How tides can change

I don't own naruto but I do own Anko, Tayuya, and Hinata and if you have proof that I don't well…… come over here and don't notice the knife….. I kidding hehe



Demon and inner talk

Demon and inner thinking

Last Time

"We'll I guess it was nice to meet you…. Brother…." Naruto said looking to the grass at his feet

"Brother?" Hito asked looking back to Naruto with a curious look on his face

"Well I guess that it what we would be since we are from the same being" Naruto said trying not to cry

"Hmm I guess it would mean something like that….. Goodbye brother" Hito said as he disappeared with his kyuubi

"Well meet again… brother…" Naruto said to himself as he turned to go back to the hospital to see the girls

Chapter 10 a long wait for my crappy writing

Walking into the hospital room Naruto notices all of the girls are awake and are all looking a little mad at him so tries to diffuse the situation with a "why are you girls still here?" making the girls go crazy and try to make it so that he would be in that damn room for a month more at least but he escaped by using Hinata as a shield

"Oh that is so low Naruto – kun…." Sakura said with Anko but with Anko looking like she was going to actually do something to him so he hides more from her using Hinata who is having the time of her life hoping that Anko jumps on her so they- uhh well stop there…..

After a few hours of mindless talking and playing around they all notice the white fox with the collar making all of the girls surround it and pet it saying kawai over and over not seeing Naruto's face go through a few emotions (he's finally getting stuff from the merge)

going up to the fox he commands it to change her appearance making the now girl blow all of the other girls nose to get the blood out cause she showed up with only her collar on and didn't look embarrassed that she was naked in front of them

"hello master what do you wish for me to do?" is all that she said to get Naruto a one way ticket into the wall from Tayuya's and Anko's hits for treating a girl like this and not them (do you think that would be weird cause I do….) then Sakura just sat next to the girl looking at her body for a while then looked away with a blush but everyone saw her look (it lasted like a whole minute lol) so of course Anko was the nicest of them all

"Not having dirty thoughts are you Sakura – Chan? Or are you" Anko said with a hint of perverseness in her voice

"n-no!" Sakura yelled looking at the white haired girl in a very private place and even licking her lips

"hmm it looks like you are looking somewhere around here" Anko said while she pulled Hinata's pants down and started rubbing her which made Hinata stiffen up out of embarrassment since she didn't know who the new girl was so she pulled her pants up fast

"Aww Hinata – Chan what happened to the playful side of you?" Anko said with a pout

"n-normally I would let you Anko – Chan but I-I don't know who this girl is" even though the girl did call Naruto – Sama master and she looks good enough to eat…. Hinata said ending with a little bit of drool from the sight of the girl

"Well I guess I am interrupting something?" Kurenai said as she walked in seeing a naked girl on the bed she was sure she never met, Naruto in the wall , and all of the girls just looking at certain places and drooling

"n-no Kurenai – sensei! We were just wondering who this girl was…" Hinata said

"Well what's your name?" Naruto said standing behind everyone looking entirely fine

"Aiyoku" was all the white haired girl said

"Where are you from?" Naruto asked next

"Land of snow" Aiyoku said again without much feeling in it

"Why are you acting like this?" Naruto said a little loudly from him getting impatient

"Don't you want me to be submissive?" Aiyoku said looking confused

"No I want you to be you!" Naruto said not catching that she was only wanting his input

"Very well" Aiyoku said suddenly getting a small smile and a blush

"There that is a lot better!" Naruto said

"So would you like to mark me now Naruto – sama?" Aiyoku asked

"Mark?" Naruto and all of the others asked

"Hai I am your servant and I have to be you mate as well" Aiyoku said

"What!" they all yelled at her

"Is this not how your clan works Naruto – Sama?" Aiyoku asked

"Oh damn! I forgot that there were all of those rules about girls!" Naruto said

"So shall you mark me now?" Aiyoku asked getting into a position that had Hinata and the rest of the girls want to jump on her

"Uhh no that's alright I haven't marked any of the other girls yet so you don't have to be either" Naruto said taking a step back into the crater

"Wait she wasn't meaning sex?" Anko and all of the other girls asked except Kyuubi and Aiyoku

"No she didn't she meant to mark her into my kitsune harem by biting her neck and pretty much making her a half hanyou" Naruto said not thinking the girls would make anything out of it

"What do you mean that we aren't in your harem!?" all of the girls yelled just like last time (minus Kyuubi and Aiyoku I mean)

"Of course you are I just thought you girls wouldn't want to be running around with tails and lusting everywhere!" Naruto said quickly adding "that's why I didn't mark you" at the end

"Well I guess you have to mark all of us then Naruto – Sama" Hinata said in a sultry voice easily making Naruto do as she wished

Taking a few steps forward Naruto said "you know we have to have just finished sex for me to mark you…." Getting some grins from the girls and then all he knew was heat and darkness

Next day

waking up was a favorite thing for Naruto Uzumaki cause it meant ramen to him so when he woke this morning he was happy until he saw tails all surrounding him and naked girls all over

remembering what happened last night he gets happy again but sighs and wakes up someone who he didn't think he would see "Kurenai – sensei?" waking up the raven haired beauty was easy but getting a straight answer from her wasn't

"So why do you have a tail too?" Naruto asked

"Because I was involved with last night's activities" Kurenai replied

"So do you wish to be in my harem?" Naruto asked getting a faint blush out of some of the girls that were faking sleep and listening to the conversation

"Maybe do you like me?" Kurenai responded not admitting anything

"Hmm yes do I take that as a yes to you being in the harem?" Naruto stated

"I believe so" Kurenai said but was tackled from all sides by the other girls except Hinata who was really sleeping

Day of the chunin exams

Running into the building very mad was Tayuya because she just learned she couldn't participate in the exam since it has to be teams of three so she was wanting to a) beat the hell out of some genin and b) do Naruto senseless for good luck (that's what she'll call it)

Getting to the center of the room she started to yell "where's the fucknut" but only got to where since a brown haired girl that had her hair in buns and a boy who had pale eyes like Hinata approached her looking wary

"Umm are you Tayuya?" the brunette asked slowly trying to not get on the enraged girls bad side

"Yes so who fucking wants to know?" Tayuya yelled at the girl only getting a "Tenten" in response and the raven haired boy just looked at her like… well like she wasn't there

"What the fuck is your problem?" Tayuya yelled at the boy but would have gotten a better reaction from a rock

"My problem is that I now have two weak females on my team at least the idiot had his perks….." At the word perks the girls swore they saw a blush but it was gone before anything could be said

"I am not on your team and I am definitely not weak fagass!" Tayuya yelled definitely and shared a smile with Tenten when she called him fagass

"Such uncouth words from you but it is to be expected from one so… vile…. Fate has not been nice to you it seems…" Neji (I hope you guessed by now) said with the usual hyuuga drawl and looking down at her not noticing a tail about to crush him until Tayuya shooed it away with a look to which if Neji had know what it truly was he might not have ignored it but would have been thanking her on hand and foot (in her mind) since the tail belonged to one very angry fox boy who had that murderous look in his eyes from hearing what the hyuuga had said

"Not even worth my time" Tayuya said while she was starting to turn away until Tenten stopped her by saying "a-ano were on the same team for the chunin exam…." Making Tayuya look behind her at the two genin

"w-What the FUCK! I get taken away from Naruto- sama to be stuck with some stick in the ass and well… you seem to be alright…maybe I should introduce you to Naruto – sama…" Tayuya said the last part with her own kind of healthy blush which also included a evil smile that had Tenten worried about her innocence during the time for the exam but was relieved when Tayuya paid them no more mind and started following a blond boy up to the door that was being guarded by two guys

"Alright let me through guys" Naruto started off allowing them to think he would fall for the obvious genjutsu and that they started to strafe to his sides

"Oh we don't think you're good enough for this exam" one started

"Yea we should know since this is our third year" the other added in while starting to smile since the blond didn't seem to notice the peril that he was in

"oh maybe you two just suck so much that you think I would fall for you little game" Naruto said cutting the guy's delusion and they tried to get in a quick attack but the Naruto they tried to hit was an illusion so they ended up hitting each other then the real Naruto dropped from the ceiling knocking one out with a simple chop to the neck but mule kicked the other into the wall then he just walked up the stairs acting as if nothing just happened

after everyone got over the fact that two people were knocked out they followed the yellow bri- I mean the blond hehe which led them to the actual testing room were they all got in groups to talk about many topics but most of it was "did you see that guy ? I barely saw him move" and "we should watch out for that guy" which all of it made Naruto warm and fuzzy inside because his plan was working to get intimidation points so he could scare all of the other genins into submission if he had to even though he was fairly certain he could beat everyone in here

after a minute of everyone of the rookie nine now ten a teenager that had silver hair and glasses on walked over telling them to be quiet and he introduced himself as Kabuto and offered to let them see his ninja info cards to which Sasuke practically yelled Naruto from the leaf but he didn't get what he wanted because Kabuto only had Naruto's favorite list of ramen for some reason then Ibiki appeared with a giant cloud of smoke surrounded with chunins with him yelling "alright you maggots settle down or you fail!" which got everyone to do just what he said

After everyone sat down Naruto noticed he was sitting right next to Hinata who had that look in her eye but knew she wouldn't do anything in the middle of a classroom….. Hopefully

After the exam started Naruto was really worried because he didn't know how to answer any of the questions I mean who would know "how tall is the famous mist missing nin Zabuza and how many bowls of rice exactly can he eat?" and he lived with the girl who knew everything about him! So, he did what any ninja would do (in his mind) and drew all over the test then copied one answer from Hinata after she elbowed him after she saw what he was doing

after a while the examiner said stop and asked whoever wants to take the last question had the chance to but if they got it wrong then they can never advance above genin which was met by outrage from lots of the examinees and many left but Naruto started yelling and dispelled everyone's fears when he noticed Sakura raising her hand

after Ibiki said they passed the window shattered and a crazy lady who drew Naruto's interest started yelling to follow her while she started walking away with her purple hair gently bobbing with her large strides to the door and Naruto noticed she was only wearing fishnet and pants under her trench coat but the thing that drew him to her was her eyes which dispelled the entire fearsome appearance she was making because they hid fear and hate in them…. Very deeply and hidden very well…. but Naruto saw it and decided that the girl no woman needed to get help and who better than the resident demon?

Muahahahahahahahahahahaha second sage of the chunin exams next time and everyone should vote whether or not I should add Kin into Naruto's harem since she is one of the characters I don't really care if she is in or out so I will let the readers decide in or out?

and yes i know narut0o has already met anko and she is already in the harem so now you can think why i wrote all of that stuff muahahahahahaha! XD


Lord Leon Towasoki: you're idea is in consideration so I might use it

Phatpigeats:ya I think canon Moegi is but in this fic she's older but still a little younger than Naruto

Xyber-Dragoon: I'm trying to make it so that you can actually tell who is talking so hopefully this chapter is better

Wolvknight: lol everyone wants Sasuke to leave and get molested lol

king of death654321: alright she's in

Hiro Uzumaki: good reason and they are in lol

Adamrulesu: I am sort of good with computer stuff but what is OSM? And Moegi isn't that young in this fic

Imgonnadie: im sorry that your gonna die but you still have to send reviews lol and I will continue writing

Shiva-iceflame: lol sweet dreams indeed

Drake0x:all the girls you mentioned are in cause you gave good reasons or they were already in lol XD

warprince2000: updated so I hope you like this chapter! XD

spedclass: Tsunade is in the harem now (why not)

hope you all review and maybe even read the chapter (gasp!) but ill try to get next chapter out soon