A/N: Well, I checked out the stats page on my account, and I noticed a few people had Violent Reunions on alert. It's not a chapter fic, but I HAVE decided to write a sequel. So uh, please enjoy Violent Beginnings! Ja, Inuzuka Nin

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Kishi-sensei does. Lucky guy.

Violent Beginnings

- a sequel to 'Violent Reunions'

Inuzuka Nin


Uchiha Sasuke flinched. His wife was loud. He turned to his wife, who was being ushered to a bed by some nurses.

"Sakura, calm down." He said, watching the nurses as they carefully laid her down.


He flinched again. He looked at his wife, her expression anything but calm. When she was busy with the nurses, he made a bee-line for the door. His hand was about to reach the handle. Soon he'd be free –

"UCHIHA SASUKE! GET BACK HERE. NOW!!" came his wife's screeching voice.

He inwardly cursed, before turning round to face his wife, whose face was substantially red. He made his way to her bed, taking his time. She shot a glare his way and he soon quickened up.

"We're ready for the delivery, Uchiha-san." said one of the nurses warily to Sakura. She nodded. The nurse turned to Sasuke.

"Are you staying for the delivery?" She asked. He was about to protest when he felt his wife's glare practically burning into his skin. He gulped.

"He will be staying, Yuri." The nurse nodded, and moved away from the bed, so Sasuke could be near his wife.

He gingerly approached the bed and knelt down next to his wife. He took her hand and looked into her eyes.

"I'm regretting this." He stated.

"You got me this way." She hissed.

"Okay, Uchiha-san, you can push now."

Sakura gave Sasuke one last glare, before facing forward again, preparing for the pain.


She pushed.

And pushed.

"We can see the head!" cried one of the nurses. "Keep pushing!"

Just then, Tsunade burst through the door.


"Gomen Tsunade-sama." chorused the nurses. They still showed her respect, despite the fact the Sannin had resigned and passed the Hokage title to Naruto. Tsunade sighed in exasperation, before unceremoniously shoving some lesser nurses out of the way.

"I'm doing the delivery." She stated, taking place in front of Sakura. "Sakura, you better push. The other one won't wait much longer."

"SHIT! I forgot I was having twins!!" She yelled, before giving Sasuke a this-is-your-fault look.

And she pushed again.

And again.

She felt the pressure subside momentarily, and a loud cry could be heard throughout the room. Tsunade cut the cord and handed the baby to one of the nurses. She smiled.


Sasuke smirked. An heir had just been chosen.

"Okay Sakura, push!"


Sasuke felt the grip on his hand tighten. He looked down, and his hand was considerably white; she was crushing the bones! He grimaced before turning back to his wife. It seemed she was in more pain than he was, judging by her face.


Sakura felt all her strength vanish after that last push. Luckily, it was enough, and the second twin was born. She sighed and collapsed against her pillow.


Sakura looked up. A girl? She gave a tired smile and shut her eyes. One of each. Just what they wanted. Sasuke smiled seeing her smile, and stroked her hair. She had done well. Extremely well. She opened her eyes a smiled at him. He kissed her somewhat sweaty forehead, not that he minded. To him, she was just as beautiful as any other day.

Sakura scooted over to the side of the large bed, despite her pain, and made room for Sasuke. He silently climbed onto the bed, and they just lay there for a while, waiting to see their children.

Eventually, Tsunade entered, carrying two small bundles in her arms; one in a pink blanket, and one in a blue one. The couple – no parents smiled, as Tsunade handed them over. They studied each of the babies – which were almost identical.

Both had dark ebony hair, which they had obviously inherited from their father; and when they eventually opened their eyes, the parents saw two pairs of onyx eyes, with a green tint. Sakura smiled – at least they got something for her.

"I hope they get my personality, if I'm honest." She said, smiling down at her two babies.

"Me too." Sakura looked up at her husband, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Our babies." She sighed dreamily.

"Our clan."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: Sooo…. Did you like it? I hope it was a nice follow-up to 'Violent Reunions'. Please spare the time to give me a review; I'd love to read your opinions, no matter how short or long! Thanks, Inuzuka Nin