Sorry for the long delay, I had a really big test to get ready for. Here's chapter 3!

Chapter Three:

The preparations were in place for the ball. The throne room had been decorated with the summer blossoms. The Narnian guests would be arriving at any moment. In Susan's room, the two queens were helping each other.

Lucy wore a flowing pink gown that was sheer over silk. Her hair had been hung in loose curls, and her crown completed the look. She stood behind Susan, helping twist her long hair up behind her.

"How many people do you think she'll bring?" Lucy asked. She had been asking question after question ever since she heard that Tara had accepted.

"I don't know. Probably some of her army." Susan replied patiently. She handed Lucy a small white flower to tuck into the hair piece.

"Ok, you look beautiful, Susan. Let's go down now." Lucy gave Susan the hand mirror and hurried to the door. Her sister laughed and followed.

"There you two angels are! I've been looking all over; goodness knows I could use some feminine company." Mrs. Beaver sent a look to Mr. Beaver, where he was shooting darts and loudly guffawing across the room. Lucy let out a giggle and Susan smiled kindly.

"Would you like some tea, Mrs. Beaver? We had some new flavors imported from the Islands. There's one that I think you'll really like." Susan guided the beaver to a refreshment table.

A small group of womenfolk had gathered and were conversing when Lucy tugged on Susan's arm. "She's here!" She whispered. All of the Narnians looked up as the foreign group entered.

A tall girl led the group. Her brunette curls were gathered on her head, with a few trailing down her back and over her shoulder. A small silver circlet graced her updo, to show her authority as queen. A flowing yellow dress gracefully billowed behind her as she walked.

To the queen's left and right were two men, probably in their mid thirties who bore the Caernifon insignia. They were Tara's advisors, and behind them stood about fifty other guests from their country.

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy stepped forward to greet their guest of honor. They bowed and curtsied and made the formal greetings, which were followed by a short awkward moment. Since Tara was a girl, it would have made sense for Susan and Lucy to engage her in conversation easily; however, they had never met her before.

"I trust that things are going well in your country?" Peter asked after a pause. His smile was warm and set Tara at ease.

"As well as can be expected; thank you. And the same in Narnia?" She returned.


The siblings began to lead her toward a corner so they were not taking up the middle of the room. The two advisors followed, and Tara watched over her shoulder, making sure that her subjects were mingling comfortably.

"So what is your country like? We've never had a chance to go there." Susan asked. Lucy nodded in anticipation.

"Well, it is very mountainous. The caves are where our dragons like to live, they are cool in the summer, and insulated in winter. At the moment most of our people are busy working their gardens. The markets are busy, especially our port on the east where the traders come. We are well known for our dragon-materiel products. Which are of course, taken from dragons that have passed away." Tara explained following the look of horror on Lucy's face.

"It sounds lovely." Lucy approved.

"Excuse us, there's a small matter to attend to." Peter told them distractedly, and he and Edmund hurried over to a Centaur that had been beckoning them. The girls watched them converse in low voices for a second before turning back to each other.

"It's so nice to meet another human, one who does not live so far away." Susan confided.

"I have noticed that you do not seem to have many of our race in your country." Tara responded with a grin. The talking animals were not something that Tara saw everyday. They had the occasional trader come to their ports, but more often they were from places that were further south.

"It's not that the Narnians are difficult to talk to. They're very friendly and all, but sometimes it's just a little awkward." Susan explained.

"I understand. It's strange for me to talk with my people sometimes too. They can't seem to get past the fact that I'm their Queen, and just talk to me like a normal person."

"Really? I considered that part of it had to do with our job. That's good to know."

Soon Susan and Tara were involved in a deep conversation, while Lucy had wandered off. The boys had left the throne room for about an hour, during which time the dancing had started, and then returned. Susan and Tara were still talking. Susan had turned down about five offers to dance.

Edmund hurried over to the food tables and filled a plate, so that he would be pre-occupied with eating, and had a good excuse not to dance. Peter, however, made his way to his sister and the new Queen.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if you might care to dance, Tara?" he proffered his arm to her.

Tara looked down at the floor, trying to gather the words to say. "Thank you, Peter. That's very kind, but I'm afraid I don't dance…very well."

He looked confused, probably because all well manned royalty is well-trained in dancing, from the time of schooling on. Susan did not offer any comments to make the conversation less awkward, but pretended to be searching the crowd for someone.

"Is everything all right with the centaur?" Tara asked, trying to show that it was nothing personal against Peter, as he stood there waiting for the right moment to leave.

"Oh yes, that was just another empty threat from a neighboring territory." He replied. Susan turned her eyes back to them, noting that the conversation was safe again.

"I'm glad it wasn't anything too serious." Tara replied. "Excuse me, I think I need to go check on something." She inclined her head toward them politely and hurried off toward one of her staff.

"Did I do something?" Peter asked in a whisper to Susan.

"No, I don't know why she wouldn't dance with you. She seems like a really nice girl, I really like her. She must have her reasons, it's only customary…" she trailed off.