Hey everyone, this is my new story called 'Faith in the Moon.' Enjoy the story and if you enjoyed it enough, please send a review or something because I love to hear people's thoughts and opinions upon my work lol. The next chapter will be up soon and enjoy the story.

Summary: Galaxia has just been defeated and the starlights have left as Usagi and the Scouts must try and continue with their lives. However, a new evil threatens their peace and are determined to capture Usagi and the crystal. But, with Usagi gaining new powers, will they succeed? And her crumbling relationship to Mamoru, will they all survive or will they all die fighting?

Thanks and with love, daisyboo xx

This is not a Seiya/Usagi story - I am a fan but this is a Usagi/Mamoru story, even though this chapter holds a high proportion of Usagi and Seiya but it's just a flashback and just sets the scene.

Disclaimer: I do not own sailor moon or any of the characters, only the ones created by my own imagination.

Chapter One

The day was drawing to an end as the sun began to set upon the large bustling city of Tokyo and its beams that had previously reached all corners of the city began to retract. All colours began to become evident in the mystical oriental sky as the sun's domination began to slide and suddenly little gem-like stars began to become slightly visible within the beautiful pale colours that were blotched into the heavens. No-one below noticed the magnificent spectacle of colours that displayed themselves to an unappreciative audience below as the weekend loomed ever closer and everyone in sight, rushed as hard as they could to achieve their goal of reaching their homes before sundown. The cars on the heavily concreted road, rushed at the maximum speed that was allowed, so their drivers could get home as soon as possible and the walkers on the pavement beside the hectic road, equalled their determination. However, there was one pedestrian who wandered down the busy street, oblivious to everyone and everything. She held a distant but thoughtful look upon her face as people hurried past her intent on reaching their targets.

She looked deep in thought, which could be at sometimes quite foreign to the beautiful young girl who wandered aimlessly along the uneven path. She walked down the street with a backpack flung casually across her back and wearing a modest school uniform that consisted of a long dark blue skirt that hid the amazing curves the young blonde was now obtaining and a white sailor-type school shirt with a large dark blue bow sewn onto the front. Her thick beautiful blonde hair that looked as though it had been spun by the very goddess Selene herself from rough yellow straw to smooth luxurious golden thread hung down her back in two separate strands that were gripped together on the top of her head in two buns and held by skilful craftsmanship and strong bonds. Her eyes were as blue as the sky or the ocean and many who looked into their loveliness, instantly became captivated by their sparkle.

However, today the sparkle that usually emitted through her eyes at such an intensity was dimmed considerable as she thought deeply about one friend. Someone who was very dear to her and someone, whom she finally accepted, would never see again. Her friend was someone very precious and she had loved him like the friends that they were but upon the day of his departure, she had felt completely lost and alone. She did not want to lose him as his friendship was very important to her and he had always been there to protect and help her when her Mamo-chan could not. Mamo-chan or Chiba Mamoru, as he was known to everyone else, was the young blonde's boyfriend and they had loved each other through all eternity and since the very beginnings of their galaxies. They were at one with each other and would do anything for the other. Each loved the other more and had scarified a lot for their beloved. They had both died a few times in order to save the person who was most precious to them but with the power of the Moon and Silver Crystal, their life had been revived.

The girl sighed as she thought of her Mamo-chan and of herself for a few brief seconds and the love and life that they were destined to live. She, ordinary Tsukino Usagi, who previously was the eternal Moon Princess Serenity and also the extraordinary heroine Sailor Moon, was destined to become Neo-Queen Serenity and her Mamo-chan was destined to succeed the throne that had been denied to him for nearly two millennia and become the Earth King, Endymion and not just remain as the Crown Prince. They were also destined to wed each other and conceive their baby daughter, Chibiusa. That was the life that had been revealed to the young couple and that was the life that they were expected to achieve. Usagi loved Chiba Mamoru more than anything and he loved her with the same deep intensity, but doubts had begun to set into Usagi's mind. She loved Chibiusa too and could not wait for the day, when she could finally hold the girl in her own arms and finally call her, her very own and not just her future daughter. She longed for that day and also longed for the day, when she and Mamoru would consolidate their love, both ceremonially and physically. She blushed a little at that thought but then her previous thoughts returned.

The person that filled her thoughts next was a man named Seiya Kou and he had been one of the singers with a band called 'The Three Lights.' He had been a deep and cherished friend to Usagi and although Usagi had made out that she had been oblivious to his feelings, in fact, the opposite was true. She knew very well about his feelings, she just ignored that fact and just wanted to be friends with him. She knew that she had been a little selfish in that respect because she knew of his feelings and just wanted to be around him. She did not know why she wanted to be around Seiya, perhaps it was his light and humorous personality that always made Usagi feel happy or perhaps it was the fact that she had been missing Mamoru dearly and Seiya became a kind of distraction from the pain of missing him. Whatever the reason, Seiya was heavily upon her mind at that moment as she wandered aimlessly around the large city and to be honest she did not know why he was so deeply set in her thoughts.

Seiya Kou and the other two members of 'The Three Lights,' Yaten Kou and Taiki Kou, were not just a large musical sensation, they were also another set of sailor warriors known as 'The Sailor Starlights.' Seiya Kou was Sailor Star Fighter, Yaten was Sailor Star Healer and Taiki was Sailor Star Maker and when they transformed into their sailor identity, they also transformed back into their native sex, which was female. They transformed themselves into males so they could succeed in their mission of trying to find their princess who had escaped to Earth, after the destruction of her planet by Sailor Galaxia. The Starlights had eventually become good friends with the Sailor Senshi and after Sailor Moon had defeated Sailor Galaxia, the Starlight's princess had been revived and everything was as it was or needed to be. The Starlights left Earth with their princess a few days after the battle against Galaxia but just before their departure, Seiya had requested that he and Usagi be left alone for a while so they could say goodbye to each other, as friends. Yaten and Taiki had been against the idea of Seiya spending any time alone with the White Moon Princess as they knew of the deep feelings that he felt for her, but their princess had disagreed with them and stated that there was a lot that needed to be said between Usagi and Seiya, and the best way to do that was to do it alone.

Mamoru too had agreed with Yaten and Taiki and stated that Usagi and Seiya could say goodbye with everyone around them and the Sailor Senshi agreed with their prince too. However, as the discussion was being held, Seiya and Usagi had just remained silent and instead were gazing at each other intently as they stood a few metres apart from each other. There was such emotion in the gaze that Seiya held with Usagi and the intensity was growing rapidly by the second. However, Usagi turned her gaze away from Seiya for a second and turned her gaze to looking at the ground. There was a faint blush that graced her cheeks and Seiya noted the blush with affection. He gazed at her with love and devotion pouring through his deep blue eyes and then without a single regard for the consequences instantly rushed over to Usagi. He reached her side in no time and then gently grabbed her hand. He began running again at a gentle speed with Usagi being led behind him and away from the people who had been discussing whether or not it would be safe enough to allow Seiya and Usagi some time alone, to say goodbye.

"Usagi," called a confused and angry Hino Rei or Sailor Mars as she watched the arrogant starlight take away their princess.

"Usagi-chan," called the other girls in equal confusion and annoyance.

"Seiya, where do you think your going?" called Yaten and Taiki together.

"Usako, where do you think you going? Usako, what's happening? Usako?" Mamoru yelled in confusion as he watched his fiancée being dragged away by some strange guy.

His reaction was to run to her defence but then as he was about to chase after them, a quiet voice interrupted them all and everyone turned to look.

"Everyone, everything will be alright," came the sweet beautiful voice of Princess Kakuyya, "and Chiba Mamoru, they only wish to say goodbye to one another in private but there is no need to worry. They are deep friends, Chiba Mamoru, and if you love Princess Serenity, then let them be for a little while and your love for each other shall not waver."

Mamoru took in every word that the tawny-haired princess said and he had to admit that it made sense. He loved his Usako more than anything and he knew that she loved him. He also knew that in his absence, Usagi had needed someone and due to the stories that Rei, Ami, Minako and Makoto had been telling, Usagi and Seiya held a deep friendship. He trusted his Usako and only wished that she was here at this moment, so he could hold her in his arms and tell her that he deeply loved her.

Meanwhile, Seiya kept running and running with a bemused Usagi running behind him. She still held the faint blush upon her cheeks and her eyes were shining with emotion. The emotion was so great within her eyes that suddenly a single tear emerged from one of them and then more followed that one single tear. The tears flowed like a newly-filled spring brook and when Seiya heard those tears, he stopped running and turned to look at the ethereal lunar princess. She was sobbing uncontrollable at this point and Seiya without a single thought brought Usagi into his hold and held her within his strong arms. She sobbed and sobbed and Seiya just held Usagi as he gently stroked her gorgeous blonde locks. They stayed like that for a very long while but then Usagi removed herself from Seiya's hold and just looked at him with her huge blue eyes shining with emotion. Seiya took in her appearance as he knew that this was probably the last moment that he would ever see his Odango and he smiled as he looked at her. Her long beautiful blonde hair that had come loose of one of its buns and was now swaying in the unseen breeze. Her blue eyes, full of such emotion and her hands, her small gentle hands that he now held in his own. All Seiya wanted to do was to take her in his arms again and claim her lips as his own. He wanted to hold her, comfort her but most of all he wished above all else that she was his, not Chiba Mamoru's, his. But he knew that was never to be and that was why this moment to him was to be the most precious in his life.

"Odango," Seiya said as he took in Usagi's beautiful appearance, "why do you cry? You should be happy, your boyfriend is back."

There was a long silence in which both Usagi and Seiya just looked at each other and then Usagi spoke.

"I am happy Seiya, about that anyway but I'm sad that you're leaving. I don't want you to leave, Seiya. I'm sorry for being selfish but I don't."


"Seiya, but I know that that cannot happen, you must be with your princess and protect her. I'm really going to miss you," Usagi sobbed as more tears began to emerge, "I'm sorry," she apologised as Seiya just looked at her desperately wanting to take her in his arms and tell her that he would never leave her and that he would always love her.

"Odango, you don't need to apologise, you never need to apologise to me."

"But I do Seiya. I'm sorry for being selfish."

"Odango, I'm the one who should be apologising."

"Seiya," Usagi whispered as she just continued to look at him.

"I'm apologising now because all I want to do at this moment is just take you in my arms and kiss you senseless. I love you, my Odango, with all my heart and what I wanted to do when I grabbed your hand was just carry you away, far away from everyone. Just you and me, my beautiful lovely Odango but I know that can never happen."

"Seiya," Usagi repeated again as she looked at him with her emotions so full and confused at that moment as Seiya stepped a little closer to Usagi.

"You don't have to worry about me, Odango. I can take care of myself and just to let you know that the love I have for you will never dim. It is strong and bright like the stars above us now and never forget that, Odango."

"I'm so sorry, Seiya. I really am," Usagi sobbed as then at that moment, Seiya could not contain himself any longer and he took the young sobbing girl into his embrace.

He held her for a long time and once her tears had subsided, he broke the embrace. Seiya looked at Usagi longingly and he agreed with himself that Usagi had never looked this beautiful before. The blush that had disappeared for a little while had now returned and her eyes were magnificent and shimmering. Seiya approached her a little more then and was so close to Usagi that he could feel her sweet breath upon his neck and smelt the delicious scent that she emulated. He turned his head in order to be able to look at her better and the entire time that he had spent with Usagi this time, he drank in every moment. Her beauty, her scent, her elegance, the moment, the tears and especially, the words. Both were extremely overwhelmed at this moment and then Seiya moved his hand and used it to lift Usagi's chin up, so he could look into the gorgeous blue eyes that he loved so much. He stayed there just taking in their beauty and blueness and then he moved his head down and he kissed her forehead. Usagi was stunned, she was sure that he was going to kiss her lips and was about to tell him not to but instead he kissed her forehead. Usagi was gasping quite heavily at that moment and just stayed there and allowed Seiya just to hold her and the contact that he so desperately wanted. He stayed there with his lips pressed against her smooth soft skin and then suddenly after what seemed like forever to Usagi, he removed his lips.

"Odango," Seiya said as she turned her eyes to look at him, "I'm not going to apologise for that bold move but I truly am sorry."

And with that, Seiya gently kissed her cheek quickly this time and then released his hold upon Usagi. He looked at her for one brief moment and then turned his back upon the emotional blonde girl. He started walking away from her then as Usagi watched his retreated back and she held her hands together in order to comfort herself. She felt lost and confused at that moment and she knew that this was the last time she was ever going to see Seiya. He was a very dear friend of hers and she was really going to miss him. She loved him dearly, but not in way that she loved her Mamo-chan and for that she would always be sorry. Usagi lowered her eyes then as a few more tears fell and she clutched her hands together tighter.

"I'm sorry, Seiya," Usagi whispered as she continued to look at the ground, "I'm sorry that I could not love you properly."

And that was the last time that she ever saw Seiya Kou.