A/N- Hello! Well here's the last chapter of this story. I think you'll guys like it. I have started writing a sequal, but I'm not sure when it will be posted. Enjoy!

tyLer-Lover- Ok, got what PM means. Now I just need to remember it, I probably will though. Go ahead and 'PM' me whenever you want.

soccergurl382- I do believe we can call them lovers once more. They have made up and are back into their relationship. Yes goodbyes do suck, but they are something everyone has to deal with.

Larissa- You'll just have to keep reading to find out what happens.

MagykGurl- I'm glad you like it! One more update to go.

HopelessRomantic44- Catching up on kisses for Reid and Dena and then starting the kisses for Tyler and Lucy.

"Why did we come back to this hell hole?" Reid grumbled as he got out of the Hummer with Tyler.

"Because we still have a few weeks of school left. Then we have summer and then college." Reid just kept grumbling as he jumped up the steps. Reid slid the key into the lock and opened the door to their dorm room. "Hey Reid, I need to head home for a bit to get some clothes. I might stop at Pogue's house too and get my stuff cleared out of there as well."

"Can you stop by the store too? We need some food."

"Ya sure, I'll be back later." Tyler closed the door as he left and Reid flopped down on his bed. He dug through his pocket and flipped open his cell phone. Without looking he pressed 1 and the call button. The phone rang three times before it was finally answered.

"Hey," Dena's voice answered.

"You get home ok?" Reid asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"Ya, but LA is more notorious for traffic accidents."

"We're all fine. How was your flight?"

"Long, uneventful. I slept most of the way. Did you know Baby Boy makes a good pillow?"

"I wouldn't. I could ask Lucy of I could find out when I come for a visit."

"You can ask Lucy. If you're going to use any human pillow it will be me."

"Don't worry Reid, I wouldn't think about using anyone other than you." Dena laughed into the phone, the sound bringing a smile to Reid's lips. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. Lucy wants to start a movie. I'll call you later, alright?"

"I'll hold you to it. Talk to you soon."


"Bye." Reid flipped the phone shut and rubbed his eyes.

With Tyler still gone Reid decided it was too quiet so he grabbed his keys and left for Nicky's. When Reid arrived he ordered a drink and some food before finding a seat. He watched some people play pool and muttered the occasional hello when someone would acknowledge him. He was quietly eating his hamburger when a pair of arms wrapped around his neck.

"Unless these arms belong to my girlfriend, I advice you to remove them."

"I may not be your girlfriend right now, but I would be if you just asked."

"Trina, move your arms."

"Come on Reid, you know you like it." Trina giggled into Reid's ear as she gently bit his ear lobe. Reid remained silent as he tried to cam, or at least hold back, his anger. "What's wrong? You're usually welcoming me into your arms, or you have been since what's her name left."

"What's wrong is that you do not heed my warnings and commands and her name is Dena. Get off of me now Trina."

"What happened when you left? Did you switch places with Tyler? Should I be with him tonight?" Reid jumped out of the chair and turned around to face Trina. He grabbed her hands and slammed her into a nearby wall. "Now I get some emotion. You never told me you liked it rough. I'm more that happy to comply." Trina's dark brown hair was partially in her face and partially falling helplessly down her back. Her green eyes looked at him with lust and Reid had never been so disgusted.

"Now listen slut, I don't want to see you around me or my friends again. None of our girlfriends would appreciate it and I personally wish I never have to see your face again. I also know I never want to touch you again. I have a girlfriend and she will always satisfy me." Reid pushed Trina into the wall once more before walking back to his table to finish the last few bites of his hamburger.

"Well maybe Tyler has changed his mind."

"Even though you're obviously deaf I'll let you in on a little known fact. Tyler has a girlfriend too." Reid left Trina in a stunned state as he went to give Nicky the money for his food. "Hey Nicky, keep an eye on Trina tonight. She's on the prowl again." Nicky nodded and glared at the waitress Reid was talking about.

Reid returned to his dorm full and tired. Before he could fall asleep his cell phone went off. Taking his time, Reid answered before the caller would be sent to his answering machine. "Hello?"

"Hey!" Dena greeted. She sounded happy, but there was an underlying tone that made Reid curious.

"What's up? Finish your movie?"

"Ya, we watched Night at the Museum. It was pretty finny. So there's a reason I called."

"Aw, you didn't just want to hear my voice?"

"Well, that too. Anyways, I think I left my necklace at your house. It's the one I wore to the Spring Formal."

"I'll check tomorrow after school."

"Reid, it was my mom's. I'd like to know if I've truly lost it or not."

"But I'm tired!" Reid groaned.

"Reid…" Dena whined. "If I know you have it then I'll be coming sooner."

"Ugh, fine. You better be coming out here within a month… no 2 weeks."

"Deal, call me when you find it."

"Of course." The couple hung up and Reid sat on his bed for a few minutes before getting up. He kept grumbling till he reached his car. Even as he drove with his music up he kept questioning how he had become so whipped so fast. He pulled around to the front of the house and got out of his car. He quickly ran up to his room where he started searching for the missing trinket. After moving a piece of paper he found it sitting innocently on his desk. As he grabbed it he opened his phone and dialed Dena's number. What he wasn't expecting was a cell phone to go off as his own run and waiting patiently for someone to answer. He scoured the room and found Dena's phone on the nightstand.

"I knew I was going to forget to put that on silent." Dena came up behind Reid as she slid her arms around him to pluck the phone from his hand. Reid whirled around so fast it nearly knocked Dena over.

"What are you doing here?"

"You found my necklace. I told you I would come if you found my necklace."

"But… wait. You just placed that necklace. You didn't wear one to Spring Formal. You were wearing a halter top."

"Wow, good memory." Dena laughed.

"Ok, actually… there's a picture behind you from the dance." Dena turned around and a framed copy of them from Spring Formal.

"Cheater, but I still love you."

"How did you get hear so fast? We just got back late this morning."

"Lucy and I booked a flight the night before you guys were supposed to leave. Tony and Anne hid our bags in their car so you wouldn't know." Dena barely got done with her explanation as Reid slammed his lips down on hers. "Hm… I like that welcoming."

"How long are you staying?"

"It depends."

"It depends on what?"

"It depends on if I can find a place to stay. I'll stay for a few days if I can't, otherwise I'll stay here till college."

""You'll stay here… or in the dorm room with me." Reid answered quickly.

"Well then, I guess I'm staying here, with you, until college." Dena smiled. Reid returned the smile before lowering his head to meet Dena's lips in another kiss.

Later that night Dena and Reid lay in his bed quietly resting. Reid's hand idly traced patterns on Dena's arm while Dena stared out at the balcony watching the night sky. Reid was going between watching her and following her eyes outside.

"You were right."

"I know… wait, about what?"

"You being a good human pillow."

"O ya, about that. I told you so." Dena shook her head as she stretched along Reid and cuddled into Reid so she could call asleep. Reid kissed the top of Dena's head as he too settled in to fall asleep.