To 2001!
Chapter 1
"I'll get you, you wascally wabbit!" Elmer Fudd shouted. I giggled a bit. The cartoon rabbit ran off of the screen, followed by funny music. Then the cartoon went off. I laughed and went to go get more popcorn.

I was filling the bowl when I heard a small thud. Burglars?

"God, Skye, ya gotta lay of the sugar," I murmured. I went back to emptying my popcorn into a bowl. I sat the bowl in a large red armchair and went down the hall to get a blanket. I walked back down the hall. But something about my chair caught my eye. It was turned around. I hadn't left it that way.

All I could think of was that guy that escaped from prison yesterday. He'd been on the news 24/7 since they found out. I picked up my friend the baseball bat and softly put my hand on the chair. I whipped the chair around.

"Auuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhh!" I shrieked. There was a clueless looking guy sitting in the chair. He had on some sort of Army uniform. I lifted the baseball bat.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" he yelled. I whacked him across the kneecaps with the bat. I picked up the first thing I could find (which happened to be a shoe) and beat him over the head with it. He slumped back in my chair, obviously knocked out.

"Oh crunk! I KILLED him! Oh man, oh man!" I shrieked and ran around in circles. I took a deep breath a walked over to the man. I found a pulse, and I was actually very relieved that I really HADN'T killed him. He groaned and sat up. Man, he was gonna kick my butt. He was a grown man and I was a teenaged girl.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Uhhhh, Skye. Skye Rocket," I said slowly. "But who are you and WHY are you in my house?" I asked.

"Rafe McCawley, ma'am." Hmmm, the name sounded kind of familiar.

"Don't call me ma'am," I said crossly. He looked a little bit surprised. I slapped my forehead. "Doomed, I'm doomed to have weird things happen to me!"

"Well, ma'am, that's very interesting, but do you know where Evelyn is?" Rafe said slowly. I looked up at him and shook my head.

"...And where's my plane?" he continued to rant. I shook my head.

"How am I supposed to know?" I asked, agitated. All of a sudden, Rafe caught sight of the TV. How he hadn't noticed it before, I have no idea.

"Wow, what does this do?" he asked, pushing buttons. The TV suddenly turned on. Rafe yelped and pulled out his gun.

"Look out ma'am! I won't let it hurt you!" I rolled my eyes and picked up the remote. The TV turned off. Rafe looked at me.

"Where'd it go?" Rafe asked suspiciously.

"It's a TV. You turn it off when you don't want to watch it anymore," I said. He looked confused. "You watch shows and movies on it."

"But look, seriously Rafe, where did you come from?" I asked.

"I dunno! I was playing chicken with Danny at Pearl Harbor and we were blowin' up the Japanese planes and then poof! I was here!" He explained, using elaborate hand gestures. I made a confused face and nodded.

"So you're telling me that you're stuck here?" I asked.

"Well, ma'am, it seems that way." I groaned and banged my head of the wall.

"Listen, my mom and dad will be gone for two weeks. I'm here with my brother. So while they're gone, you can stay here."

"Oh, thank you ma'am!" he said in a sickeningly enthusiastic way.

I sighed.

"It's gonna be a long two weeks."