Raven's life is on the downfall when she imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit. However, Gar, an old friend, comes and bails her out. They both set out to find the real criminal, before it's too late. As well, Raven learns about who Gar really is. BBxRae

This is a story that just popped up in my mind and I think it's awesome. I'm already done with the first three chapters, but I'm going to update every time I update Close to the Heart or Bitter Rose. Next update of Bitter Rose will be up soon!

Anyways, please review my second chapter story attempt of a Raven and Beast Boy story.

Pernicious Deception

I would rather be dead then where I am now. All I know is that this is a place of misery, melancholy, and desolation. Surrounding me are walls of damaged bricks and underneath me is a timeworn, hard floor. They give me very little to eat or drink, leaving me to become frail and weak. I wear this orange outfit which does not suit my pale skin. Knowing that no help is able to reach me, I sit here dreaming and wishful thinking of what life would be if that incident never happened. It was the incident that changed my life.


Smoothing out my blouse, I walked bashfully into the classroom knowing that everyone would laugh at me. Being this the seventh school I changed to in the past two years, I knew how to manage the upcoming embarrassment. Everyone stared at me with keen interest as I presented the teacher with an identification card. Faintly smiling, she told me to sit in the seat in the very front and informed me to introduce myself later as she was starting a complicated lesson.

I took my seat in the front, where everyone in the class could drill holes in my back with their eyes. No one amazingly didn't laugh at me or mock me when I answered questions correctly. Peculiar was all I could think of to describe this situation. Everyone at my old schools always made fun of how I looked, of how I answered questions, of how I stayed alone. Maybe this school was the place where I could actually make some friends. Maybe this was the place where I can find tender care and affection.

My step-sister, on the other hand, had already picked a group of friends the minute she stepped in this school. With his looks and personality, anyone would want to be her friend.

Before long the teacher asked me to introduce myself in front of the class. Timidly, I walked up the front of the classroom and tucked a strand of ebony hair streaked with mauve streaks.

"My preferred name is Rochelle Roth, but that isn't my real name," I added, when the teacher gave a puzzling face when I said my name. I was about to sit down when the teacher brought me to standstill.

"Honey, you haven't even told us where you are from and why you moved," the teacher replied with her bubbly voice.

I groaned raucously before informing the class of my history, "I'm from New York and I live with my step-father and step-sister. We moved to Jump City because my dad received a job offer. Am I finished now?"

The teacher gave me a baffling look before guiding me back to my seat. She continued on with the lesson and no one, from then on in the class, gave me any perplexing looks. The only time was when I recited how to multiply binomials by polynomials, and the person beside me gave me a bewildered look as if I was an alien.

-End of Flashback-

"Honey, there's someone to meet you." I moaned softly as I stood up from my sitting position towards the bar-enclosed room. A woman with a navy uniform struggled to find the right key, then opened the bar door to escort me to my visitor.

"Who is it, Gertrude?" I queried as I was brought to the visitor room. "There isn't anyone I know of who would visit me."

Her eyes fell slightly as I said the last few words. She embraced me hastily before ushering me quickly to my visitor. Once we were there, she motioned me to go in and closed the door behind me.

I walked vigilantly towards the area where the visitor was patiently waiting. From where I was behind the transparent wall, I could not see clearly who the visitor was. The only thing I could see what that he or she, for that matter, had blonde hair and a small, lanky build.

Clearing my throat as loud as I can to catch his or her attention, the visitor looked up and smiled widely as they hurried to the wall. I widened my eyes as I saw who it was.



I settled with a book after a heavily packed morning and all I needed to do was relax with a book in the gigantic library the school had. I never exactly knew why books were always my favorite past time but it relaxed me. Intrigued and swept off into the book's fantasy world, I didn't notice a lanky boy and a wide blue-eyed girl watching me intently from the corner diagonal from me. It was when they walked towards me I noticed their other characteristics.

The boy had short, spiked blond hair with green streaks and small sea green eyes. The girl, on the other hand, had long, luscious blonde hair with wide azure eyes. I didn't know why I had this feeling, but I felt as if I knew the boy from before. I was taken aback at the sight of the two holding hands. I already knew from that display, that they were a couple.

As they came closer, I recalled where I had seen the boy before. He was the one who lent me a pencil during the history pre-exam for the semester. Then I hadn't socialized to him a bit but now as I watched them intently, I wished I had the opportunity to meet him. It must have been my luck as they were walking right towards me.

For a few seconds, neither one of us knew what to say, once the boy and the girl reached my spot. The girl was the one who had spoken first.

"Hey I see that you're new. I'm Tara Markov and this is my adopted brother Garfield Logan," the girl said and I could see from how she talked, she was a bubbly character. My heart felt composed when she said that the boy was her brother. I chuckled lightly before I lent my hand to Tara to shake.

I, however, am not one of those people who like to lend out my name so I didn't give my name to Tara and her brother.

"Sorry, but I don't like to give out my name, but you can call me Rochelle," I replied as I shook Tara's hand. Garfield had a gigantic smile when he took my hands in his and shook it wildly.

"My name is Gar Logan. My, if you don't mind calling you this, but you're creepy," Gar said before he realized what he said.

I ripped my hand away from his and growled at him ferociously. "Don't call me creepy; I'm just misunderstood." I walked away from the two with tears in my eyes and my book tightly to my chest. Perhaps I was wrong about this school. Perhaps everyone thinks I am a misfit, a creep. Just to think I thought people would actually like me. I was entirely wrong.

-End of Flashback-

However, I was right in the beginning. More people started to like me and my selection of friends grew. I frowned slightly when I saw Gar with his usual, frisky self. He looked wonderful though, I had to admit. He had grown a lot, and his lanky build turned into a muscular one. His hair, nevertheless, is the same spiky style but without the green highlights.

"Gar?" I repeated once again to reassure myself I wasn't hallucinating, "Is that really you?"

"Oh my god! When they said you looked bad, they weren't kidding!" I would have slapped him if there weren't the transparent wall between us.

"Thanks for the compliment," I replied with sarcasm.

"I've finally been able to meet you. Do you know how hard it is to get a visit with a prisoner around here?" he joked, but soon realized I was in no mood to be joking.

"Why are you here?" I asked. How did he know where to find me? No one knew where I was except him.

His smile faded rather rapidly before slumping, "I know why you are in here."

Widening my eyes, I put my left hand onto the wall. "How do you know?"

Turning his back towards me, I couldn't see what he was doing. Once he turned around, I gasped at what was in his hands. It was a ripped piece of navy cloth. Immediately I knew where he had taken it from. It was from the cloak I wore on the day of the incident. "Where did you get that?" I demanded.

"Your name isn't Rochelle, is it?" He hesitated before answering, "Right, Rachel Roth or should I say Raven?"

I put my hand over my mouth in horror. How did he ever find out my name? My alias isn't a surprise, but my real name? "How did….did…you…?" I stumbled over my words, and chose to stop when he put his finger to his mouth, in a shushing motion.

"I can't explain anything now. All you have to do is agree to allow me to get you out on bail. From there, I will explain everything." He seemed so professional when he said all that.

However, was I to trust him? I really didn't know what to do. Trusting other people has leaded me to this mess. Nevertheless, this was Gar we were talking about. Maybe I should trust him for the time being. It wasn't like I had another choice. "Yes, I do."

"Great. I'll meet with the police officials and get you out as soon as possible." He was about to leave when he added, "And oh Raven, don't get any skinnier. You look awful. I don't want people saying I have a skinny girl friend." Winking swiftly, he exited the room with a rapid manner. I didn't know what to do. I walked the other way towards the door where Gertrude was guarding and I was guided to my cell.

Once I was locked inside, I took the moment to consider Gar's offer. Was I to trust him? Every time I trust a person, it always leads me to danger and trouble. I remembered the day I met Gar and his best friends. I would have hanged out with them, but I had to be foolish and dense, and offer a space in his gang.


I rushed out of my Jeep and scurried inside Murakami High School. It was the second week I had been attending this school, and so far it was going smooth. No one bothered me and I bothered no one. My step-sister had gotten her own Jeep, and drove to school earlier to catch up with some of her new friends. Even though I met with Gar and Tara, I never took the time to talk with them after that. I had a feeling that no one, even Gar and Tara, would accept me as their friend.

Walking down the halls, I saw many faces that I didn't recognize but stopped once I saw two blonde heads in the distance. I quickly walked to my locker and kept my back towards the two and a few others who were walking this way.

Along with Tara and Gar were six other people. There was a bald African boy with muscles that could defeat the strongest man alive in an arm wrestle. Beside him, clinging onto his arm was a lean African girl with cinnabuns. Behind that couple was a short ginger haired, sapphire eyed boy talking with a black shoulder length haired boy. Once Tara went to hold the ginger haired boy, I immediately concluded they were a couple. There was a red, spiked haired boy grinning next to Gar and talking intensely.

Lastly, there was a jet-black haired boy with dark shades covering his eyes. His spiky hair complimented his bad boy image, with his leather jacket. There was something about this boy that I found enchanting and mystifying. I felt as if I knew him from before.

The gang was just passing by until Gar had to notice me. "Hey Roe! Guys, that's the girl Tar and I met last week. Remember I was telling you guys about her?"

The bald one replied, "Oh this is the chick you were talking about all week. The one who you thought was creepy but pretty with her cute hair and eyes."

I found it hard to stop blushing when he said that. Shocked by what Gar said about me, I just merely lent out my hand for the bald boy to shake. "Hi, I'm Rochelle Roth."

"Already know it gal. The name's Victor Stone. Star athlete and captain of the football team." He grinned broadly when shaking my hand.

So much for being self-centered. The other people shook one by one with me as we got acquainted with one another. Victor's girlfriend was named Karen Beecher and she was the head cheerleader. The ginger haired one was Roy Harper, pro archer; and the black, long haired one was Garth Johnson, top athlete swimmer. The red, spiked haired one was Wally West; top track runner. It wasn't before long I was introduced to the boy with the secretive dark shades.

"Hey," his deep masculine voice brought a chill down my spine. "The name's Richard Grayson."

My eyes almost bulged out when he said his name. "You're Richard Grayson; the adopted son of multibillionaire Bruce Wayne?"

I couldn't tell if his eyes were bursting out under his shades, but his voice showed the surprise, "You know me?"

I had to just roll my eyes at that comment, "Who doesn't know Richard Grayson, the son of Bruce Wayne, and star athlete player. You're the captain of the basketball and soccer team. You're known for your notorious reputation and the heart throb of all the girls."

The words just flowed out of my mind before I realized what I said. I blushed intensely while he raked his hand through his spiky hair.

"Thanks," he beamed at me before turning his back to me. He was talking to Roy while Gar looked at him with a furious look. I just let it pass by without making a big deal.

"Hey," Victor started, "Want to hang out with us? We could use a practical girl like you in this group." He winked at me while Tara and Karen gave him glares.

"Practical, huh?" Karen glared at Vic before smacking him on the arm, sending him straight to the ground. I tried to stifle a giggle, but it was no use. I burst out laughing as the others did too. Even Vic, who was rubbing his arm, giggled.

I didn't know what to say. Was I to accept this offer or should I let it pass and be a loner for the time I was going to be here? Pondering for a few minutes, I came to an answer, "Sure."

-End of Flashback-

That's it for now! There will be a lot of flashbacks for the first few chapters but it will be more present soon. Anyways, him is a different person than him. Sorry, if it caused any confusion. Please review!