
It started out a normal day for Maria Deluca. Going to the Crash down, working some over time, talking to her friends (Liz, Isabel, Michael, Max, Kyle, and sometimes Tess), sometimes just hanging out, you know… the usual. By this time Max, Isabel, and Tess had already left. Kyle was eating fries and a Will Smith burger. Michael was there pretending to be drinking water (with Tabasco sauce) and also eating fries. Then he walked in. Maria walked up to the man all dressed in black. "May I help you sir?" she asked him "Why yes you can. Are you by any chance Maria Deluca?" he asked not looking up from the table. Upon hearing this Michael and Kyle stood up. Liz walked in from the back carrying a tray from the back. "Yes I am." She replied. "Good… good" he said standing up. He placed his hand on her shoulder "Maria Deluca… You're under arrest for murder. You need to come with me to answer some questions." He said grabbing her wrist. Everyone was shocked. Liz dropped the tray. Kyle fell back into his chair. Michael… well, Michael just stood there for a second before laughing out loud.

The man just stood there holding Maria with her hands behind her back and blinked at him. "What's so funny? A witness says he saw you at the murder of Sara Marie O'Connell, and why are you still laughing boy?" the man showing them all his badge and identification. Michael only laughed harder. "Maria kill someone who isn't me? No way in hell." He said which made Kyle laugh a little. "He has a point." He breathed. Even Liz smiled at that one. "Well that doesn't change the fact that she was seen at the seen of the crime exactly two blocks from here. She's coming with me." He said grabbing her shoulder and forcing her out the door. "Hey that hurts. Could you be a little less grabby?"