"Maybe we could just say we found him this way?" Rinku tried looking at the body.

Isis 'hmmmed' as if considering the idea, before leaning down to poke near the bleeding temple. "Nah, your energy is leaking from the wound."

"Crap." He muttered, crossing his arms. Ever since they had discovered the body of Eddy after his 'accidental' run in with the yo-yo, the two youths had been deliberating on how to deal with the situation.

"Rinku." The redhead said, biting her lip. "I think we should take him back to your house."

The boy winced, not looking forward to explaining the situation to the older demons.

Rinku quietly opened the back door, peering inside. "Chu?" He called out to the empty kitchen. Cautiously the brunette walked further into the room, before spying a note on the kitchen table. Picking up the parchment he quickly scanned the writing.


We all went into town to go grocery shopping, don't worry we'll get your Frankenberries. Be back later.


Letting out a sigh, Rinku walked back outside.

"All clear, Isis." He smiled, walking around towards Eddy's body, and grabbing his legs. The cat-girl smiled, taking the arms as the two carried the human into the house and upstairs to Rinku's bedroom.

"He's pretty heavy for a human." The girl frowned, as they set him on Rinku's bed. "Whoa." She stared, looking at the set of medals on the boy's dresser top. "Are these yours?"

"Oh yeah." The boy blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, the first is from participating in the Dark Tournament, and the other two are for different levels I made it to in the Makai tournament."

"I had no idea." She stared. "You really are strong."

"Uh-huh!" He boasted, before modesty caught up with him. "Er-well."

Isis started to giggle before Rinku joined in. "Oh geez, Eddy." He suddenly remembered, looking at the boy on his bed.

"What should we do?" The girl asked. "He needs first aid."

"Oh right," The boy said, recalling the mass of potions Suzuka kept in his room. "I'll be right back." He said, dashing down the hall to the blonde's room.

Opening the door to the 'rainbow room' he walked past the inventor's craft table covered in various construction paper and fabric. "Weirdo." He mumbled, heading to the chemistry shelf.

"Which one?" He pondered looking, at the various colored beakers. He recalled, Suzuka using a yellow colored potion whenever someone in their home would circum to injury. The problem was there were several different yellow beakers all unlabeled. "I guess this one." He said, choosing the one from the middle, before heading back to his room.

"Here we go." He said, uncorking the container as he entered his room.

"Will that work?" Isis asked.

"Trust me he'll be feeling better in no time."

"487 credits for a week's worth of groceries." Touya sighed, opening the back door and carrying in two brown grocery bags. "And not one single vegetable."

"But we did get the pudding pops." Jin reminded, following the man and setting the bags down on the table.

"But of course." The ice apparition mumbled, as the others came into the house arms full of groceries. Chu's case especially his load containing two cases of Foster's beer. "Rinku!" The Aussie called, "Come give us a hand with these mate!"

Upstairs the two youths quickly turned to face each other. They had just given Eddy the potion and so far he was still unconscious.

"What now? Do we tell them, what happened?"

"No!" Rinku panicked at the girls' suggestion. "Let's just wait for him to wake up, that potion takes about thirty minutes to work." He recalled.

Nodding Isis grabbed his hand before the two quickly made their way down the stairs into the kitchen. "Hello everyone." She greeted. "Hi." Rinku mumbled, automatically grabbing a grocery bag and unloading it.

"Ah, Ello 'ere, little Sheila." The mow-hawked man greeted. "You two weren't do'in anyth'n naughty upstairs now were ya?" He grinned.

"Chu!" Rinku stared, jaw dropping.

"Now, now." The man smiled. "I was just jok'n."

The older demons chuckled, all continuing to unload the groceries. "So what did you two do today?" Suzuka asked, setting aside a few items to start dinner.

"Played!" The two answered quickly in unison.

The blonde threw them a peculiar look, before going back to his task. Kids always did strange things, as long as it wasn't illegal…or at least anything that could be traced back to them.

"Ya stay'n for dinner lass?" Jin asked.

"Uh." Isis stared, throwing a glance at Rinku. "My mom's expecting me home. We're celebrating our solstice tonight."

"Oh right." Jin nodded. "We need to be pick'n a night soon to be pay'n homage to the Spring. Don't want the fairies mad at us!"

"Right!" The girl nodded, looking at Rinku. "See ya later."

"Yeah, I'll call you." He replied watching her leave. As soon as Eddy's head was better Rinku planned to sneak the boy back to his home and leave him as if nothing had happened. 'That stuff should take effect soon.' He hoped, sub-consciously looking up at the ceiling where his room was located on the next floor.


The boy quickly turned to find an irritated looking Shishi. "Uh, yes?"

"I asked, if you would set the table."

"Oh sure!"

After dinner the group had gathered around the living room to watch 'Snatch'. Rinku waited until the dog had started squeaking, before sneaking upstairs to check on his ex-best friend. Opening the door slowly, Rinku expected to find the boy sleeping in his bed. Instead he was greeted by a shocking site.

As the credits rolled on the screen the tournament fighters stretched and began to discuss the media. "I would have lov'ed to be go'in a round with a fellow I'resh boy."

"You did enough of that at your last family reunion." Touya stretched.

"Aye, good times, that be." The wind master smiled.

Shishi ignored the banter ready to turn in so he could get some beauty sleep when an odd sound caught his ear. "What was that?"

"Oh well." Jin stared. "I was say'n when my cous'in Mary got hitched to a limey-"

"No, I could care less for your family's bizarre matrimony. I mean that sound." He clarified.

"What sound?" Touya inquired.

"Shhh." Suzuka interrupted holding up hand. "I hear it too."

The group held their breaths and strained their ears until the sound came again.

"Upstairs." Touya said, standing up.

"It sounds like a cry." Chu frowned, heading upstairs ahead of Touya. "Rinku," He called, reaching the shut door and knocking. "You alright in there, little buddy?"

"Yes!" The youth answered quickly. The other occupants gave the door a disbelieving stare. "What's that noise?" The man asked.

"The TV!"

"Oh." The Aussie shrugged, turning around to leave.

Suzuka blinked, before stopping him. "Chu, Rinku doesn't have a TV in his room."

"Oh for the love of-" Shishi mumbled, before forcing the door open. "What are you doing up here you little…baby?"

"Uhhh." The star-child blinked standing in his room, holding an infant.

"Oh isn't that cute, Rinku's first kidnapping." Touya concluded.

"No, well, am I kidnapper?" The boy pondered.

"What the hell is going on?" The tengu demanded.

Sighing the boy, revealed the events of the day from his sparing with Isis to brining the injured human to his home.

"And then when I came up here during the middle of the movie, Eddy was….little." He tried.

The older demons stood there shocked at Rinku's great cover-up, Jin mostly trying to keep from laughing. "Aye, this takes me back, remember when we kidnapped Biggie's sister Toy! After he stole your-"

"This is not the time Jin." He reprimanded.

"Rinku?" Suzuka asked as calmly as possible. "WHICH potion did you give Eddy?"

"Um, the yellow one in the middle, that you always give us when we're hurt."

Biting the inside of his cheek the blonde tried to control his temper. "Rinku, that wasn't the cure-all potion. That was the serum for the Idunn Box!"

Sorry it's been a while, but I only have 3 more weeks until graduation! So I've been working hard. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I hope to deliver the next one not too far from now. As usual I own nothing, and as always please review!