Sorry it took me so long to upadate. I had to jot down some ideas and all that. But don't worry, I have more in my head for the chapters to come. Oh and please read and review my other story Vanished. Remeber, the more you review my stories the more I'll review for you. Thanks again for the reviews, though and those of you who review my stories, expect to get some reviews from me for your stories. Thank you.

Alex's Car

She sat in her car completely astonished. Two complete strangers just informed her that they were Gordon Cahill's children. She didn't know what to believe anymore. There was only one thing to do; go see her father.

Gordon Cahill's

As she knocked on her father's door, she thought of how to approach the question; should she work her way to it or should she come out with it? She was very upset, she was enraged. If this was true, she didn't know if she could forgive her father. Not only had he cheated on her mother, but he also had kids on her and kept it from her. Then, the door opened revealing her 80-year-old father.

"Hello, Alex", he said cheerfully.

"Dad, I need to talk to you", she seriously stated walking into her father's living room.

"Why are you upset?" he asked.

"Dad, did you cheat on my mother?" she asked furiously.


"Answer my question", she exclaimed.

"…It was over 47 years ago", he hesitated.

"Did you have any kids?" she questioned.


"Dad! It's a simple question. Did you have any kids?"

"Sit down, sweetheart", he said trying his best to calm her down.

"No! I will not sit down, I want an answer to my question and I want it honestly answered", she cried out.

"…Forty-seven years ago I had an affair with a woman named Mary Anne Jones", he explained sitting down, "… After I left she wrote me and told me that she was pregnant. I didn't believe it… I couldn't believe it, Alex, so I pretended like it never happened… And after about 3 years I went back to see if she was telling the truth and she was, we had a son together".

"You're lying. She had two, dad. There was a woman who called me and said she was your daughter, too", she cried.

"Yes, I had another daughter".

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep it from me?"

"I don't know, Alex. I wanted to, I really did, but something kept telling me that it was best that you didn't know".

"It was best that I didn't know…", she cried trying to control her flowing tears, "Dad, I thought you changed. I honestly thought you had abandoned your old ways".

"Alex, that happened 47 years ago!"

"That's not the point… The point is you had 2 other children and you didn't even attempt to tell me!" she shouted angrily at her father walking out of the door, slamming it behind her.

Ranger Headquarters

Alex walked into the headquarters practically fighting her tears, holding in her anger. She wanted Walker, she needed Walker, he was the only one that could help her through this 'situation'… she thought.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" Sydney asked.

"Looking for Walker. Do you know where he is?"

"I don't think he's in his office, but I can try for you".

"No, that's okay, I'll go myself", she said turning and walking to the door.

"Alex, is everything okay?" Sydney asked her friend.

"Yea", Alex said faking a smile.

"Walker?" Alex called poking her head through the door.

"Come in", Walker said turning his chair to face his wife, "I thought you said you weren't coming in today".

"Oh, Walker", she cried running into her husband's arms.

"Alex, what's the matter?" he asked concerned at his wife's actions.

"My dad", she said, tears in her eyes.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes, but we had a fight", Alex replied sitting down.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Walker, I have a brother and a sister".

"That's silly, Alex, you're an only child", Walker said.

"That's what I thought, too… until today", Alex stated getting up and beginning to pace.

"What's the matter?"

"Today, a woman called me", Alex said calming down and sitting on a chair parallel to her husband, "she wanted to meet me. She said she heard a lot about me and she needed help with something. I told her to meet me at CD's. When I got there she told me something about me being her sister, Walker, so I had to go to my dad and talk to him. Turns out he had an affair and had two, not one, but two kids".

"Alex, I…".

"I can't believe he kept this from me. It hurts. I mean, I have two younger siblings and I don't even know them", she stated putting her head in her hands.

"Hey, honey, this is not your fault", Walker comforted her, "I'm sure if you knew you had brothers or sisters you would've been jumped to the chance of meeting them and getting to know them".

"That's just it, Walker, I'm not too sure that I would've. I don't know… I mean I don't blame them for anything… It's just that…", she trailed off trying to be as strong as her heart would let her, "I just feel a little bad for not wanting to know them right now".

"And I'm sure they can understand that, honey. They'll just have to give you some time to deal with this before you just jump into a relationship with them", he calmed her.

"How could he put me through this again, Walker?" Alex cried, Walker holding her.

Walker Ranch

Erica and Jimmy Trivette's car pulled down the laneway parking next to the Gage's. Getting out of the car, Jaliyah Trivette practically ran to her best friends Jessica Gage and Riley Walker.

"Hey guys", Jaliyah shouted running to their sides.

"Hey, Liyah", Riley said turning to face her friend.

"How do those braces feel, Riles?" Jaliyah asked.

"They kinda hurt", Riley explained, "But I'll get used to it… at least that's what the dentist says".

"So what's the latest in Trivette Daily?" Jessica asked sitting at the picnic table.

"Same old, same old. Eric's still grounded for mouthing off to dad", Jaliyah explained, "And Ethan's still trying to be like Eric, which is getting him into more trouble than Eric".

"Nothing too big then", Jessica stated.

"What about you, Jessie?" Riley questioned her friend.

"Justin got caught sneaking out with Lori Amado", Jessica informed her curious friends.

"Well other than Angela being grounded and Cheyenne going through her PMS crap, nothing's really going on. Oh, and then there's Corey's latest", Riley said waiting for her friends to ask knowing they would.

"What's up with him?" Jaliyah asked.

"Dad found out about him skipping classes from Mr. Burns and Corey got the whipping of a life time", Riley stated laughing at the memory.

"You guys still get spanked?" Jaliyah asked curiously.

"Yep. Dad never hesitates to take out the belt, especially on Corey", Riley laughed.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one then", Jessica sighed, "Mom just spanked the twins last night and she was so close to getting me too".

"Riley, Jessie, Jaliyah, get in this house right now! Dinner's ready" Sydney Gage yelled at the kids.

"Coming Aunt Sydney!" Jaliyah yelled back walking to the house.

Alex tried her best to look the opposite of the way she felt, which she failed. Sydney could sense something in her friend that just wasn't right and she was determined to get it out of her.

As Alex walked into the kitchen, Sydney and Erica followed her waiting for the right moment to ask her about her problem.

"Hey Alex", Erica cheerfully sounded as she set down the apple pie.

"Hi Erica", Alex said back.

"How are you?" Sydney asked walking closer to her friend.

"I'm great, Sydney, and you?" Alex asked wondering if her friends sensed something in her mood.

"I'm pretty good. What about you, Erica, anything on your mind?"

"No, Sydney, nothing on my mind", Erica said knowing by the look on Alex's face she was about to burst with information.

"What do you know?" Alex asked sitting on the kitchen chair.

"We don't know anything, Alex", Sydney stated.

"But we are worried about you", Erica said sitting next to her.

"Of course if you don't want us to know…".

"No… I've thought I was an only child for as long as I've been on this Earth. And today, that thought turned into a lie", Alex confessed.

"What?" Erica asked.

"Some woman claiming she was my long lost sister called me and told me some lie about needing my help. Naturally, I wanted to help her so I told her to meet me at CD's, which she did, with a man that claimed to be my long lost brother", Alex explained, "Of course I was shocked when they told me. So I went to my father's to confirm this information and found out they weren't lying".

"Oh, Alex", Sydney put her arms around Alex.

"This is just like my father, though. Going out and having an affair then getting that woman pregnant… twice. I just feel so betrayed by him once again", Alex clarified to her friends, "But I've also made a promise to myself… I've promised myself that I would not cry over him. He's caused me way too much pain and heartache and I won't allow him to do it all over again".

"Just know you have two friends that care about and love you very much", Erica said patting her on the shoulder.

"And we'll always be here for you", Sydney informed her exiting the kitchen, Erica following.

"Mom", Angela said.

"Did you hear that?" Alex asked her daughter.

"Yea, I did", Angela replied, "I'm really sorry, mom".

"It's okay, honey. I'm gonna be fine", Alex reassured her, "Go talk to your friends. Have fun while".

"Okay", Angela said, "But mom… grandpa should've told you. You don't deserve to be treated like that, especially from him, after all he's put you through. He should've told you about them, mom", Angela grabbed her mother into a hug, "I love you".

"I love you, too, Angel", Alex said kissing her daughter on the top of her head.

End Chapter 2