
Troy sighed the biggest sigh of relief in his life.

"Oh my goodness, I thought I'd be a dad,"

"Did you want to be?" Gabriella asked worried.

"Yes and no. Yes because it'd be with you, but no because then I'd be the most immature and unexperienced father in the whole entire world,"

"Well Troy, I think that you'd be a perfect dad, just, not when your 18. Maybe 23's okay,"

"I can wait,"

"What are you talking about? We don't even know if we'll know each other in 5 years from now,"

"Gabriella," he said sitting her down. He slyly grabbed a blue velvet box from under his jacket.

"Troy," she quickly said. "you're not proposing are you? Because you if are, then you know, I really don't know because-"

"Relax, Gabi. No, but it's something like it," He sat her down on a sofa and kneeled in front of her. "I've become someone else just from being with you- both as a friend and a girlfriend. It's like, for 18 years I've been looking for something to fill my heart in. I mean, it felt like there was something missing, and as soon as I would find it, it would color in my heart. That's when you came in. When I first sang with you, I instantly knew that it was something. I'll admit that I knew we probably wouldn't see each other, but God seemed to find a way for us to meet again, and I thank Him every night for letting me be with you, or for just letting you come into my life again, and I love you for coming into my life like this. I truly want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I hope that someday when I'm at my wedding, I'll be seeing you walk down that aisle, not someone else, because I know that I wouldn't be in love with her. You're the only one for me, and it's crazy because you'd think that some high school basketball jock doesn't know what love is. I may not know a lot of things, hence my grades, but I do know that I want to be with you forever, and I know how long forever is. Gabriella Montez, this isn't a marriage proposal," Troy said opening the velvet box." but it's a promise proposal. I'm asking you if you can promise me that we'll get engaged one day, and be married with beautiful children that we'll look after and care for like I do for you? I promise I'll never leave you whatever we go through. I'll stand by you through the rest of our lives. I promise, because I know that this is love. I never believed in it, till you came, Gabriella. So will you promise me?"

For the whole 2 minute he spoke, he never left Gabriella's eyes, her teary and watery eyes. When he ended, Gabriella caved in and started letting her salty tears fall down.

She hugged Troy and said, "Yes, Troy. Yes, I want to be with you forever, too." She let go as Troy placed the diamond ring around her left ring finger. He sat next to her on the couch and then she began to continue. " You may not know this, but you were the first boyfriend I've ever had. You're the first boy, no I'm sorry, man, to tell me that he loves me and genuinely means it. I thought that I'd grow up to be a dorky science teacher with 49 cats, but when you walked into my life, I believed. I believed that you would understand, that you'd be a friend, that you might be my first and only love. My love for you is like no other. I can't describe it- I can only feel it. And I pray that you have that connection with me, too. You may not know this, but every night before I go to bed, I cry to Christ, telling Him how lucky and truly blessed I am to have such a guy like you in my life. At this point, I don't care what happens to me. I don't care if I get sick, I don't care if my friends leave me, because I have you. And to have a guy like you makes me feel like the luckiest, and most beautiful girl on Earth. I do want to walk down that aisle and meet you on the other side. I want to raise gorgeous and obedient children who'll someday find love like I did. I want to have you with me forever and ever, and most people use that as a figure of speech, but I mean it like the literal meaning. And most importantly, I want to die knowing that you're beside me, that you'll be there with me even after I die. Troy, I love you, and those 3 words sound so casual, so common, but it's the best way I can put those words. So yes, Troy Bolton, I want to marry you one day, and I'm going to be counting the days until we're engaged and married."

She smiled and he genuinely smiled back, and pulled her into the most meaningful and passionite kiss he's ever kissed. About a minute later, they pulled apart with their eyes locked. "Here, I have something for you, too," She said. She took something out of her pocket of her shorts. It was a white gold chain with a silver cross. "This is to the most religious guy I know. Thanks for saving me. I know that when I die, I'll be in heaven with Jesus, waiting for you." She smiled. Gabriella un-hooked it and wrapped it around Troy's neck, and then hooked it back together.

"I love you more than you'll ever know, Gabriella," Troy reassured her.

A/N: Oh my gosh. I am SUPER DUPER SORRYYY for not posting in a MONTH! I got so caught up in school work that I forgot. I haven't been reading any fanfics, and I haven't been posting. Now that school's almost coming to an end, I can post more often now! But the thing is, my eyesight got really bad from the computer, and I'm getting headaches and I get really dizzy after the computer. That's 3/4 of the reason why I haven't been posting lately. But during the summer, I'll post like, once every other day or something, which I know isnt' a lot, but hey, it's a start! (: Thanks guys for the review. "Wanna Do This" is coming to an end soon. I'll be making a sequel though. I don't know how many more chapter there will be. But when this ends, I'm going to catch up on "New Neighbor", "Detention", and I'm starting a new fanfic soon! I can't wait. I might not post this coming week because I have a math final to study for, and then I'm done with school! Well, I have a week, but that's not even considered a week. But thank you guys for being uber patient. I would've died if I had to wait a month to see that she wasn't pregnant. Sorry this was short, but I really hope you liked it! I put all my effort and emotions into this one! It was sort of hard, but it was worth it to fill you guys in and keeping you waiting that long! Haha. Well, leave reviews! Thanks!!