Chapter 19-That was last year
--Megan's Point of View--
Megan quickly disappeared to the girls dormitory to get away from Draco for a bit. She dropped her books heavily by the side of her bed and fell backwards on her bed. Megan lay back on her bed thinking about when she snapped at Draco before dinner.
"I guess I should go say sorry." Megan decided after a while. As Megan stood to leave the 5th year girls dormitory someone entered the room.
"Um, hey Megan." the girl said.
Megan looked over to see who it was, "Oh, hi Lilly. How was you're first day?" Megan asked trying to be pleasant.
"It was pretty good. It's completely different from Durmstrang, can't wait to go back after Christmas. What about you?" Lilly said sitting down two beds away from Megan.
"Yea, it will be a blast being back at Durmstrang." Megan smiled.
"So, we friends?" Lilly said after a few minutes of awkward silence.
"Yea! Sorry about the what happened on the train yesterday. I just can't stand Amy…" Megan said her voice trailing off.
"Yea, sorry for bringing it up." Lilly apologized.
"Is Draco still in the commons?" Megan asked.
"No, I think he went of to his drom after you left him." Lilly smiled.
"Okay, thanks." Megan smiled before dashing out of her drom and up the stairs across the commons and down to the boys dormitory.
"Draco?" Megan asked slowly as she neared the only bed with curtains already pulled around it.
Megan received no answer so she slowly pulled the curtain to the side seeing Draco sitting there wide awake.
"Draco?" Megan said again.
"Oh, hi." Draco said looking over at her, he didn't make any move for her to join him he just looked away.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to snap at you like that." Megan said dropping her eyes feeling guilty.
"It's ok, I know you didn't mean to." Draco replied, "Come here, you."
Megan smiled and crawled into the bed and sat down between his legs as he wrapped his arms around her. Megan leaned back against his bare chest, he had already changed into his sweats.
"Hey!" Megan said giggling pulling away from Draco.
"What?" He asked innocently.
"Oh, never mind." Megan said before leaning back into his arms.
"Draco!" Megan squealed as he kissed her neck a few seconds after she had leaned back into his arms.
"What?" Draco asked with a mischievous smile on his face before going back to what he was doing. Megan didn't pull away this time but melted back into his arms as a tingling sensation pulsed through her body. Draco continued on his mission, kissing her neck leaving small bruises in his path. His mission was simply to tease Megan and he knew it was working quite well but he was having to much fun himself to stop.
Minutes seemed to fly by as Draco kissed every part of Megan's neck. Megan left a soft, long moan slip from her mouth and Draco suddenly pulled away.
"Megan!" Draco grinned.
"Don't stop." Megan begged.
"Megan!" Draco laughed.
"What?" She asked.
"Didn't we say we weren't going to do this at school?" Draco asked smiling as her as she turned to face him.
"That was last year." Megan giggled.
"Megan!" Draco said out of surprise.
"What?" She said again.
"Do you really want to do this right now?" He asked, although he knew he wanted it just as much as she did at the moment.
"Oh, fine…" Megan sighed.
"Maybe some other time, some other place other then my dorm." Draco said as Megan slumped back into his arms.
"Okay." Megan said weakly.
They sat for a few minutes before someone entered the dorm.
"Hey Megan, Draco." Regulus said without even looking over at the two of them.
"Hey!" Megan responded.
"I'm going to go to bed." She whispered to Draco.
"Oh, okay." Draco said sounding depressed.
"I love you." Megan said kissing Draco goodnight before leaving.
"I love you more!" Draco called after her.