Terribly sorry for... months I believe, without update. Hopefully this chapter, (which I enjoyed writing... hehe) will make up for some of it. Thanks KL for betaing it!

PS: Um... Goth Sam fans, beware of this chapter. XD

Disclaimer: I don't own DP or anything related. Just the plot for this story and anything that you don't recognize from the show.

Silence was the only noise to be heard in Sam's room after Danny left to fight the Box Ghost. Neither her or Tucker where talking, he just looked at her with a frown. After a few minutes, she sighed angrily and sat on the bed.


"Sam, this isn't like you." He said simply, pulling a chair and sitting across from her. "You're definitely gonna end up pushing Danny away instead of bringing him closer to you."

Sam looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Since when did you get so smart?"

"Since you started acting dumb." He snickered, but turned back to serious once he saw her frown. "Come on Sam, he's Danny! He isn't one to go gaga for someone just for their outside! …wait a minute… yeah, he is."

Sam sighed sadly. "I just can't stand it anymore, Tuck. Being his best friend is killing me… especially when he drools all over Paulina."

Tucker stood up and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I won't try to stop you, mainly because I'll end up getting beaten up or something, but also because you're just as thick headed as he is."

Sam looked at him with a frown. "What do you mean?"

Tucker laughed softly and walked to the door. "You're just as clueless as he is! See ya' tomorrow, Sam."

She smiled slightly and nodded. "Yeah, see ya."

Sam shook her head and sighed softly, walking around her room and piling up the dresses in a corner. She didn't even bother to lock her bedroom door before dropping to the bed and taking a deep breath.

"What have I've gotten myself into…?" She asked herself and closed her eyes, already thinking about the horrors that waited for her tomorrow night.

Not too far away, Danny had just captured his annoying rival inside the thermos and was beginning to fly home. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

"Maybe there's a ghost around…" He thought, but shrugged it off since he didn't feel his ghost sense. "Or maybe I'm just tired."

He finally reached his room and phased through the roof, sighing in relief when he reached his bed. He still couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right, he knew that, but not what.

"I'll go on patrol after a well deserved nap…" He smiled, stretching his arm for his pillow, pulling it close by, and then burying his face in it. "A long nap."

At his window, Desiree floated with a grin, looking at a ring that she borrowed from Dora. The one that prevented Danny to know that there's a ghost around. "It feels good to fly around without having you on my tail, ghost kid."

With a chuckle, she flew off and started to grant wishes. They started simple, like a puppy, a kitty, money, and other usual wishes. She sighed in happiness as she granted a young teenager's wish- an autographed guitar from the Dumpty Humpty band.

"Ah, the young adults and their silly wishing." She smiled as she grew in power. "At this rate I'll be invincible in no time!"

While flying around, a particular house caught her attention. Technically, it wasn't an ordinary house; it was more of a mansion. In it, someone was making a wish, but the weird thing is the wish was being made unconsciously.

"…I mean, I understand that he can like anyone that he wants, but why her?" Sam asked herself while staring at the ceiling. "I mean, why does it have to be that shallow witch? He just likes her outside… why doesn't he notice me!?"

"So, the Goth girl wants to conquer the half ghost's heart? This should be interesting." Desiree snickered, floating near her window to hear well.

"If I was Paulina, then Danny would be paying attention to me as a girl, and not just like one of his pals… but I don't want to be her clone… I want to have whatever Danny sees in her." She mumbled with a frown, then sighing. "Does that mean that I'm shallow too…?"

Before she could answer, Desiree had gotten tired of hearing her arguing with herself and decided to have a little fun. "Well, 'I want to' also could mean 'I wish', right?"

Purple mist surrounded Sam's room, but she didn't notice. She had closed her eyes, trying to take a nap. Desiree's words echoed through the room, making her look around startled and mumble a small "oh no" before everything went black.

The next morning, Sam woke up with a smile. She hopped out of bed and opened her curtains, letting some sunshine into her dark room. She sighed happily and walked to her vanity, looking for something to wear and found nothing but black outfits.

"I thought that I got rid of those!" She frowned, closing the drawer and walking toward her closet. "I should…"

She picked out a red tank top with the word 'sexy' on it and a white mini skirt and smiled. "This is such a cute outfit! I wonder why I haven't worn this!"

She skipped to the bathroom and came out around an hour later, completely with a different look to the world. Her hair was in curls, her make up was placed perfectly, and her lips where ruby red.

"I think that Danny will drop dead once he sees me." She smiled, walking toward a big mirror. "If not, there's an adorable blue outfit just screaming to meet the outside of my closet!"

She giggled and picked up her pink backpack, then walked delicately toward the dining room. If only her parents where there, they might make her go shopping. "I can't wait for them to get home!"

She sat down at the table and picked up an apple from the fruit basket in the middle, giving it a bite and placing it in the trash a few seconds later. "That should be enough."

A knock was heard on the door, and she glanced at the clock on the wall. "I'm gonna be late for school if I don't hurry!"

She raced to the door as fast as she could with her high red platform shoes. Before opening the door, she took a deep breath and ran a hand through her hair to make sure it was in place.

"Hello?" She asked politely while opening the door, smiling at the mailman. "Oh, it's just you."

"Um… yes, Miss Manson. You've received a letter from your parents." The short and slightly bold man said, giving Sam a confused look.

"Really? That's so sweet from them! Oh, I'd better read it right now!" She squealed, taking the envelope and closing the door. "I should write back to let them know that I'm okay!"

She was about to open her mail when an alarm clock burst the silence harshly. "Oh no, I'd better get going to school… I'll read it there then."

She placed it carefully behind a notebook in her backpack and walked out through the door, smiling at the brightness of the new day. Fixing her slightly messed up skirt, she walked joyfully toward school.

The fist person she saw was Tucker, who was just entering the gates of the building. She smiled and covered his eyes with her hands and laughed. "Guess who!"

He stopped moving and gasped, turning around and looking at Sam. His eyes widened, so he just blinked a few times to get back to normal. "Sam? You look amazing!"

Sam smiled and nodded. "I know. Where's Danny?"

Tucker smirked and pointed to a bench, where Danny was sleeping tiredly. "He had to fight Skulker last night. Apparently, he and Technus thought it would be fun to give him an 'electrifying wake up call'."

Sam gasped dramatically and walked over to Danny, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

He opened his eyes sleepily and mumbled something that sounded like: "The pancakes are coming…" but then noticed that it was Sam who was trying to wake him up. He sat up abruptly and looked at her. "S-Sam!?"

She giggled and nodded, asking him again how he felt. He didn't respond, instead, he just stared at her in surprise. "Danny, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong!" He smiled, standing up and handing her a hand to which she gladly accepted. "But you look… wow."

"Well, thank you!" She smiled, walking toward school. "Come on, we'd better get inside or that sun will damage my skin."

"Since when does she care about those girly things?" He asked Tucker, who had just walked beside him.

He just chuckled and patted him on the back. "Since you started to like Paulina again."

"What does Paulina have to do with this?" He asked confusedly, following Sam. "She's acting weird lately… and dressing differently."

"Why are you complaining, dude?"

Danny smiled with a small blush. "Who's complaining?"

Tucker laughed some more and looked to the side, where Paulina, Dash and the rest of the A-List where walking by. Apparently they noticed how Sam was getting attention and wanted to argue about it, because they where heading directly toward her.

"Hey, ex-Goth still loser." Paulina smiled mockingly, waving at Sam.

Sam raised an eyebrow and walked pass her, not even bothering to respond. She continued to walk until she was about to turn around the corner, where she sighed and smiled back.

"Did you say something?" She asked innocently.

Paulina frowned confusedly. "Yeah, I did."

"Oh." Sam smiled and continued to walk. Paulina turned to the A-List with a frown and clenched fists.

"Nobody ignores me."

Tucker laughed and shook his head. "She just did."

"Who asked you, techno-geek?" Dash interrupted angrily. "You and Fen-toad better leave before I pound you."

Tucker nodded and grabbed Danny by the collar, who was practically drooling over Paulina. After they where out of sight he sighed, calling for his half-ghost friend. "We better get going for class, dude."

Danny blinked and nodded confusedly, following him to the classroom where Sam was already sitting down, two empty seats at her sides. "Hey guys, what took you so long?"

Before they could answer, Mr. Lancer stood up and demanded for silence. And so, the boring class began. While the teacher wasn't looking, many kids started to pass notes and doodle, one of them was Sam.

She was drawing squiggly lines and whatever came to mind, not paying attention to the lesson or to her drawings anyway. Her mind was too busy thinking about the whole morning and the different things that she had done.

"This isn't like me at all… I should drop the act now!" Her mind yelled, but got answered with another point of view. "If you drop the act, then Danny won't pay attention to you anymore. Remember his face when he saw you earlier?"

She smiled at the memory of his surprised face and looked around, pretending to pay attention to her overweight teacher. She sighed and looked at her book, trying to concentrate, but the argument in her mind started again.

"I don't want him to like me for my outside…" She reasoned, turning a page of her book. Somehow, even if she didn't want to, she was doing and saying things that where not like her. She knew it, and tried to stop herself but it seemed impossible.

"I even said that I was looking forward to see my parents! What the heck is going on…? And why can't I stop it?"

Her mental talk continued through the whole period, until the bell rang. She stood up and picked up her stuff gracefully, smiling and walking to her next class.

"This is gonna be a long day… not to mention the dance tonight…" She thought tiredly. "In which hopefully Danny will dance with me…"

"Sam? Sam!" Danny asked while poking her in the back from his chair. She looked back with a smile and mouthed 'what?' He smiled and looked down. "I wanted to know, at what time should I go to your house?"

"Well, I guess you can come around six." Sam smiled, shrugging slightly. "It starts at seven, but I want you there early to help me with the preparations… if that's okay with you."

"Sure, I'll make sure to be there."

"I would appreciate that Mr. Fenton and Mrs. Manson would pay attention every once in a while." Their teacher said in annoyance, looking at them and making them turn their attention back to class.

A few hours later, the three of them where walking out of school happily, chatting about whatever came to their minds. Nothing was out of the ordinary until they had to stop; the cause? A big blond football jock was blocking their exit.

"So Sam, I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up and take you to that dance of yours."

Danny's eyes turned neon green while Tucker elbowed him. "Dude, chill! She's obviously gonna say no."

"Hmmm… it sounds nice." Sam smiled, making Danny and Tucker look at her with their mouths hanging. "But, you can't pick me up to go to a party at my own home… besides; I'm already going with someone."

Dash looked at her confusedly, as if taking in everything she said and in a couple of seconds he nodded with a smirk. "Oh, I forgot you where going out with Fenturd!"

Danny's eyes returned to their emerald color while Tucker tried to calm him down. "Get away from Sam!"

Sam looked at Danny and smiled. "As a matter a fact, yes. I am going out with him. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go home and get ready for the party."

Again, Tucker and Danny where left with their mouths hanging wide, but this time, Dash joined them. She simply just signaled her friends to walk with her and away from Dash. They did, and after a few seconds of awkward silence, Tucker stopped.

"What was that all about? Are you two really going out?" He asked, looking at them with a smirk.

"What!? No!" Danny said nervously, looking at Sam as if asking for her help. She simply rolled her eyes and smiled.

"It was just a way to get rid of him." She simply stated, looking at them. "But now that I think about it, it would be nice if you guys find someone to come with you."

Tucker beamed and started to walk away. "Yeah! I'm gonna go ask Valerie right now!"

Danny and Sam simply laughed, and continued to walk. He looked at her and then at the ground, blushing.

"Um… Sam?"

She looked over at him with a smile. "Yeah?"

He looked at her and smiled nervously. "Well… I was wondering if you… if you wanted to go with me to your dance…"

Sam looked at him with a smile and nodded. "Sure. You're even gonna be at the party earlier."

Danny smiled and found that they had reached her house. With a sigh, he looked at her and said goodbye, then, when she was out of the view; he flew to his house doing loops in the air with a smile.

Sam on the other hand, walked slowly to her room and sighed. "Well, I got what I wanted."

She looked around her room and frowned. "Now to get rid of those horrible clothes."

Well, as could be seen, she's having some kind of mental problems fighting with the spell. Lets see if she gets out of this, lol.

Review Please!