A/N Hi again! Thanks for the reviews, once again I say: YOU GUYS ROCK! Luv the reviews that I get and a big thanks for everyone who took time to read my stories! I feel proud! Oh, glad you all liked the previous chapters, not much to say except for the fact that this is the final chapter of my story: Princess Diaries Volume 9: Envious Princess, and that I want to say:
Read on, and review when you're done!!!


We last left off….



Chapter Ten: Light Wetted

Wednesday, March 21st, 2am, bedroom.

Wow. Can I say that that was by far the best time of my life? Well, yeah, besides the part of me getting in trouble with Grandmere and all, but, I feel, so, so, full of life! My life goes in a circle:

And so on.

But that's not my point.
My point is that mom let me drive her car, lucky. And when I got out and drove around with her Skylark Convertible (yeah I know, it's like forty years old) to Central Park Zoo - just for the heck of it, there was a rain drop, then another, and another, until there was rain pouring everywhere – seriously!! Then lightning struck in front of the car. I decided to head back home, and said: I should've gone to the ball. Definitely. But my stubbornness stopped me from going back home and I just kept driving. My mind was set straight. I was angry that I was dumped by my boyfriend (who I was supposed to dump) as well as having my picture in the E+ Entertainment Magazine that day, so nothing was stopping me. I didn't even shut the skylark! The rain kept coming through and dripping on my head and my hair and my sweater. I was just driving around thinking:
'I don't care if I die tonight. At least the people who made my life miserable would know why I died.'
The answer, I was thinking, was because of them.

And by then, I wasn't even watching the road. I was just driving, automatically. The only thing I was sort of controlling were my emotions. They were acting up against everyone, including Fat Louie. They were going berserk! But come to think of it, I was barely controlling them.

'Don't stop Mia. Keep going. This is never ending; you might just slip into the parallel world where everything is yours! The opposite of here! You're not a princess, you have a boyfriend who loves you and would never leave to Japan-"
I was hearing – more of feeling. "And everything would go your way, unlike here."

Then my head just somehow turned left and right automatically as I looked around me.

Something was ruining me.

"What about Michael?" I was, by now, unfortunately, speaking to myself.

"Look what he's done to you. The only reason you were even in that magazine was because of him." My evil side was saying.

"But, no," I tried telling my evil self.
Like a conversation I was having with myself – or not.

"It was Judith Gershner and him. Both of them deserve to be prosecuted."

Great. I was having an angel/demon gathering in my brain and the main me wasn't invited.

"Not him, just Judith." The good me said.

Then another voice popped up and said:
"Mia, don't stop! Keep driving!"

What, on earth?

And another:

"Mia, you're supposed to be at the ball!!"

What? That sounded awfully like Grandmere, I was thinking.

Of course, it was, because believe it or not the phone was ringing and I had actually turned it on, and all I was hearing was Grandmere yelling at me.
"Mia! Where on earth are you? We've sent everyone looking for you and they can't find you anywhere!"

Then, I looked off the road and picked up my phone through my bag.

"Grandmere!" I began, as I turned the phone off speaker, "I'm not going to the ball."

"What do you mean you're not going to the ball?!?"

"I mean that I am not going to the ball. I won't be showing up."


"Yeah, maybe I am, but that gives you no reason to –"

Then it happened.

I crashed.

I actually crashed the car.

My mom's car.

Her Skylark Convertible, to be exact.

And it was because my grandmother called me while I was driving in the rain.

See, it wasn't meant to happen, I swear. It just sort of… did. There was no one on the road, but the lightning struck in front of the car – again- and I screamed. Seriously. Really loud. Then the car hit the pavement and splashed water all over my phone and, well, the phone line was disconnected, but only because my phone was broken.

Well, that's just my luck.

So, basically, I started crying and screaming. But the only problem was that I had no clue where I was. Well, maybe I would've if I could've actually been able to see – which I couldn't, because the rain was so heavy and it was really pretty impossible to see. What if I was near Central Park?

The next thing I knew it was all dark and wet until I saw a mail box flying through the air. It was coming towards me, and then BANG – I was unconscious in the car. All I was hearing was the heavy sound of rain. That's it. The rest was blank.

But all of a sudden I had found myself awake, and sadly, still in the Skylark Convertible. Only, I was not alone. To my surprise, the people around me were none other than:

"Michael?" I mumbled.

"She's awake!" He called.

Then Lars came running to the car.

I moaned.

"What are you-" I asked

"Shh." Michael said, trying to keep me quiet.

"No, really. Is this a dream?" I asked stupidly.

He smiled his hot smile, and said, "No Mia, it's not."
Then he caressed my cheek.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Let's carry her into the limo." Lars suggested.

"Okay." Michael replied.

Then they picked me up and put me in the limo.

"I'm fine," I said when I was in, "Really, I am."

"Mia, you were unconscious, I don't think you are." Michael said.

"It's just because of that stupid mailbox."

"And because you were driving in the rain. Why were you doing that anyway?" He asked.

"Because I was pissed." I said, remembering why I was out there in the first place.

"At who?" Michael asked.

"At everyone! J.P, Grandmere, Lilly, Rocky, you, the Paparazzis – especially the paparazzis"

"Me? What did I do."

"You didn't do anything. Just, never mind."

There really was no point in explaining what he had done.
I mean I still remember why this is happening…

But then I sat up and looked at the Michael I loved, who, I realised, had just rescued me from, well -- who knows what – I could've very well been killed out there.

He looked so sweet and innocent, and, well honestly, he looked dumbstruck.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said.

Then I decided to get closer to him. I leaned my body onto his and let him wrap his arms around mine. He looked down at me.

What was I doing??

"What? I'm cold. I need a nice big muscly man to keep me warm." I said.
It was the emotions… again. I should not be flirting at a time like this.

But then he smiled.

"And how big is this thing anyway?" I said.

I was of course, referring to the very painful bruise on my head.

"Oh, that. Not too big." Michael said. "A little purple, but that's it."
I tried to tell how big the bruise was by touching it, but immediately gave up.

"Lars, can I have a mirror please?"

"Sure Princess."
Then Lars opened one of the many drawers we had in the limo and passed me a hand mirror. I gazed into it.

"What do you mean it's not big?" I asked Michael, "It's huge!"

"Not to me it isn't."

"It is to me." I replied.

Then there was a pause as the car continued driving.

"Hey Lars," I began "Can you ask Hans where he's taking us?"

"I'm taking you to the ball, princess." Hans replied.

"The ball!" I yelled, sitting up. "I'm not going!"

"Oh, but Mia, you must." said Lars.

"I don't care; after all, look at the state I'm in!"

"She's kind of right, you know." Michael said quietly.

I smiled back at him; then got back to arguing.

"Mia, your grandmother has already had the dress delivered to the loft." Lars said.

"Lars, please. I don't want to argue with you. Just, pass me your phone."

He passed me his phone and I dialed Grandmere's number.


"Mia!" she yelled. "Where are you?! The guests are waiting! And why on earth did you hang up on me?"

"First of all, Grandmere, I didn't hang up on you. It was the rain."

"The rain?! You were driving in the rain?" She raged.

"Yeah, I was."

"Amelia are you out of your mind?!?"

"Maybe I am."

"That's not an answer I will take. Now get over here immediately!"

"I don't want to. I mean, it's bad enough that I have a bruise on my head – do you really think I should go to the ball with a bruise on my head?"

"A bruise? How did you get a bruise, Mia?"

"Well, it sorta had something to do with the rain and the flying mailboxes…"

"Once again, I repeat: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" she fumed.

"Look, Grandmere, I was just pissed!"

"At whom?"

"Oh, like you don't know. Go around not knowing. I am not explaining again."

"Ooh, you mean the article about you and that boy."

"Hey, Grandmere, stop. It was your idea anyway. Now when I finally get him back you want me to get together with J.P again."

Oops, forgot, I was in the car with Michael.

But he didn't look like he cared about what we were talking about.

"And please, would you just stop calling him that boy? He has a name, you know!" I pleaded.

"Hosh posh Mia, it's just a bruise. Come over here now."


"No buts, now let me speak to Lars."

I handed Lars his phone back and crossed my arms.

I think my emotions were starting to act up again… and my face was sort of red.

"Mia, Mia, Mia, you're going to get yourself killed."


"Are you okay, Mia?" Michael and Lars were both looking at me now like I was mental.

"I'm fine. Just - little voices singing in my head."

I looked disgusted – I think. Well, I sure felt disgusted.

"Anyway, Lars, what did Grandmere say?" I asked.

"She demanded that you come, but I told her you really are in no state to go to the ball. So, now I have to take you home."


No ball!!

So, when we got to the loft, Michael and I got out. Then I asked him if he wanted to go inside and he said yes. As we walked in, I heard the Limo drive off.

What to do with mom's car? I wonder.

"Mom!!" I called as we walked in.

She raced down the stairs.

"Mia! You're safe! What happened? I read the news and – oh, hi Michael, how are you?"

"Fine thanks."

"And what on earth is that on your face?" She finished.

"Oh, this, nothing. Just, a little something that happened. Speaking of which, why don't we just have a seat on the sofa?"

Ok, now I had to break it to her.

"Mom," I began, as we took a seat on the sofa.

"Yes sweety?"

"I sort of, err, kind of, I don't know – crashed your car."

"Well, that's – WHAT?"

"Oh, but mom, please don't be angry! It was an accident – I swear! I didn't mean to!!"

"I knew I shouldn't have even thought about letting you go out in the rain."

Okay, well, that went… weird.
And Michael just sat there.

"Yeah, well, it wasn't me! Blame it on Grandmere! She's the one who called me on my cell anyway – which caused me to crash."

"You know, I'm just going to ask Michael over here." Mom said. "What happened?"

"Well, Lars called me on my phone and told me that Mia was no where to be found and that she was late to the ball, so he asked me if I knew. I told him to come bring me so we could go looking for her."

"And you just happened to find me?" I asked.

"No - well yes, sort of. I thought you would be driving to Central Park Zoo – that is, after all, where you go every time you're sad."

"Most of the time, yeah."

"So, we drove there and we found you unconscious-"

"Unconscious? Mia, you fainted?" My mom asked concerned.

"Hey, the mailbox hit me on my head – it really wasn't my fault!"

"Mia," she squinted her eyes, "go upstairs to your room – now!"
I stormed off.

"What about Michael?" I asked.

"I'll just go." He said.

"Michael, before you go - the first aid kit is in the bathroom. If you could just, you know –"

"Sure Mrs. Thermopolis."
Then he followed me upstairs to my room.

"You know, all of a sudden I've changed my mind." I began.

He smiled and picked up Fat Louie.

"I feel like going to the ball." I said.

By then Michael looked confused.

"But I thought…"

"I know, but it's better than staying here with my mom angry at me, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Great! So, Michael, will you do me a favor?"

"Sure Mia."

"I need an escort to the ball…"
He glanced at me, eyes wide open.

"Really!" I said, "Do you mind taking me?"

"Ugh, no I don't. Then I better get going." He said.

I kissed him on the cheek and watched him walk out.

By then, I had to get ready.


So I had called Grandmere and told her that I would be going. She was overjoyed and all excited. She offered to bring Paolo over, but I said I can do my own hair and make-up. Well, maybe the hair part (It was still short) – not the make up.

Thirty minutes later, it was 8:45 PM, when I was dressed, ready, and waiting for the limo.

When the limo came Lars had already picked up Michael who was looking fine in a tuxedo. More than fine… but anyway.

The only problem was that when I walked into the ballroom Grandmere was standing at the door and she had a fit.

Yep, she yelled at me, for not "Covering your bruise with foundation!!" So they left Michael in the ballroom while Grandmere just had to drag me upstairs to the changing room (because I wasn't perfect, and according to her "A princess must always be perfect,") and have "Paolo perform another piece of art" on me – she did mean getting rid of my bruise and making me look pretty.


9:05 PM, I finally got downstairs. Michael was waiting for me – yeah, of course he was, why wouldn't he be?

But, that's not the point: So, I walked up to him (Looking prettier than ever!!) and, well, I didn't know what to do. I just sort of – stood there, and, smiled.

"You look great, Mia." Michael said. "Actually, more than great. You look amazing."

"I love you too."
What? Oh no I just made a fool of myself again!!! But, then again, Michael didn't seem to care. Well, he shouldn't… I mean, he knows me well enough, he probably expected that.

About a minute later, I giggled. When I stopped laughing (Why was I laughing?), Michael looked at me really oddly and just, well, planted this really big passionate kiss on me. It felt weird, but Michael's lips felt the same. They were still nice and warm and still soft.

When we pulled apart I was blushing madly and I looked around.
All the guests (one being George Clooney and my dad) were staring at us in total awe.

What? It was just a kiss.

"You're right Mia, I do still love you – but I mentioned that before… so…"

"Yeah?" I laughed again.

"Let's dance!" He finished his sentence and swung me around the ballroom as the orchestra began playing again.

Right on time.

But we did kiss loads of times while we were dancing.

So, you could say it was the best night of my whole life – not counting the previous times I've said that before - this topped them all.
And you know what? I guess a Princess does have a happy ending, despite what I've said before.

But what I still don't get is why every time Michael kissed me (vise versa) the guests would look at us like we were paranoid…

Like I said: It was just a kiss.


A/N Tata! The end! So romantic and beautiful! I loved it, didn't you? There's a really cool way of letting me finding out!! It's called reviewing, and I would love it if you did!!
Sorry if that was mean, but anyway please review and thanks for all of them from my readers, they encouraged me to write more. Plus, sorry for the delay of this chapter… I thought it would turn out short… but actually the longest I've ever made!
I think I'm going to tell you to look out for Volume Ten that I might write (Not soon though…) featuring Mia's life afterwards. What will happen? (I don't know – until then)

Find out once I write the Tenth (if I do) – or you'll have to wait till the real tenth comes out… but anyway… thanks for reading! Now please review (Said it before)

Tell me if you didn't like the ending. I can say something that I wasn't too happy about: The voices. They were too un-Mia like… but I just felt like adding them for the heck of it!
Thanks again!

This has been uploaded on FanFiction on the 25th March, 2007.

With 3,067 words (including these)! That's a record!!

P.S if you don't get the title it's supposed to be based on "Light Headed" But I changed it to "Light Wetted" because of the rain.

That's 3105 words now! (Including the ones I just wrote)

Okay, bye now!

No, wait, now word counter says it's 3,204!!