Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of its characters that appear in Twilight or in New Moon. No copyright infringement is intended by writing this story.

When I loved Him

Memories fade away.

Perhaps Edward was right; my mind was like a sieve.

Maybe I would forget him after all.

I slammed on the brakes of my car and tightened my grip on the steering wheel. No, he was wrong. However perfect he is, for once, he was wrong. I leaned my head against the steering wheel and clenched my teeth together. I would never forget him. Ever.

Straightening up, I put the engine to life once again. I was going to the one place where I could hear him, his velvet voice.

I stopped my truck on the side of the road and got out. Eyeing the huge cliff where Jacob had promised we'd dive one day, I neared it carefully. I stepped toward the edge with a determination that I wouldn't back away. Here's to us, Edward.


I grinned to myself, pleasantly surprised to have heard Edward's voice so soon. With a smile, I slowly trudged closer to the cliff's edge. My heart sank as I saw the deep, mysterious water swirling at the bottom, but was quickly lightened as I heard his voice again.


I sniffed and squared my shoulders. Going into a crouch, I pointed my hands to face the water.

"Bella! Please, wait!"

The voice was urgent, and I grinned once again. I whispered,

"That's not going to work, Edward. I'm going to jump."

I inhaled a deep breath and closed my eyes. I felt one with nature as the wind swirled around my face and ruffled my hair. A silent tear rolled off my cheeks as I murmured,

"You see, Edward? I haven't forgotten you yet, and I don't intend to."

I leaped into the air. For a moment, it seemed as if time had been suspended and I was stopped. Only for a brief second.

Soon, I was crashing down the cold mist with the wind slapping at my face. I balled my hands into fists and screamed,

"Edward Cullen, I –"

I was not allowed to finish my sentence. I hurtled into the water, my body colliding with the icy coldness with a heavy splash. I spat salty water out of my mouth and swung my arms and legs around like a child. I flailed my legs for all I was worth, and soon I was holding unto a protruding rock of the side of the cliff.

For hours, or for minutes, I was not sure; I gripped tightly unto the sharp rock. Soon, my hand was slipping away, as energy seeped out of my body. I glanced at the dark, hostile water, my brain too numb to strategize.

I heard Edward's velvety voice, sad and grieving,

"Bella, swim! Try! Hold on, Bella, please hold on!"

I closed my eyes and smiled slightly. A whisper with a voice barely mine came from my cold lips,

"I love you Edward. Goodbye."

With that, I let my hand slip entirely from the rock.