I do not own American Dragon Jake Long or any of the characters associated with it. I want to thank my readers for sticking through and reviewing!

Where is it coming from? The Huntsman glared down at Rose. He turned her over and saw nothing but a slight red mark across her neck. But it was definitely Rose that was bleeding – not Rotwood. Then he saw it.

Her entire arm was covered in blood with a large gash at the very top. She had fallen onto the knife, but thankfully not in a critical spot. It was likely she would survive, but the loss of blood would be tremendous if it weren't bandaged within the next few minutes.

Quickly the Huntsman injected Principal Rotwood with a potion to make him partially forget that Rose was Huntsgirl. If he were to ever find out again that she was, he would remember what he had done to her, but for now he would forget.

"Come girl, let's get you home," he leaned down next to Rose and returned them to the lair.


"You'll be okay," the Huntsman ran his large hand over her mangled hair. He cleaned up all of the blood and stitched up her arm. She was beginning to regain some composure in her face and seemed to be less tense. Her common white shirt had been slightly torn and faded. Her pink pants were dripped with blood, and were now ratted out at the bottom. Naturally she would be requesting money and time to buy some new clothing. He should get her a new mask while he had she was out; it was beginning to look faded again.

He sat on the stool next to the table that Rose was stretched out across; a syringe in his hand with a familiar drug within it.

He slowly lowered it to her arm and pushed the metal needle through her soft delicate skin. Slowly all of the liquid was drained from the plastic tube and was now flowing through her blood stream. He stroked her hair once more and waited for Huntsgirl to wake.

"Master?" her soft voice murmured an hour later.

"Huntsgirl, good to see you once more."

"Are we safe?"

"For now, yes. How are you feeling?"

"Still weak, but a bit more comfortable. How did you?"

"It's not important, I just did," he cut her off. The Huntsman helped Huntsgirl sit up and handed her a bottle of water and the vitamin. Rose swallowed it and felt her entire body become renewed – it felt good. Gosh, I probably shouldn't be taking this if that's what it's going to do to my body, but for now, it's all good. She thought.

The Huntsman walked her upstairs and laid her down into her bed. "Don't worry about school tomorrow. Take a day to relax, you've done well."

"Thank you… Master," Rose drifted off to sleep.

The Next Day – Noon.

"I want her out of Rotwood's class! I don't care that it's the middle of the semester! The advanced class is too much; I want her back into a normal one! So what if she's got an A- average? Don't use that tone with me! I know what's best for her, and I want her out of that class!" the Huntsman argued with Rose's counselor. "Yes by tomorrow! You have all day to rearrange her classes! How hard can that be? Good. Great. I'll have her come into the office to pick up her new schedule first thing tomorrow. Talk to you soon. Bye," he hung up.

Rose was sitting on her bed listening to the entire conversation – or at least the Huntsman's half. She was going to be so embarrassed to walk into that office after the harassment the Huntsman had just put her counselor through. She loved her counselor and hated that her "uncle" had treated her so badly. The Huntsman hadn't bugged her much that day and went along with his normal business of training and plotting.

Jake had been a nervous wreck all day that Rose wasn't at school. What if Rotwood had been able to kill her? What if he still had her? What if the Huntsman did something to her in return! Trixie and Spud tried to relieve his mind, but to no prevail. Even that afternoon at the skate park Jake couldn't concentrate. They'd just have to wait and see – or would he?

That Night – 10:00 PM

"Rose," the Huntsman freely entered Rose's room.

"Yes Master?" Rose turned to the overly muscular man.

"I'm taking 88 and 89 back to Arizona before dawn tomorrow morning to finish their training. Will you be okay at school?"

"I'll be fine Master. I've got a feeling Rotwood won't be a pain from now on. Thank you for saving me," Rose spoke the words she never thought she'd say.

"Don't forget to receive your new schedule before school, and make sure you're taking your vitamins every night."

"Don't worry about that, sir. I learned that I need them. Trust me."

"Good. Have a peaceful rest."

Rose's Dream

"Rose!" Jake stood from a chair.

"Hey dragon," she sighed happily.

"Are you all right? What happened? I thought you'd be here sooner?"

"I'm fine, Jake. Some things happened between Rotwood and the Huntsman that I still have yet to find out. Trust me though, things should turn back to normal soon," they hugged.

"Are you sure he didn't hurt you?"


Fillmore Middle School – Hallways

"Rose!" Jake shouted in joyous triumph.

"Hey there Jake! How are you guys doing?" she was cheery once more – mostly from the drug, but it was cool.

"Uh oh, Rotwood at seven o' clock!" Trixie warned.

"Good morning students. How vas your night?" he welcomed.

Rose stared at him not knowing what to say. He did horrible things to her, and yet he couldn't remember any of it, so he couldn't feel any remorse. It filled her with rage.

"Good," the all replied in unison.

"Rose, I see you have transferred back into my homeroom. I'm glad zhat schedule glitch – whatever happened last veek – got corrected. See you all soon children," he left to his classroom.

"You got your hours changed?" Spud looked at the paper in Rose's hand.

"Yes, all of them! I'm in more classes with the three of you now. Won't that be great?" she smiled.

"Perfect!" Jake returned the glow. "Rose, what happened to your arm? I've noticed it for a little while now, and I thought that your burn was gone?"

"I'm not sure. The Huntsman is still nervous about answering questions of what happened last night."

"Do you think he did it?" Trixie inquired

"The Huntsman? No, of course not. He's the one that took care of the wound. Rotwood? Yes, definitely. He had a knife if I can remember correctly." Rose thought as hard as she could.

"Wait, how do you not remember?" Jake remembered.

"I let myself faint – I know, bad idea. The answers will come eventually," she trusted as the first bell rang. "The Huntsman's gone tonight again with 88 and 89, do you three want to go get dinner or something? The Huntsman already gave me thumbs up?"




"All right then, I'll meet you guys outside the old lair say around six-ish?" she suggested as the second bell rang.

"We better get going," Jake determined.

"We all don't want to be late to Rotwood's class," Trixie moaned.

"I don't think my record could take another tardy?" Spud counted the millions of counts on his Middle School record.

"Rose, are you sure that you're going to be okay in a class with Rotwood?" Jake stopped her from entering the classroom with a minute to spare before the final bell.

"It's kind of weird Jake. I'm scared to death of him trying to pull that stunt again, but at the same time calmer after the Huntsman drugged his memory. I can't always live in fear of my German Middle School Principal/Teacher, but I can't let my guard down either. I know that I can trust in my senses and the Huntsman's taught me many ways in self-defense. I'm never leaving the house again without my staff and an extra vitamin tucked into my pocket. Then there's always you that I know can protect me," she sighed confused. "I suppose that even though we can avoid him, act like nothing's wrong, stick out this last year with Rotwood, subconsciously, He Knows."


Thanks to everyone for reading and reviewing! I had a lot of fun writing this story and am almost sad it's over. I'm glad you all enjoyed it so much, and I look forward to writing much more in the future! Thanks!
