Disclaimer: I had a dream that I owned Wicked. I own the dream. Not the real thing. So leave me alone, I'm workin' on the dream to come true...

A/N: Okay, yah, I gots another ficcy! This one is based off of something that happened to me and my friend in school today. It's got nothing really to do with Wicked though; just kinda a random ficcy I guess it could be ElphiexGlinda in a light tone, depending on how you look at it. I think it's more of friendship story though Please review, you guys know I love reviews...

Chapter 1

"Okay class, turn in your tests, now,"

"What!? But professor, I've only got five questions left! Professor!" Galinda protested, and stood up as he took her test.

"Actually, professor, I'm not quite done myself," Elphaba said, as he took her test as well.

"Well, did everyone else finish?"

The class started nodding. Galinda went red and Elphaba sunk low in her chair. The professor looked at the pair, and sighed.

"At the end of the day, come back and you can finish them. Since it seems you aren't capable of working at the same pace as the rest of the class…" He started to walk away.

Galinda muttered "Stupid professor,"

"Would you like to stay for detention, Miss Galinda?" He twirled around, and Galinda went red again.

"N-No, I apologize,"

"Class dismissed."

Galinda ran out so fast Elphaba only saw the back of her blonde head exit the room. Elphaba quickly left, only to find Galinda right outside of the room.

"Oz knows I hate him," she said, as her and Elphaba headed down the hall. "He's out to get me, I know it."

"Oh, Miss Galinda," Elphaba said, rolling her eyes. "He's out to get both of us."

"Well, I'll see you later Elphie!" She said, as they turned their separate ways.

Elphaba and Galinda were very good friends. Although it shocked all of Shiz, they didn't really care. Elphaba couldn't count how many times she heard someone came up to Galinda and ask "Miss Galinda, how are you and that green girl friends? You've got nothing in common."

Honestly, Elphaba didn't really know how they were friends. First they hated each other, then they slowly but steadily became friends. It didn't happen that fast though; it progressed its way in. Not that Elphaba minded at all. She liked having a friend. Once, she heard that 'opposites go well together' but she never really understood it. Now she did.

She kept pondering about everything during her last two classes, than ended up meeting Galinda in a hallway. The both stared at each other.

"Are you ready?"

"I suppose."

They slowly and caustically made their way down the hall way to the room. People were going back to their dorms, but murmured as they saw the pair walked down the hallway. People were more looking at their legs than anything else. Elphaba looked down for a moment, than laughed.

Their legs were moving at the exact same pace, so their left legs were moving at the same time and so were their rights.

Galinda looked down and laughed herself. "Well, this is awkward,"

"We've been hanging out to much." She laughed, smiling at her peppy friend.

"Elphaba Thropp, our friendship is over!" Galinda joked, and pulled on a fake pout.

"Oh, I'm so hurt!" They laughed, and smiled until they saw their teacher right outside the door.

Elphaba coughed and turned her head into the room and started walking in. Galinda's eyes went wide as she walked into the room herself. Elphaba felt the blonde come beside her, and they exchanged glances.

"Sit." The Professor ordered, pointing to two seats in the front row.

They sat down immediately.

"Here, finish them." He slapped down the tests on their desks. The professor turned around, and headed back to his desk. Elphaba and Galinda looked at each other again. Elphaba sighed again, and looked at her paper. She quickly wrote down the answers, and started to stand up, until she glanced over at Galinda. She was scribbling something down, and Elphaba saw it was two away from the end. Elphaba sat back down, and paused. She didn't want to leave Galinda here all alone. She wouldn't torture her that way.

Galinda looked at her, and Elphaba caught her gaze. The green girl stood up and said,

"Uh, here, I'm done,"

He snatched the paper away. "I am too," The bubbly blonde spoke up, and held her paper out for him to take. He snatched it away, too.

"Okay, now go."

With no hesitation the two girls ran out of the room. Both of them looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

"T-That was so scary!" Galinda chocked out, leaning on Elphaba for support.

Elphaba laughed too. "That was really creepy."

"I didn't even know what I was doing! I just wrote down random answers that came to my head!"

"So I suppose 'Fiyero' and 'Pink' showed up an awful lot, right?" Elphaba poked her in the side, and Galinda flinched.

"Hey! Don't do that! It tickles!" She grinned, and kept walking into Elphaba. Elphie didn't mind, but she felt her face go red for a moment. Galinda leaned her head on Elphie's shoulder, and sighed.

"Remind me to always hustle during a test."

"But than you might fail," Elphaba pointed out, finally getting to their dorm and trying to get the key.

"Oh well, I guess looks can't get me through life, huh?" She smiled.

Elphaba rolled her eyes. "They'll get you pretty far, my dear."

Galinda did a dramatic gasp. "Are you calling me a slut?"

Elphaba stared at her. "Oh, no, never, Galinda!"

Galinda just laughed. "Oh come on, Elphie, you know I'm kidding. You're lucky, you can never be called that,"

Elphaba tilted her head, and said "Damn it, I hate these keys… wait, why not?"

Galinda laughed. "Elphaba, you couldn't be a slut if you tried!"

Elphaba put on a shocked hurt face. "I'm hurt now Miss Galinda," she finally found the key and opened the door. "I'm not going to speak to you for the rest of the evening."

Galinda threw her arms around Elphaba's waist and clung onto her. "No, Elphie, you have to talk to me! You're the bestest friend I've ever had in my life!" She gave Elphaba the puppy eyes, but still hung onto her.

Elphaba just laughed. "You are the biggest suck up ever."

Galinda laughed. "So what?! It's my job,"

The blonde finally pulled herself off of Elphaba and fell down on her bed. "I'm tired. I don't like making up a stupid test when I could be out doing something a lot more interesting,"

"I agree with you there," Elphaba said, sitting on her bed. "I hate taking tests altogether, and taking on after hours is even worse."

"With a stupid professor!" Galinda added, knowing this time she wouldn't get in trouble. She paused. "You don't like taking tests?" She asked, shocked.

"Are you kidding me?" Elphaba let her back fall onto the bed. "I hate tests and quizzes and homework. You thought I did?"

Galinda looked at her. "Elphaba Thropp, you spend almost every waking hour studying." She paused again. "Don't tell me… you're studying for fun?" She looked horror-struck.

"Galinda what is wrong with you?!" Elphaba sat up and stared. "I study so I can pass the tests, not because I enjoy it."

"Oh, come on Elphie, don't go all wicked on me," Galinda laughed at the word.

"What're you laughing at now, Glin?" Elphaba asked, rolling her eyes but smiling.

"Well, it's just that you could never be that either if you tried!"

"Be what?" Elphaba tilted her head.

"Elphaba Thropp, you could never be wicked even if you tried!"

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