Alternate Ending

Okay so it took me a couple of months but I decided to redeem myself. Also I came up with an alternate sort of story line for this story but I didn't really feel like doing it. So instead I decided to transfer all that to an alternate ending idea.

Sekhmet meowed and circled around Draco's legs. He looked down at the cat and nudged it lightly, trying to get it away. Normally he didn't care what Sekhmet did but right now he needed to focus on the papers in front of him. Sekhmet meowed again and started pawing at his legs.

"Just a minute." Draco said. The cat kept up its persistence and Draco could feel the tips of its claws against his leg. "Oh alright, what is it?" He stood up and watched Sekhmet trot over to a wall before she stood up and placed her hands on the wall, looking up. Draco followed its gaze to the clock then suddenly swore. How could it be so late and he didn't even notice? Better yet, how come no one was telling him that it was so late?

Okay so the cat was but that's beside the point.

He paused long enough to stare at a picture hanging on the wall. A gorgeous woman and two beautiful children, one boy, one girl, running around within the frame. The children constantly tackling the woman to the floor and laughing. Draco shook his head and went to get dressed.

He couldn't believe this was actually happening. After all this time, it was finally going to happen. He almost expected another disappearing act. Mind you, if that did happen, he knew where he'd look first…


The last place on Earth he ever expected to return to. He couldn't imagine why she'd willingly come here again but then, really, how much choice would she have? Draco walked across the rain soaked yard and blasted the door open. No point in being subtle after all. Another set of footsteps trailed behind him…Snape.

No point in leaving the man out of this. He would more then likely be needed.

"Let's just hope that your anger doesn't give us away too much." Snape muttered.

"They've already done the worse they can do." Draco said.

"Don't be so sure." Snape said. That wasn't something Draco wanted to hear but he didn't think about it. He wanted to end this, one way or another. If she was dead…he didn't want to be around, there was no point. If she wasn't…well then he was killing everyone else there that wasn't her or Snape just to make sure this never ever happened again.

They walked silently down the cold empty hallway, intent on getting to one specific room. Moments before they were to open it, however, a loud scream echoed out from down the hall. The two men looked at each other.

"My room." Draco said. With that, they ran, giving up on stealth since the screaming didn't end. Their pounding footsteps wouldn't be heard over that.

"You know, I much rather enjoy doing this." The cool voice of Lucius Malfoy drifted out along with the screams that had turned to painful groans. Draco's eyes narrowed dangerously as he and Snape rounded the corner to his old room. "You fighting back is so much more enjoyable then you not doing anything at all. It gives an extra sort of boost to…" He was cut off by Snape blasting the door open. Two wands pointed at the blonde haired man.

Draco glanced around at the bloodied room. Vines stretched up and covered a door on the far side from them. Two Death Eater bodies littered the floor between that door and Lucius. The older Malfoy stood over Grace. As battered and bruised as she was, bleeding from several wounds as well, Draco still couldn't help but think of how beautiful she was. He felt a sort of pride for her when he saw the determination in her eyes…her bright green eyes.

Right the vines. Now what were they for?

"Draco!" Grace suddenly shouted. Draco blinked then dove to the side to avoid a curse. It was only then that he realized that Snape had been stunned and Lucius had his wand pointed at his son. Draco also realized that he didn't have his wand now. This was what he got for staring at his girl.

"Don't think I won't do it." Lucius said, advancing on Draco. "I should kill you right now. You deceitful little traitor." Draco glared at Lucius, all of his hate and anger towards his father's actions against everyone, mostly Grace, boiling to the surface. "I think I'll break you first. Make you suffer and wish for death." Lucius waved his wand and Draco felt his arms and legs snap together. He was levitated up against the wall, facing Grace, who stared at him helplessly.

"I'm sorry…" Grace said.

"Time now, to end this." Lucius said, turning his wand on Grace. A bright green light filled the room.


"Malfoy, snap out of it!" Ron's voice broke through Draco's thoughts. The blonde glared at the red head.

"Weasley I do not appreciate the interruptions." Draco said.

"Well you should, you're gonna miss everything if you don't hurry." Ron said. Draco glanced around, realizing where he was. He was no longer at home but instead at Hogwarts. He barely remembered apparating to Hogsmeade and getting in a carriage.

"Hey! Everyone's getting antsy, let's go already!" Harry said, throwing up the door with one hand while adjusting his tie with the other.

"Keep your knickers on, Potter, I'm coming." Draco said. He led the boys outside. The weather was perfect, warm with a slight cooling breeze. The sun shone brightly.

"About time." Blaise said, watching the three boys move down the make shift aisle towards him.

"Bite me." Draco said.

"That's not my job." Blaise said. "That's theirs." He nodded at the two small children who were currently standing at the edge of the lake, McGonagall holding onto them to keep them from falling in. They would be two soon, in a few more months. It was hard to believe.

Draco couldn't help the smile that made its way to his face as he gazed over at the kids. Blonde haired, blue eyed little rascals. He saw McGonagall say something to them before leading them from the lake. Playful smiles were on their faces as they finally let go of the old woman's hands and bounded their way towards the four men. They instead took Draco's hands, the little girl looking up at him and smiling brightly.

"Time?" The boy asked.

"Yep." Draco said, just as music started and everyone that was there stood up. A very pregnant Hermione led a less pregnant Ginny and a none pregnant Fleur down the aisle towards everyone. Draco felt his hands getting squeezed by the kids as Snape came into view, holding the arm of a woman whose face was covered by a veil. He couldn't be curtain but he was pretty sure she was refraining from laughing. That made Draco smile and shake his head as the children giggled.

Snape released the woman when they reached Draco and he stood off to the side. Behind the veil, Draco could make out a smile.

"You were late." The woman said.

"Oh barely." Draco said. The boy let go of Draco's hand to take the woman's hand, giving Draco the chance to finally lift the veil and reveal Grace's face, her blue eyes sparkling happily as she gazed at him. "You're gorgeous."

"You're still gonna hear about it later." Grace said. Draco rolled his eyes then looked at McGonagall as she began the ceremony.

One day in August changed so much for Draco Malfoy and the woman he loved. A week before her fifteenth birthday, Grace was taken to be Voldemort's torture toy. Three years later, she met Draco. Two years after that, Draco and Snape found her once more and Snape murdered Lucius Malfoy to save her. And one more year later, Draco and Grace stood before each other, each holding a hand of one of their children, and saying their wedding vows.

All on the same day.

The (alternate) End

Okay so what do you guys think of this one? Better? I'd think so since so many people actually wanted this. I was given the idea a while ago to do a sequel involving Dawn and Aiden (the twins), as well as the rest of the children (I'd use the same names from the book on those). Basically it would be a sort of return of the Death Eaters sort of thing and perhaps a couple of the kids getting into trouble. I seem to do well with sequels, just not trilogies, lol.

Anyways, if I ever did that, I'd probably go with the original ending where Grace died so that she wouldn't be in the next story. Dawn and Aiden would probably know about the Elemental powers and both of them would probably have two each.