"We brought one of Grim's kids Oogie!" Shock said.

"Good." Oogie said in a greedy way.

Billy looked around for the Easter chocolate. He saw none but then he saw the Oogie Boogie. "Easter Bunny!" Billy yelled jumping up and hugging the Oogie Boogie.

"I am not the Easter Bunny!" Oogie yelled in annoyance trying to push Billy off.

"Well if you're not the Easter Bunny, who are you?" Billy demanded. He was tired of not finding the Easter Bunny if this was Eastertown.

"I am the Oogie Boogie! I gamble with people's lives! I think I might do that to you!" Oogie laughed.

"What are we gambling for?" Billy asked

"I'm afraid you don't understand..."Oogie started.

"I get it exactly!" Billy said firmly and angered.

"What do you get?" Lock asked suspicious of what Billy 'got'

"I get that you don't have any chocolate bunnies and you are an Easter Bunny fraud! For Eastertown, this place is lacking in Easter Bunnies, Easter shrimp, chocolate and the Easter Platypus!" Billy yelled.

"GOD HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS????????!!!!!!!! THIS IS HALLOWEENTOWN NOT EASTERTOWN!!!!!!!!!!" Oogie yelled in exasperation.

"It's not Eastertown?" Billy asked.

"IT'S NOT!" Shock yelled.

"Sorry to have wasted your time." Billy said in a faux formal way.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave...not until our special guests arrive." Oogie laughed menacingly.

"Who are our 'special guests'?" Billy asked doing a motion of his first two fingers going up and down like quotation marks.

"You know them quite well... Grim Jack and the angry tree stump."

"Mandy." Billy said. "And I don't know Jack."

"Got that right." Barrel laughed and Oogie, Shock and Lock looked at him mad.

"No one corrects the Oogie Boogie except the Oogie Boogie!" Oogie said as he strapped Billy to a roulette wheel with Grim's picture on it. "Time to play roulette of death!"

Meanwhile Grim used his scythe to try and find Billy. "Knowing Bignose, Oogie will have done someting horrible to him." Grim said. "Actually da'd be kind of cool."

"Grim..."Mandy and Jack said. Mandy said it angered but Jack said it reproachfully.

"Fine whatever mon." Soon the sack trail ended and they fund Oogie's hideout. "We should find Billy here." Jack said.

"Good." Mandy said monotonously. They stared at the tunnel to Oogie's lair. "You first!" they said pointing to the person on their right. Mandy pointed to Grim, Grim pointed to Jack and Jack pointed to Mandy.

"Youngest first." Grim teased Mandy.

"Skinniest." She said picking up Grim. "Mon dat'd be Jack!" Grim wailed

"It's just the suit." Jack said casually.

"You babies." Mandy said sliding down the chute into Oogie's lair. Once down below, Jack said, "You first" to Grim.

"No you!" Grim said. "Rock paper scissors?" he suggested. Rock Paper Scissors shoot! Jack did paper, Grim did rock.

"Paper beats rock you first." Jack laughed and Grim slid down. Then Jack slid after him. There was a THUD! And Mandy noticed Jack. "Where are we?"

"In the lair of the Oogie Boogie." Jack said.

"Fine we know where we are but where is Billy?!" Grim said pulling himself together.

"Probably down this way. Oogie likes to gamble." Jack said wisely. A sound of a roulette wheel was heard and Billy was going "Whee!"

"Billy! Mon it sounds like he's having fun!" Grim said.

Mandy followed the noise and saw Billy spinning. "I'm gonna be sick! BLEGH!" and Billy threw up.

"Ewwwwwww.' Mandy said. Oogie heard Mandy's disgust and looked over. "Grim's other kid!"

"I own Grim!" Mandy said grabbing the roulette wheel. Billy then flew off and hit a slot machine.

"That hurt!" Billy laughed.

"You own Grim. That's rich!" Oogie laughed in disbelief.

"I do! And you are going to let Billy go or else!" Mandy said in anger.

"Or else what?" Oogie asked. He was getting a little afraid of her. No one was this evil before.

"I take your butt and shove you down the seven layers of Hell!" Normally this threat wouldn't scare Oogie but Mandy was something else.

"Okay I'll let him go!" Oogie said as he untied Billy leaving Lock Shock and Barrel.

"Well?" Mandy said as they ran of screaming, "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Jack and Grim followed the source of the noise.

"What went on here?" Jack asked looking around puzzled.

"Business." Mandy said simply. Jack looked confused. He looked to Grim for an explanation. "She's like that mon." Grim sighed.

"Well if all is in order; Grim take us home." Jack said. Grim waved his scythe and they were back in Halloweentown square. "Well Grim so long! Remember to write your big brother!" Jack waved.

"Yeah maybe I'll do dat mon." Grim laughed.

"Let's go home!" Mandy demanded.

"Yeah I've been here for 10 years and not one chocolate bunny!" Billy said in a stupid over estimate of time. He was both angry and sad; he loved chocolate.

"Grim do one thing for me." Jack sighed as Sally went up to him.

"What mon?" Grim asked

"Take him to Eastertown." Sally laughed. "Let him have some fun there."

"Yeah mon. So long!" Grim waved his scythe and they left. Halloweentown and Oogie brought the brothers Jack and Grim closer together again.