again. "My… so wet, aren't we?"

Orihime bit back a moan as he began to move slowly in and out.

"Hmm…" Hollow Ichigo then focused his attention on her heaving breasts, tentatively licking one of the rosy crests and smirking darkly at the muffled passionate response he received. "There's no shame in admitting you like it, Orihime-chan…"

"S-Shut up…" She whimpered before crying out at the second finger that entered her.

"I'm going to love fucking you, that's for certain…"

His fingers removed themselves from within her and the hand around her throat loosened its grip. Orihime opened her eyes to see what he was going to do now but found herself staring at the ceiling.

He was gone and Ichigo's body lay next to her on the bed again, as if nothing ever happened.

She quickly pulled the covers back over her body and wiped away her tears. She knew for sure that she hadn't dreamt her encounter with Hollow Ichigo; she could still feel the pressure he had used on her throat and the throbbing sensation between her legs also gave proof of this.

Don't worry, Hime-chan… I'll fuck you. It's a promise… And then, I'll destroy your Berry-san through you…

She gasped and gulped as his insane laughter echoed in her mind, her eyes rolling to look at Ichigo's body next to her with a mixture of sadness and fear.


The window opened then and Ichigo jumped inside the room.

"Goddamned Hollow!"

She sat up to look at him with a small trembling smile, holding the covers up to her chest. "Okaeri…"

Ichigo turned around and stood up straight, looking around as if he was searching for something. "Aa…"

"Is there something wrong?" She wondered, looking around as well.

"Are you alright, Orihime?" He then said, looking at her now.

She frowned but nodded. "I'm fine. What's wrong?"

Deciding for himself that he wouldn't find what he was looking for for the time being, he sat himself on the edge of the bed and reached out to her. "It's nothing; I thought I had felt something that impossibly could've been here."

He felt the Hollow?

Orihime only smiled and placed a hand against the one he held against her face. "It's only been me here ever since you— you're bleeding!"

Ichigo looked at his shoulder and gave a small shrug. "It's nothing; I was just a little distracted—"

"Souten Kisshun…" She automatically whispered, placing her hand above the wound. In less than 3 seconds the torn up fabric was as good as new and the wound was healed.

"What was on your mind?" Orihime then asked, while Ichigo returned into his body.

Ichigo blinked his eyes open again and he moved his head to look at her. "I just had this horrible feeling, Orihime… It was as if I had lost control of my inner Hollow. I could feel that part of my reiatsu slowly slipping from my grip and I somehow chased it back here."

Orihime gave him a reassuring smile and nestled herself in his arms underneath the covers. "I'm alive and well, aren't I?"

He held her close to his chest and kissed the crown of her head. "I still worried."

She closed her eyes and moved herself up until her lips met with his, kissing him deeply and passionately. "I'm a big girl Ichigo-kun. I have my own super powers."

He laughed endearingly at that and nodded. "But nonetheless, ever since Aizen—"

"You have to stop acting like I'll crumble or wither away without your protection…" she whispered, silencing him. "I don't want you to be worrying about me non-stop, Ichigo. The damsel-in-distress-role really gets annoying after a while." She brushed a few strands of his orange hair out of his light brown eyes and smiled. "I can take care of myself. Honestly."

Ichigo cupped her face in his right hand and caressed her cheek with his thumb. "You make it sound like it's an obligation for me to protect you, Hime… Only, it's not: I want to protect you because you're the only one I always want to return home to."

Orihime felt tears fill her eyes. "Ichigo…"

"So please, let me protect you, let me be the one who wipes away your fears, Hime… Let me love you like this, by protecting you."

She broke down in tears and buried her face in the crook of his left shoulder and neck, shedding warm tears of happiness and at the same time shivering from a heartfelt angst.

She knew for herself that there was only one thing she could do.

She moved herself on top of him and straddled him. Then, she guided his hands up her waist and towards her breasts while she closed her eyes and shyly made slight circular movements with her hips.

Ichigo silently accepted the offer she made him and sat up, pressed a kiss on her left breast and held her close while she guided his hardening member inside her.

Orihime gasped when he slid in her, arching her back with a soundless scream. Ichigo then grabbed hold of her hips and coaxed her into moving up and down slowly, while his lips caressed loving kisses and soft murmurs against her breasts, her chest and her throat.

She loved the man he had become, felt thankful that he had accepted her into his life as his partner, but she couldn't bear the thought of being the source of his greatest weakness. She couldn't give his enemies that advantage on him and she wouldn't.

Tonight they had made love for the first time and she knew she would never forget it, but she had decided for herself that this is where it ended for the both of them.


She held his head close to her chest and silently wept her tears without him noticing.

"Thank you for loving me this way, Ichigo-kun…"

To Be Continued…

Ps; For those of you who experience difficulties with Japanese, I will put a vocabulary list in the next chapter for those who'll ask.

Next Week: 2. Pained Heart - The heavy weight of a goodbye

Thank you for reading and please review?