Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Doctor Who. Because if I did Rose and the Doctor would of never been separated from each other.

A/N: This story starts out at the end of Doomsday. The only difference is that the bride does not appear on the Tardis. The main song in this story is Avril Lavigne's Keep Holding On. Other songs may be included in later chapters. Now on with the story.

Chapter 1: Hope

Bad Wolf Bay, Norway (Parallel Earth)

As soon as Rose got back into Pete's old jeep, she took out her Ipod and set it to repeat one specific song. This song gave her hope. That one day the Doctor would discover a way across the void. She still had that hope even though the Doctor said it was impossible. The fact that she had seen a number of impossible things while traveling with the Doctor through time and space. One example came to mind for Rose and that was the "Impossible Planet," which had been in orbit around a black hole.

As she pressed play she silently thought, "I wish that the Doctor could hear this song."

What Rose did not realize was that even though the Doctor took the time vortex out of her, she had still retained a small piece of the time vortex within her. As a result, she was slowly changing on a cellular level. One of these changes included a strong telepathic connection to the Tardis. This connection kept her connected to the Doctor even across the void. Now if only she knew about this connection.
