Chapter 1-The Minister of Magic
--Megan's Point of View--
Megan was sitting on the edge of Draco's bed, she had been at Draco's mansion for about a week and a half. Her mother had just sent her a letter saying she had to go to her father's house on Sunday, she wasn't in the best of moods.
"It can't be that bad." Draco said trying to cheer her up as she packed clothes to last her about two weeks.
"Okay, that's what you think. You're gonna be wishing I was still here one hour after I left.
"And you're point is? I'll be coming over twice a week and staying the night so I may just come the next day." Draco smiled weakly.
"I- well…" Megan tried but she couldn't find anything to fight against what he had just said.
"Megan! Draco! We are going out to eat in an hour so get ready, and wear you're nicest formal clothes." Narcissa said.
"Who are we having dinner with?" Draco asked before his mother left.
"The Minister of Magic and some of you're father's colleges." Narcissa smiled.
Megan found one of her formal dresses from the past Balls and slipped it on, Draco found his best black tuxedo.
"So, what does you're dad do exactly at the Ministry, other then spy for the Dark Lord?" Megan asked as she curled her hair.
"He's a governor of some sort. I don't really now what he does though." Draco answered slowly.
An hour later they arrived for dinner all looking their best for the supper or meeting or whatever this was. The minister and the other men sitting around the table stood as they approached the table. Draco and Lucius pulled a chair out for Megan and Narcissa before sitting when they ladies had sat down the other men sat down other then Cornelius Fudge who shook Mr. Malfoy's hand before speaking.
Megan tuned then out and sat twisting Draco's engagement ring around her left ring finger until Draco took her hand to make her stop.
When the dessert arrived at their table Lucius was speaking business to Fudge when he stopped mid-sentence and grimaced, Lucius looked to a man with the last name Rookwood who also grimaced the same time and then Lucius looked to his wife who nodded.
"Minister, I will be right back." He walked away towards the bathroom.
Lucius was gone for 10 to 15 minutes, Megan guessed to were he had gone, to inform the Dark Lord and tell him Rookwood was not ignoring him but staying behind so the minister would not suspect anything.
When Lucius returned to the table he was extremely pale and looked very sick.
"I'm extremely sorry Minister, but I don't feel all that well. Me and my family," he motioned to Narcissa and Draco, "and my soon to be family will have to leave early." He finished motioning to Megan.