Iago's Betrayal

By: Tidota Eru

Ch.1: The Temple of Terudax

"How much farther Genie?" asked Aladdin.

"Shouldn't be more than a couple of miles away by now," said Genie looking through a telescope.

Iago wiped a bead of sweat that started to form on his brow. It had been about two hours since they started this journey and already the heat was unbearable. Abu seemed to be suffering from the heat already seeming on how he layed on Carpet like a sack of potatoes.

"Will someone clue me in on this Temple of Terudax?" said Iago impatient as ever.

"Sure thing my feathered friend" said Genie and turned himself into a teacher, he had a blackboard which he used to illustrate " The Temple of Terudax is a most mysterious place once rumored to be ruled by a dragon sorceress. This sorceress took on the name of Terudax. But, soon overwelmed by the power she had, she turned agianist humanity and tried to destroy it. A sorcerer then came and defeated Terudax and sealed her within her own temple. She still lies there to this day. Some people say that her dragons guard the temple, and they'll only let in who they feel is worthy enough to enter,"

"So in other words" said Iago sarcastically "we're heading straight into a death trap,"

"I think we're here," said Aladdin as Carpet started to slow down. Everyone's eyes gazed at the spectacle that layed before them.

Three gaint dragon statues stood guarding the doors to the temple. One statue was made of gold, another was made up of silver, and the last one was pure emerald. Iago's eyes instantly lit up with greed. To bad the statues weren't small enough for him to carry back to Agrabah, he could of made a fortune off them.

Abu was admiring the statues as much as Iago, but knew there was no way he could possibly make off with one. Aladdin keenly eyed the three statues, searching for a way past them. Suddenly the head of the middle dragon, the golden dragon, started to move and stared down at Aladdin and the others.

"I am Zephar" said the gold dragon "one of three guardians of this temple. Ever since our master has been imprisioned noone may enter unless they posess a dragon's heart,"

"How do we prove we have a dragon's heart?" asked Aladdin.

Zephar moved his head toward Aladdin studying him intently and said " A riddle,"

"Great" shouted Genie turns into the Riddler from Batman " I'm a bit of a 'riddler' myself,"

Iago smacks his head with his hand. "There goes Genie agian" thought Iago "the dragon may as well have us for dinner now and save the leftovers for later,"

" Within walls as white as milk. Lined with skin as soft as silk. In a fountian crystal clear. A golden apple does appear. No doors are there to this stronghold. Yet thieves brake in to steal the gold, What am I?" whispered Zephar.

Aladdin stratched his head, this was one though riddle. Genie changed out of his Riddler costume and started thinking as well. Even Abu looked confused. Iago was watching all his friends thinking they were crazy. He couldn't believe that none of them knew the answer.

Of course I guess it shouldn't have surprised Iago much. After all he used to work for an evil wizard named Jafar that had taught him all Iago needed to know about magic. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew how to solve these ancient riddles too.

"It's an egg Ding Dongs!" yelled Iago " the answer is an egg!"

Zephar smiled towards Iago and said " You are correct my feathered friend. Terudax shall be pleased. You and your friends may follow me into the palace,"

Zephar walked up the stone steps leading towards the doors and Aladdin and the gang started to follow. Iago started to wonder if he had made a mistake by shouting out the answer to the riddle. But then agian, he wasn't one to think first and ask questions later.

Inside the temple Iago could tell just how addicted this sorceress was to dragons. There didn't seem to be a room or hallway built without at least two or more dragons decorating it's corridor. The dragon statues in here were also carved out of fine gems. Abu would have snatched them all if Aladdin didn't stop everytime he tried to steal one. To bad monkey.

Zephar suddenly stopped at a largely decorated door with black dragon with fearsome red eyes covering the front. A strange symbol was pianted on the dragon's forehead. It looked like a horizontal cresent moon with two triangles sprouting from it's inner and outer curve. It was painted red, making the dragon look more frightening than ever. There were no signs on how to get in either.

"This" said Zephar "is my master's chamber. Noone is allowed to enter here, except the one's who solve the guardians riddle,"

Zephar nodded to Iago and continued " Since you were the one who knew the answer first, only you can enter this room,"

Iago and not to mention the others were shocked at hearing this. Aladdin was the most concerned for his friend. If Iago went in there by himself there was a chance he wouldn't come back alive. Iago knew that too and looked liked a nervous wreck as he stared at the mighty wooden door.

The red eyes of the black dragon seemed to glow as if it sensed Iago's gaze and the red and blue parrot quickly looked away from it. Zephar motioned for Iago to go ahead. Iago looked at Aladdin hoping he would say something that would get him get out of this mess. Cross that option out.

"Go on Iago" said Aladdin "we'll wait here for you,"

"Some friend you are," thought Iago as he headed towards the door and flew inside. The door slammed behind Iago blocking his friends stares. They only hoped that Iago would make it out alive.

The room was pitch black when Iago entered. Torches were about the only illumination for miles around. A cold, red-eyed stared was fixed on the nervous bird. Iago nearly fell to pieces at seeing the long frozen salute of Terudax.

The young sorceress had been imprisioned in black amber her red eyes shining through the dark stone. A golden staff was clutched in her hand. It was not unlike Jafar's snake staff, except for the dragon head. The sound of laughter beside him suddenly drew Iago's attention.

"You look scared Iago" said a familair voice, it was Fashir " Terudax is sight to behold. She was one of many sorcers before Jafar came,"

Iago looked over at the blind, old beggar and said "What are you doing here?"

"As Prophet" claimed Fashir " I have right to warn you that a terrible future lies ahead. Your master shall return, friends will become your enmies, and doom shall rain down from the sky,"

Now Iago was scared, Fashir's visions always came true, he never lied. If this was truly to happen Iago better warn the others right away. But wait! If he did that then...Iago didn't want to think it clear through and quickly jolted out of Terudax's chamber. Fashir looked where Iago had been and disappeared in his own natural way. A smile was creeping up the old beggar's lips, a smile that promised a dark future to come.