Naruto was no longer at the door, not like he could hear anything anyway, because someone invited a sound nin (not important in the story, just someone random)
and Naruto stormed over to the speakers to chew him out, but the sound nin couldn't hear him.
So thats what Naruto did for the next ten minutes, then realized that it was pointless and walked away.
"Waaaaazzzzuuuuupppp?" Jirayia asked leaning against Tsunade, drunk off his rocker.
"Wanna do it?" he asked. She grabbed his hand and ran like there was a herpy sex addict behind them, and found the nearest bedroom which happened to be the room that Shikamaru and the two girls were now occupying.
"Hey this is occupied?" both Ino and Temari yelled covering their big boobs.
Shikamaru just laid back against the head board and brought his arms behind his head and had a very satisfied look on his face as he closed his eyes and lit a cigaret.
"Come now girls where were we?" Shikimaru asked grabbing their asses.
The girls both eped and drugged him under the sheets.
"Damn, need new room."Tsunade mumbled dragging Jirayia behind her and away from the young hott girls getting it on In the bed room, and Jirayia REALLY wanted to stay.
"And another thing-?" Naruto yelled at the guy who couldn't hear him. The guy kept shaking his head and pointing to his ears. "Leave it Naruto." Neji yelled walking up and dragging him away from the speakers by the collar of his orange jump suit. (Hehe)
"Hey Naruto wont the land lord get mad at us for the loud music and call the Konoha police again?" Kiba asked with Akemaru on his head barking at everyone.
"Bark grrrr, Bark grrrrr, Grrr woof Ark?"
Translation: "You're my Bitch, You're my Bitch, Hey ever do it doggy style?"
"I wonder what he's saying?" Hinata asked walking up to Naruto.
"Who knows if hes even saying anything.
"Back to my question. I would like to know If me and Akemaru should start running now." Kiba asked.
"No need theres a new land lord. The old one left after the Halloween insodent. And I don't think anyone would call the police on the Future Hokage." Naruto said puffing out his chest.
In the last month Tsunade had declared Naruto the New Hokage, once he finished his training with Jarayia.
Neji had slipped away from Tenten so he could take some Viagra, and now she was alone in the kitchen drinking a orange cooler, when a drunken Kankuro walked up to her and swung his arm around her shoulder. "Hey where have you been all my life?" he slirred.
"Hiding from you." she said and hit him over his head, and walked out into the pot smoking living room to see Gaara past out on the coffee table with his pants down and Sai sucking his dick.
"Sai was he aware of what you were doing?" Tenten asked as Sai wipped his mouth.
"Shh, don't ask don't tell. Haven't I seen you someplace before?"
"Yeah, thats why I don't go there anymore." she replied and flipped her hair. It was down cause Neji ripped her bun when they were... you know.
"So what do you do for a living?" Sai asked moving towards her.
"Im a female impersonator." and then she sat down.
"So baby what's your sign?"
"Do not enter." she crossed her arms knowing that he was running out of material.
"If I saw you naked, I would die happy." he said with a smile.
"If I saw you naked I would die laughing." Tenten said getting annoyed and turned around in her chair to face the other wall away from Sai.
"Baby I would go to the end of the world for you!" Sai said running around the table and getting in her face.
"But, would you stay there?"
"If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put U and I
together." Sai smirked thinking that he was clever.
Tenten just
sighed and said "Really, cause I'd put f and u together." then
she flipped him off.
'Ok this is my last one' Sai thought. "Hey, your place or mine?"
Tenten looked up at him and said "Both, you go to your's and I'll go to mine!" she then punched him in the face and then attacked him with Kuni until he flew out the kitchen door.
She then stomped out onto the balcony.
She leaned against the railing and said "Neji, Neji, where for art tho Neji?"
"To the west, and Juliet is the moon." Neji said climbing up the vines.
Tenten just sweat dropped at Neji who was wearing tight old fashion stage cloths.
"Um... Neji I think its to the east and- is the sun. and WHO IS JULIET!?" Tenten screamed and tackled him over the two story balcony and onto the ground where they started to make out.
Kakashi just light up a joint to smoke after he watched the stupid kids (he is watching from a window) fall off a two story building when the door burst open hitting him straight in the face and the lights flickered on and off. His mask started on fire from the cigaret and he had to smack himself in the face to put it out.
The lights flickered dangerously and a scary music started to play in the background. Lightening crashed in the door way as two figures outlines could be seen in the hall way.
It would have been more scary if the majority of the people in the room weren't either high or drunk.
The ones who weren't either looked at the fallen Sensei with the drag in his hand and burn marks on his mask. Naruto got an 'Oh' look on his face. "So thats why Kakashi-sensei is always late he smokes!"
"Yes Naruto, your sensei has been smoking the grass since you were put on his team. He needed an escape from his life with you and your antics and the cutting road just wasn't cutting it. (No pun intended) And the road he chose instead was the hazy path of crack." Ebizu said pushing up his glasses to look like a smart person. Naruto looked crest fallen, and then Kakashi suddenly stood up.
"What? No I've been smoking weed since I was 15, it ain't nothing new." Kakashi said inhaling the smoke.
"Wait? Who the fuck is at my door??" Naruto yelled as he remembered why they were having this conversation in the first place. All the sober people, (who weren't many now,) all looked at the door, and inside the door frame was none other then the semi gay smexy Itachi?????
"The fuck you doing here?" Naruto yelled.
"I heard there was a party and my dear brother was getting laid." he said.
"And why does that concern you?" Neji asked sitting up.
"When did he sit down?" Hinata asked Kiba
"Not sure."
"I want to video tape it for later; black mail ya know. I now hold no killing grudge against him or any of you."
"Ok, Tequila?" Naruto asked handing him one. "Sure." he grabbed it and downed it in two sips.
It was five minutes and Itachi was doing tequila's with Kakashi and Gai, who had somehow gotten back into the house without Tentens knowledge.
Everyone still conscious was counting the drinks.
"One Tequila, (Gais down) "No GAI!" Lee yelled
"Two Tequila, (Kakashi is down Itachi is still up) Three Tequila,"
"Floor?" Naruto yelled.
Itachi was hit the deck and stayed down.
"Is he ok?" Shikamaru asked tapping him on the shoulder.
"I could cut off his head." Gaara suggested.
Everyone stayred at him.
"Or I could just poke him till I get bored."
"Why don't you do that Gaara." Naruto said backing away as the narcotic male got out a kuni and squatted down and started to poke the unconscious older Uchia in the arm.
"Hey where's the shark man, you know the one that's like always trailing after Itachi?" Anko asked as she gave Gaara a cookie.
"His little fishy friend was swimming around in the giant ass Jacuzzi that Naruto has!" Tenten yelled from the couch, she and Neji had moved into the house
Shikamaru Ino Temari AND Kiba were doing a four way, or just having sex with one girl and one guy in the same place, in the Jacuzzi but were kicked out by the shark man and were now walking around naked through the house.
"See Naruto those are what we big boys call dicks. Kiba Shikamaru come here and show Naruto." Sai said calling them over
He then huffed and slammed his back against the couch. But he kept getting his by random parts of Neji and Tentens bodies as they attempted to have sex with their cloths on.
"Hey, why do my balls smell like Sai?" Gaara asked innocently.
"Frued would have a field day with that kid." Asume said to the passed out dark haired red eyed Kunichi. next to him.
"Were all fucked, its helps to remember that." Sai said.
"Okay, why did Naruto just yell that?" Ebisu asked Kakashi who had stood up again after the door hit him when Neji and Tenten ran through.
"I don't know, but he looks like he's about to become an unintended member of a three sum."
"You know what would be fun to do?" Naruto asked jumping up just as Tenten fell down right where he was sitting, but she was naked.
"W-what Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked staring at a naked Neji push his dick into Tenten.
"If we walked into a gun store, buy three guns and a bunch of ammunition, then ask them if they have any ski masks."
"Hahahaha!gasphahaha! hick Uhhhh..." Gaara laughed and then past out.
"Oh that's funny huh?" Naruto said smuggly.
"Thats because their all drunk Naruto." Neji said sitting next to him.
"You done?" Naruto asked.
"For now."
"Holy Balls! Whats that on my couch!?" Naruto yelled.
"Thats what is called Semen, it comes from the testies through the vast deforines and into the penis. That is what comes out of what y- oh what you don't have one, let me rephrase that, its what comes from your ovum's through your fallopian tubes, and into your Vagina." Sai said
"UGGGHHH!!!!" Naruto yelled jumping up and straddle-tackled him to the ground and started to beat his face.
Sai tried to push him off but then two other Naruto's come out of no where and landed on him beating him to the ground.
When Naruto was satisfied that Sai was out cold he got up.
"If you can't beat them, arrange for them to be beaten." Naruto said dusting his hands as his clones dissappeared.
"Someday we'll look back on all this and plow into a parked car." Tenten said to Kiba.
"Hey Tenten speaking of penis lovers-" Ino said who was butt naked watching tv cause she didn't get dressed
"Have you heard about the catholic priest that but rapes little boys?"
"Michael Jackson joined the monastery?" Tenten asked coking her head to the side.
"What? No? A real priest like in the war. Real"
"Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity. RIGHT SASUKE?" Sai yelled.
"The fuck does that have to do with anything?" Naruto asked.
"Sia, why that was semi deep." Shikamaru said wrapping his arm around Temari.
"What does that youthful male mean?" Gai asked wrapping his arm around Lee cause he was stoned so badly.
"Sasuke is letting his solder's run lose in Sakuras battle field." Kakashi replied lighting his 15 cigaret.
"Hinata?" Naruto asked kissing her.
"Yes Naruto?" Hinata said and blushed.
"You've been with Shino for a while, as his teammate, right?" he asked.
"Yeah, for a couple years."
"Does he suck blood? Like a tick I mean." Naruto asked.
"What? I don't know, but I have woken up with a crick in my neck when we would be on long missions together." Hinata said putting a hand to her neck.
Shino grabbed the last beer from the fridge, and wiped the blood of a random fangirl from his lips.
After his little incident outside with the trespassers.
Naruto stood up "HEY THATS MINE?" he yelled at Shino.
"Says who, you got no say in who's beer this is. Kakashi brought it." he said weirdly.
"Well you know what? I have just as much authority as the pope does!, I just don't have as many people who believe it."
Naruto then leaped at Shino and tried to grab the beer, but then Shino sprouted but wings and flew out the window with the beer never to bee seen again.
"OH COME ON! I wrote my name on that can, I fucking saw it !" Naruto yelled out the window.
"Back to what I was saying about the war-" Ino started, grabbing a towel she covered her tities.
"We could end the war. If only we knew who was in charge, then we could kill 'em." Tenten said bringing out a Kuni and licking the tip.
"Who said anything about a war?" Temari asked.
"Ugh.. What happened?" Itachi asked sitting up from the floor.
Naruto and Hinata were making out on the couch.
Neji was sitting on the ground next to Itachi stabbing a doll that looked a lot like Naruto.
And Gaara was sitting next to him.
"Hey, why is my shoulder bleeding?" he asked half awake.
"I don't know..." Gaara said hiding the kuni behind his back.
"Crap! Wheres my camra? I need it!" Itachi yelled going through his giant robe.
He opened it up inside he wasn't wearing pants, and inside was a bunch of watches.
"Aha! I found!" he sang.
"Time to use my awesome ninja skills to get the camera inside without them noticing!" Itachi said covering up his balls again.
"AH! My eyes!" Neji and Naruto and Kiba all yelled.
"OH-" Tenten cried.
"MY-" Temari shreaked
"FUCKING-" Ino yelled
"GOD!" Hinata screamed
All the girls screamed at his HUGE dick.
"Okay so where is the room?" Itachi asked standing up.
"Its right behind you, the one with all the noise coming from it." Ino said with a frown.
turn turn bang bang BANG "The fucking door wont open!!!!!!!" Itachi screamed.
"You have to turn it the other way." Naruto said coming up to him.
"FUCK IT! Kyuubi! Go through the ventilation system and hook this up in their room.
"Ahhhhh, Uhhhh??" Sakura yelled as Sasuke beat harder at her pussy. (Yes I found a new word for clit?
"Damn Sakura your so fucking tight?" Sasuke said as he made serious friction against her wet skin and his.
Sasuke could feel Sakuras walls start to squeeze painfully hard against his shaft and he knew then that she was about to cum. So he went faster making it more fun for him when she did cum.
"AHHHHHHH?????" Sakura yelled as she cam extremely hard. When she did Sasuke almost lost it, and he cam sending his seed up into her waiting womb.
They both collapsed onto the bed. Sleek skin against sleek skin. Sakura looked up at him with tired eyes and asked "Sasuke was I your first?"
Sasuke painting turned his head to his new lover and said hesitantly "Yes and no."
"What do you mean?" Sakura said struggling to get on her elbows.
Sasuke was lying on the bed facing the ceiling and said without looking at her "You know how Naruto always calls Orochimaru a pedofile?"
"...Yeah..." Sakura said slowly kinda getting at what he meant.
"Well I wasn't the only kid at the place, and Orochimaru in his sick way had made us have sex with each other just for his amusement. Then which ever kid he thought was the best fuck, he would fuck them." he said turning his head to look at her tear killed eyes.
"Oh my God, Sasuke were you the one?" Sakura asked.
"...Yes.." he replied closing his eyes.
"Tell me one thing. Did you enjoy having sex with the other girls there?" Sakura asked moving so that she was straddling his waist.
Now sasuke couldn't ignore the question on two reasons.
1. He knew that he needed to tell Sakura the answer If they ever wanted to be a good couple they needed complete trust.
And 2. Sakura was ontop of his groin and he knew that if he didn't answer he wouldn't get laid again that tonight.
"Sakura-" he began with a slight blush "There weren't any females at Orochimaru's village. Remember he is a GAY pedofile?"
Sakura had on the expression of 'OMG Sasuke was doing it with other boy's and I missed it?'
"Sasuke, im am sooo sorry I shouldn't have asked? That probably brought up horrible memories?" Sakura said trying to bow to show her apology. All it did was put more pressure on his dick. Sakura thought she offended him because of the tight looking expression on his face. But it was just from her rocking her body against his sex craved one.
"N-no its fine, I never got shit stuck up my ass. I was much stronger then the others so I was always dominate." Sasuke said moving his hips and accidently brushing his 'Head' against her clit. Sakura blushed when she realized were she was sitting. "So how about it Sakura up for another round?" Sasuke asked huskily up at her. He moved slightly and 'accidently' slipped his enlarged cock into her pussy. She moaned and started to rock her hips up and down making a sort of suction feeling on his prostate, and boy could he say that it felt Nice.
'Damn' Sasuke thought 'Shes ridding me like a fucking horse' he squeezed his eyes shut.
"You like it rough Sasuke? Well your going to be getting all my anger for when you left me!" Sakura said and slammed down hard and squeezed her hips.
"SO AGH basically rough angry AHHHH sex?" Sasuke asked.
Sakura smirked and then Sasuke began to met her thrust for thrust.
Pre cum was flying everywhere and the bed frame was starting to ger really lose.
But it all came down when Sasukes sharingan flared up and he came.
Sasuke grabbed Sakura by the hips and held her down. He through back his head and she did the same as silent screams left their mouths.
Sakura was now panting heavily. Sasuke grabbed her gently and turned to his side with him still in her and laid her down next to him.
He then removed his shaft from her pussy. She then fell asleep in his arms.
He leaned over and kissed her forehead.
"Good night love."
"HUH!" both people shot up from bed to see Narutos fox hanging from a vent in the wall with a camera attached to his head.
"What the fuck?" Sakura asked grabbing her shirt.
"NARUTO!!!!" Sasuke yelled as he grabbed his pants and stormed out of the room.
Naruto was leaning against the bedroom door smoking pot when the door burst open and slammed his head against the wall.
"Ouch.." Naruto said sarcastically when the door was removed.
"What the fuck did you do?!" he screamed at his friend as he brought him up by his shirt collar.
"What?" Naruto asked confused.
"This!" he held up Kyuubi by the skin of his kneck.. And the camera in the other hand
"Kyuubi!" Naruto said annoyed.
The fox just mewed and licked his face.
"I was going to sell it on e-bay little brother."
"Itachi!" Sasuke yelled and ran at his brother who just side stepped him and brought him into a head lock.
"Come now, I no longer wish to kill you." Itachi said with a smile.
"Why the hell did you kill our family!?" Sasuke yelled/asked.
"Can't we stay on one subject please?" Itachi asked.
"Tell me!?" Sasuke growled.
"Ok, it was a mistake. You see it was my birthday and they had a surprise party for me.
And you think that having a surprise party for a person that was taught from birth to kill on instant would be a bad idea. You know, kill first ask questions later? Well yeah..."
"Okay!" Sasuke said and gave his brother a hug.
"What the heck is going on?" Sakura asked walking out of the room.
"Don't know." Neji said.
"Tsunade!" Shizune yelled.
"What!" Tsunade yelled back from the bedroom.
"Come here!" she yelled again.
And she came over.
"God you're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter!" she yelled.
"Whatever. What do you want?" Tsunade asked.
"Did you use protection?"
"GOD!" Tsunade walked back into the bedroom.
"So your selling my prono on the internet?" Sasuke asked.
"Cheer up! The worst it yet to come!" Kakashi said from across the room.
"Yeah, I already got it downloaded. I had Naruto do it while we have our brotherly moment. You want to see it?" Itachi asked.
Itachi got on a lab top computer that was under Narutos couch, it was under Shikamaru and Ino.
"Where the heck did you get that?" Naruto asked sipping his beer.
"Under your couch." Sasuke said.
Itachi e-bay account.
For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small
For Sale: Army stratification sheet. Join The Army, Visit
exotic places, meet strange people, then kill them.
For Sale: Sasuke Porno.
"Get Rid of it!" Sasuke yelled tackling his bro to the ground.They began to brawl.
"So is this is how after all these years of hating his brother, Sasuke beating him up over a porno is all hes going to do?" Kakashi asked.
"Yup, kinda crazy aint it?" Tsunade said.
"The fuck did you come from?"
"Your mom, now shut up I got 20 bucks on the older Uchia."
The night ended with no real blood shed, but an unconscious brother. Wont say who but the other one won.
And Tsunade was not very happy about the out come.
The night ended and Sasuke and Sakura sat on the balcony for no one really kicked everyone out of Narutos house so they just stayed the day.
So our story ends with Sasuke kissing Sakura and whisspering something into her ear.
Tears weld up in her eyes and she nodded her head yes.
Haha this IS THE END OF THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look for my sequal, "Living with an Uchiha"
-The Puppet Master.