Hello, this is Miyo. Bows. Well, this is my first fanfic EVER! Please be nice... and it had to be Demyx and Axel xD. I love them so. They need more fanfics! And this idea has been niggling at my brain and just won't leave... and it's a excuse to see Axel and Demyx in school uniforms. Who doesn't like a all boy school romance. I hope it's satisfactory. And hope it's long enough xD. And sorry for any spelling mistakes my grammar's horrible xP. Dedicated to Flaviuse because without I would have never written it. Thanks to Flavius, Rathykinz, Shiden, Youkai Dark, Gothic-Flum, PenguinValentine, Mickeybooyakasha For reading and discussing plot decision with me .

Beta: PenguinValentine

Disclaimer: I own Nothing...

The Desperate and The Clueless.

Chapter 1

Words on a Page

Demyx never had it easy. He had to study twice as hard than others. But he got his work done and got decent enough grades. He wasn't considered "very bright" by most people. No one seemed to like him. And he was constantly being picked on by number of bullies. The worst one was Axel. Now, unlike the others, Axel didn't get too physical. But, make no mistake he would, if he though the situation 'called' for it. Like the one time he had decided to lash out at Axel, for being practically nasty that day. Let's just say it didn't go over well and he ended up having to take a trip to the nurse's office for a bloody nose and a couple bruises. With the excuse of running in to a door. Which part of it was true. He just didn't mention the help he had with running in to the door.

And also Axel liked to 'help' him with his homework. By throwing them in the fountain. Or just ripping his hard work up in his face. Needless to say he learned to make a copy of his homework for such situations. Also tripping him in the hall, and a number of assorted mean and nasty things. He had even made him cry once... ok more than once. But those one's didn't count cause he didn't actually do it in front of him.

Demyx was sitting in the local Library doing his homework when it happened. It was a strange occurrence. Things like this never happens to him. Well, never anything good. He inwardly sighed thinking of all the 'great' things that always happen to him... 'Let's not go down that dark and spiraling path of infinite angst.' Going back to the strange situation at hand. Since no one talked to him out of or in school. It was strange to have a guy smiling down at him, asking him were the Latin dictionary was of all things. Which struck him as odd when he could perfectly see that the librarian and the other librarian aid's were not relatively busy. But, he quickly shrugged it off since he knew exactly where the Latin dictionary was from last weekend when he helped in the reorganization of the Library. 'Yes, I have no life.' That and Demyx generally liked to help people.

"You're in luck, I know exactly where that particular book is at," he said smiling warmly up at him. "Wait here and, I'll go get it for you."

"Thank you so much. I was about to give up."

Demyx gently closed the book he was reading after slipping a book mark between the pages, and got up from his seat. 'No dog earring for him!' He dislike for dog earring bordering on obsessive. Made him twitch and fidget to see one of those perfectly flat pages folded and creased, when a bookmark was so much simpler. 'Let's see, it's in the back row, if I remember correctly.'

He went past rows and rows of book when he finally found the aisle he was looking for way in the back of the library. He stood on his tippy toes reaching where the book that was suppose to be there. 'Which wasn't.' 'Mahhh someone checked it out already? Hmm, or maybe, it was moved.' "Where oh where have you gone little Latin dictionary?" He hummed to himself as he browsed the books, bouncing from one foot to the other.

'Not up here...' He pouted a little at this relocation. ' He just sorted these books not even a week ago and someone already messed them up!' dropping down to his knees, he looked through the bottom shelf. "Ahh there you are!" He said with a smile running from ear to ear. 'Mission complete!' "You can't hide from the great Demyx!"

A shadow feel over him. And he tensed up at being caught perhaps by one of his tormenters in such a closed off space.

No chance to flee or to scream.

"So that's your name?" Came a voice dripping with honey and sweetness. A scenes of unknown dread tingled up his spin as he slowly turned around to be meet with legs that seemed to go up and up, to a slightly broad chest, and to a smiling face.

For some reason, he could not quite place that smile that was directed at him.

A whimper slipped from his lips.

----------------------------------------------------------- Author corner... Yup, I'm ending it here... I know I'm evil but.. it's for plot development. I swear!!! To make up for it here's a little preview for chapter 2.

Chapter 2 Tell Tale Signs preview. A/N: This is unedited, so you get all of my mistakes...OwO


'His eye must be deceiving him! That, that pink-haired poof was being touchy feely with Demyx... Demyx the resident stereotypical blond. The one all the bullies picked on. He glared as the new guy put his arm around Demyx shoulder in the guise of leaning closer to read the book they were sharing. 'It looked so innocent, but Axel new better.' The guy looked up noticing they were being watched and looked in Axel's direction. They made eye contact, and he smirk as he brought Demyx closer to his side. His eyes narrowed, 'He was smirking! At him! At Axel Abunai!'

A/N: This paragraph might be subject to some change or have some stuff added on. And anyone who can guess who the mysterious "pink-haired poof " is gets a cookie.