Sorry guys. I started writing this chapter, and realized..

The plot sucks.

It was badly planned out.

And its going no where.

So i stopped midway, and I'm going to start up writing a new one, that I was given to as a challenge!

Look forward to that, soon! D

Chapter Three:

Hermione Granger walked through the corridors of the school. It was 10am on a Saturday, a week after Fleur had arrived at the school. Everything was quiet, which seemed so unusual for a Saturday. Most people were probably only just waking up now, but she'd been up for a while yet. That week had been a strange one. She seemed to always feel like she was being watched, but couldn't figure out why. She'd turn around, and look in every direction, but never saw anything.

She was supposed to be meeting Harry and Ron at the lake so they could hang out a bit. That was only at 11am, though, so she had time to kill. She'd go to the library, she decided. On the way there she passed one of Malfoy's goons, Crabbe. He stared at her with that stupid grin on his face all the way until she entered the library and the door stood between her and his gaze. Just inside the door was the other one, Goyle. This was a bit creepy. What were they doing so spread out? She'd almost never seen them separated in all her years at Hogwarts. She took a seat at one of the nearest tables and lugged a few books out of her bag to begin reading from.

Across the table was the king, himself. Malfoy.

Hermione's gaze caught his as she paused in reaching for her other book. He simply cocked his head a bit to the side and smirked. "So, Moodblood." He chuckled. "We meet again, I see?"

"W-what are you doing here? Are you stalking me or something?" Hermione brought her head up and looked at him with half suspicion, half disgust. Since when did Draco and all his cronies decide they suddenly wanted to flock to the Library and read books? She wasn't even sure if Goyle or Crabbe couldread.

"I'm one hundred percent allowed to go wherever I wish, Granger. Ihappened to be doing some studying before youshowed up." He said, that amused, cold look on his face. It was a bit creepy, actually.

Hermione stood up from the table and said, "Yeah, that's why you're reading 'Love Potions How-To! Tips and Pointers from Sandy Lovelable'. That book is definitely, soyou, Malfoy." He glanced down at the book and saw that that was indeed the book he had. An idea formed in his mind. A great, evil, idea.


"Ah. Yes. Well, it does have some very interesting subjects in it." He said, shrugging his shoulders. When Granger stood up his lips curled up in a smirk. "Oh, Granger, you won't be going anywhere. I can assure you of that." Crabbe and Goyle had started to walk up stealthily behind the girl as she had been talking to Malfoy. Now, they threw the invisibility cloak they'd stolen from Potter over her head. Malfoy drew out his wand and whispered, "Wingardium Leviosa!" not wanting anyone in the library to hear and get suspicious. When Hermione tried to take the cloak off in mid air, Malfoy simply used a stunning spell, so she lay limp, invisible to all watchful eyes. Crabbe and Goyle stuffed a piece of parchment in her bag (a note they'd written from Hermione's point of view to Ginny, explaining that she was going to go wander about the castle for a few hours, and not to go looking for her.) and slung the bag over Goyle's shoulder. They dropped it off at the Gryffindor Portrait hole, and took off to go join Malfoy in the dungeons, where he'd taken Hermione.

Once in the Dungeons, Malfoy brought Hermione to an old broken bathroom, where they wouldn't be bothered. He sent Crabbe off to go steal a love potion from Snape, and placed Hermione in one of the stalls. He locked the doors and cast the spell muffliatoso that any passer-bys wouldn't hear a thing. He reversed the stunning spell he'd put on her, so she would wake up. He planted a smirk on his face so that that would be the first thing she saw upon waking.

He watched her slowly lift her head and look around. A look of surprise came over her face. She looked confused, then outraged. "Malfoy!" She screamed, standing up and running to the door. She twisted it over and over and finally ended up muttering Alohomoraunder her breath repeatedly. When it didn't work, she sat down in defeat and put her head down between her legs.

"Oh, poor Mudblood. I'm sorry, but you won't be escaping. Don't worry about that." He sneered. "But Its not like I'll keep you here forever.. I'll eventually let you go.. On one condition." Hermione raised her head and looked at him like the sick bastard he was. "What exactly do you want from me?"

Malfoy took a deep breath. "Well. I want to know your secrets. How do you get such good marks?" He looked at her expectantly, and almost looked a bit like he was admitting defeat.